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Showing posts with label ironic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ironic. Show all posts

Saturday, April 17, 2021

Question of the Day -- On "Pro-Life"

Professor Robert Reich asks a terrific question today.
"Wouldn't it be nice if pro-lifers focused on ending gun violence? Or suicide prevention? Or abolishing the death penalty? Or stopping police killings? Or fighting poverty? Or combating the opioid epidemic? Or ending wars? You know, things that would actually save lives?" --Robert Reich @RBReich

Monday, August 14, 2017

How's This For Irony, Kansas City?

Last evening, there was a local protest against the racism and ugliness and ignorance and even stupidity of the Charlottesville, Virginia protests and murder. There were lots of them, city to city, across the nation.

What was ironic about ours, you might ask?

Stand Against Hate
Sunday 5 PM · JC Nichols Memorial Fountain · Kansas City
Shared to People Power KC

It was held at a public fountain honoring a well-known racist. 

A person significantly, personally, publicly and professionally responsible for the segregation of our city that lasts and still exists and divides us and keeps people down right to today.