I couldn't believe what my eyes were telling me today. This broke a few hours ago.
Pope Francis Appoints First African-American Cardinal
Wilton Gregory, the archbishop of Washington, who led the Roman Catholic Church’s response to the sexual abuse crisis in the early 2000s, was among 13 new cardinals named on Sunday.
What the what??
This Pope, Catholics, appointing their FIrST African-American Cardinal??
Now?? October 25, 2020?? Now??
How long have they been in Africa? How many years? Hell--pun intended--how many CENTURIES??
So I searched it. From Wikipedia:
The Catholic Church in Africa refers to parts of the Catholic Church in the various countries in the continent of Africa.
Christian activity in Africa began in the 1st century when the Patriarchate of Alexandria in Egypt was formed as one of the four original Patriarchs of the East (the others being Constantinople, Antioch, and Jerusalem).
All that time, all these centuries, in fact, in Africa and you're only just now, in late 2020 APPOINTING YOUR FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN CARDINAL??
And check this out, too. In my research, I found a Catholic website and page and look at this little fact about Catholics and the people and continent of Africa.
A person recently moaned to me about the slippage in regular Mass attendance in this country and the drought in vocations. This person had a point. Regular Mass attendance on weekends quickly is becoming the exception, rather than the rule, in this country. Nuns are few and becoming fewer. Seminarians are not many, compared to the past.
This same person opined that celibacy has caused this decline in vocations to the priesthood, and if the pope and bishops had any sense, they would end mandatory celibacy for priests tomorrow.
I simply asked, what about Africa? Celibacy is required there, and they do not have enough seminaries despite the flood of vocations. (We see a sign of this phenomenon in this country: African priests are serving in almost every diocese in the United States, because they are sent here as missionaries!)
Bleached white religion much? Wow. That is some major chutzpah.
In the 60's, when there was so much racial strife and protests and killings and burnings, apparently the Catholics and their Church didn't think it necessary to maybe, just maybe, after all those centuries, of, say, elevating an African-American to the level of Cardinal in their organization. I find it extremely difficult to believe there was no candidate or were no candidates available that could have filled the role.
So now, as of today, this Pope and the Catholic Church finally, finally appointed an African-American for the post of Cardinal.
How good of them.
Bleached white religion there much, fellas?
Because, Hell, we know you're not putting yer wimmin' in charge.
And if you look at one at their own Catholic page websites, they're actually congratulating themselves for this announcement today.
Stunning. Seriously stunning. Shocking.
Racist and sexist, both. Those Catholics got it all goin' on.
I can't imagine how they aren't personally and collectively embarrassed by this.