I opened an email today from a very Right Wing, Republican "news" source today--GOPUSA, to be exact--and there was a writer there who was railing against drones.
It got me thinking.
Here was this guy from the very, very Right Wing, a Republican, going on about how he hates/they hate and don't want drones.
And sure, he doesn't and surely lots of his groups don't--well, except the military and the corporations who make them.
But I have news for him.
The Left Wing, the Liberals as well as Libertarians (the reputedly "VERY small government people) don't want the things, either.
Come on, most Americans, if polled would, I'd nearly bet, be absolutely against them. We don't want those things of whatever size, flying in our air space and spying on us.
Heck, here in Kansas City, we don't even want cameras at stoplights so people don't run those same lights and end up crashing into us and hurting or killing us. We want "freedom" that much, lots of us.
I don't think this has been thought out too well, either.
I mean, face it, if the military and our government and the Defense Department is going to have these things, private corporations may well--likely?---have these, too, keeping an eye on us for who knows what reason.
Yet here we sit, idly by, as technology and corporations advance and bring this ever closer to us and to reality.
And the big drones we've seen in media or on TV are nothing compared to what is apparently also possible:
Look closely. Besides scary, it's rather fascinating, technologically. And this is the early technology of these things, too:
US military developing insect surveillance drones
My only point here, now, is that first, we need to stay aware of what's going on in technology, in our government and finally, in our courts so we know what we're being exposed to and what's happening.
Second, we need now to, besides working on killing campaign contributions to our state and federal legislators so the wealthy and corporations don't own them and so, our government (any longer), we now need to fight these drones, too. We need to be in charge of our world in all aspects.
This will take some doing, folks.
This will require we get and stay further involved and for the long run and in virtually all aspects of our lives.
We need to get and stay busy. We need to get and stay and be engaged on this.
The one great thing, however, is that this issue about drones should be one thing that all Americans should and actually, likely do, agree on. That is, the Left and Right Wings of the political spectrum, the middle, the independents, the Libertarians, certainly, the Tea Party members, all of us out here on the streets, likely agree we don't want these things in our lives, spying on us.
If we don't use that against them, we will lose on this issue. We need to keep that in mind.
We need to come together, as Americans, and fight this.