In case you're unaware, today is
"Everybody Draw Mohammed Day" on Facebook. You can go to that page and join in.
The point is a good and imprortant one, I think, so it shows the cohesion and unity of everyone who is against the suppression of free speech, of course.
But it's much more than that, too.
It shows that same unity and cohesion of people around the world who are against the threat of violence, at minimum, and actual violence against others, all because someone may have drawn a cartoon or picture of the leader of a religion. In this case, a picture of Mohammed.
What it is not is racism.
What it is not is hate.
What it is not is disrespect.
Those points need to be made and made clear.
So anyway, it's a big, weird day on Facebook, just so you know. Watch for it in the news. It is to be an annual event, too, according to the posted page. The zaniness is on the "Just Others" page, so you know.
When people are no longer threatened or, worse, beaten up for drawing pictures of religious leaders, it will go away.
It's all about tolerance and acceptance.
As Elvis Costello said, "What's so funny about peace, love and understanding?"
Have a great day, everyone.