Proof, if--or as though--you need it:
-Iraq War
-Catastrophic, open-ended war
-Misrepresentation of reasons to attack Iraq
-Internationally illegal, unprovoked attack of another foreign, sovereign nation
-Complete lack of WMD's
-Guantanamo Bay
-Abu Ghraib
-Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice
-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
-Undersecretary of Defense Paul (I'm crazy and hungry for war) Wolfowitz
-Attorney General John Ashcroft (who actually turned out to do some good for the country after all, in denying the President and his staff the ability to "have their way" at the Justice Dept., with their illegal request)
-Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez (the stooley)
-Attorney General Michael (the shill) Mukasey
-Vice President Dick ("Darth Vader") Cheney
-Little or no planning for what to do after we, the US, attacked and invaded Iraq, again, against international law
-"Kangaroo" courts
-"Waterboarding" (like it's a fun thing)
-"Black Sites"
-Extraordinary rendition (from and by the United States)
-"No-bid" government contracts for corporations and other "Big Business"
-$147.00/barrel oil (due, largely, to illegal attack on Iraq)
-Gross Incompetence
-FEMA scandals
-Hurricane Katrina response
-Recess appointments
-Warrantless wiretapping
-Unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping
-"Signing Statements"
-Fired US Attorneys
-Politicization of the US Justice Department, specifically
-Politicization of the US Government, generally
-Outing an undercover CIA agent for political reasons
-Treason (see line just above)
-Doubling the National Debt
-Denying global climate change
-Undermining the Environmental Protection Agency
-Undermining EPA laws
-Undermining US laws and law
-Stripping the Endangered Species Act of all real power, even though it's US Federal Law, with much precedent
-Housing Crisis
-Credit Crisis
-Deregulation of the Banking Industry (see both lines above this one)
-Faith-based initiatives
-Virtually obliterating the line between State and Church, which is unconstitutional
-Undermining the rights of individuals in the United States
-Asking the Federal Government, through the FBI, to, once again, spy on private American citizens (this is very recent and ongoing)
-Denying homosexuals equal rights and "equal protection under the law", in spite of our Constitution
-Growing--and bloating, indeed, ballooning--the size of the Federal Government
-Cutting taxes for the wealthy and uber-wealthy
-Cutting taxes for the "Big Oil" Companies--at just the time they're making their largest profits--and the largest profits in the History of the United States (yeah, we need to cut their taxes, didn't we?)
-Making it illegal--yes, illegal--for the Federal Government to negotiate with pharmaceutical companies to lower the cost of medicines and medicinal drugs (Did you remember that one? Then again, did you even know it already? If that isn't FOR big business and against the American Public--the little guy, you and me--I don't know what is)
-Making all records of their own Bush Administration "off limits" from the American Public, once they're out of office (like it was never OUR government--it's apparently his--and we'd like it back)
-The dividing of the country into "us" vs. "them", rich vs. poor, right vs. left, religious believers vs. unbelievers, etc.
-The use of bullying tactics on foreign countries, telling us and them that they are either "with us or against us"
-The use of access to the President, his staff and the administration for reward, when they like someone's work
-The denial of access to these same people and individuals when the administration doesn't like their viewpoint(s)
-The denial of access to the administration to Betty Thomas, the longtime, veteran White House reporter, which actually happened, because they didn't like her and her questions
-The use of the Federal Government to make propaganda in our own press
-The use of the Federal Government to make propaganda in foreign country's press
-The use of the Federal Government and Federal dollars to create propaganda
-The use of the American Press to create propaganda in our own country
-The use of Fox "News" Network, specifically, to create propaganda in our own country
-Declaring "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq, when the war had virtually just begun
-Denying freedom of the press
-Denying Americans access to pictures--video or stills--of American Soldiers killed in action, coming back from the war in Iraq, even if their families felt otherwise and made that clear
The list goes on and on, longer than this, unfortunately.
Four things come to mind just now, seeing this list:
1) Warren G. Harding had nothing on
George W. Bush, his incompetence, his corruption and his graft (just wait 'til he's out of the White House. Then he'll REALLY start reaping benefits from Big Business)
2) I'll be glad when this nightmare is over
3) I can hardly wait for January 20, 2009, when these people are gone
4) I hope we, as a country and, really, as a world, can recover from the damage George W. Bush and his entire administration, for 8 years, has done to this country.
(With thanks to Garry Trudeau and his "Doonesbury" comic strip, this Sunday, August 24, 2008. You can see the original comic here: