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Showing posts with label tax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tax. Show all posts

Sunday, October 30, 2016

What Is It With KCPT and White People?

Image result for kcpt week in review with Nick Haines
(crackers.  far as the eye can see).

Okay, so I asked here 3 weeks ago about our local PBS station, KCPT and their local, weekly news program, "Ruckus" when they had a fully bleached-white guest panel.  I will note that, since then, for whatever reason, they've wisely and kindly had mixed-race guests. Hopefully, that will go into the future.

Now, this week, their local news program "Kansas City Week in Review" with the very British and wonderful Nick Haines discussed two issues this week--the upcoming Missouri tobacco tax and the Johnson County Public Safety tax.

On neither issue was their even one "person of color."

Just saying.

Now, we know there are no Black or Hispanic people in Johnson County, sure. (Right?). That's why everyone moved out there, all those years ago, of course. And still, to this day, we know there are no "people of color" in any positions of authority, in government offices out there. I'm just sure of it. (Is it even legal?).

But on that first question? The Missouri state tobacco tax?

Nothing but white people?

Over the entire state?

Just asking.

Link:  Kansas City Week in Review - KCPT

Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Time Has Come to Tax Trash in the US

Really, the time has long since come and gone that we need to tax trash.

Yes, tax trash.

Check out this one statistic:

In 2010, U.S. residents recycled 34% of their waste–an embarrassing amount compared to European countries like the Netherlands, Germany, and Austria, where people recycle almost all of their waste. In Sweden, people are so diligent about recycling that just 4% of all trash ends up in landfills...

We Americans figured, I think, we have all this space--quite unlike Europe--we don't have to care.

Well, we do have to care. The total municipal solid waste in 2012 alone was 251 million tons. (see link below). And that amount has surely risen greatly since then.

The time is now.

The more one throws away, the more you pay. It only makes sense. We need to do this.

In the first place, we throw away and waste far too much. We all know that. If we recycled only paper, aluminum and glass, alone, millions upon millions of pounds, if not tons, of products wouldn't go to waste dumps.

Second, surely we recognize we can no longer afford the soil, the Earth our waste dumps take up.

Third, there's the pollution it causes, the runoff into the soil and possibly into waterways. We have to recognize that--and that it must stop.

Then, there's the fact that it would be so very easy to do. And we could use the market economy to make this happen.

The smallest tax, employed to reduce this waste, would very likely have a huge,  positive effect.

And it's so simple. It's not like it wouldn't be understood.

The more your throw away, the more the hauler takes away, the more you pay. That's it. It makes far too much sense not to do this.

Can you imagine what we would save, what we would no longer waste, by doing this?

Think now about how much paper and plastic alone go into waste dumps just from corporate America--from the fast food industry alone.

We'd save the paper, we'd save the glass, we'd reuse the aluminum, all.

Then we'd be saving the land, saving our streams and saving forests.

No, this makes far, far too much sense.

We need to get on this.


 Municipal Solid Waste in the United States: Facts and Figures

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tax Day

''It's that time of year again, April 15, taxes. 

I know it's depressing, but just remember, you're paying for roads, bridges, hospitals, and an army to keep the nation free. 

Unfortunately that nation is Afghanistan.'' 


"Taxation Trap"

By blues legend T Model Ford, who passed, just last June:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Rebuttal to Ben Stein and the selfish rich

As a teenager, a favorite button a friend of mine mentioned, for a laugh, read "Eat the rich". Too frequently, in humankind's history and experience, it becomes a good idea, it seems. Have a great week, y'all.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

$300 "bloggers license"?

Did you see this? Philly requiring bloggers to pay $300 for a business license This seems to fall under the rule, if it moves (or makes money), tax it. (God forgive me, I'm paraprasing Ronald Reagan). Have a great day, y'all. Link to original story:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Here's an idea for taxation and corporations

Question and proposal: Why don't we have a minimum 10% tax on all businesses in the United States, regardless of deductions?

It could and should serve as a minimum requirement for working, living and benefitting from being in this country and having exposure to its markets.