Sure, it's one thing to "move on" and get on with the new year and that's fine but there are things from this year just past we need to remember, in part so they're handled and the people are not forgotten. In part, too, so people who are responsible aren't let "off the hook" for their responsibilities.
Herewith, then, are some of the biggest:
January of last year, the desperately poor people of
Haiti were struck by a devastating
earthquake, from which they are still recovering. They deserve to not be forgotten;
BP oil disaster which began at the end of
April. We certainly can't forget this happened. We can't forget the devastation, both natural and economic, at least, that it reeked on the Gulf region. We can't forget that so many millions of barrels of oil gushed into the area and we can't forget that it's still down there, doing more harm. We have to hold BP responsible for all the damage inflicted, and truly for years;
--We can't forget the
April earthquake that struck the island
Sumatra in Indonesia and the devastation that wrought. These people need our help--the help of all of us in the world;
--We can't forget the
October earthquake on that same island of
Sumatra and for the same reasons as above;
--Then there was the
October tsunami that struck--again--Indonesia. These people had a rough, rough year;
--Then there was
Hurricane Tomas that then struck already-hurting
Haiti. It's crucial we don't forget--and so, abandon--the Haitian people.
--We need to remember that our h
ealth care system is badly, badly broken and needs fixing. Too many big businesses are sucking far too much money out of our personal, individual accounts and out of the national budgets. That and too many people are either going without care or simply, worst case scenario, dying. It's badly fixed and needs fixing and as soon as possible. What little remedy we got this year with the Health Care Reform Act of 2010 should absolutely not be revoked and should, instead, be augmented with more stipulations, beginning with a "public option" for insurance;
--Finally, we need to remember that we're all Americans and that we're in a bit of one heckuva bad economy right now and that we need to be Americans and work together to solve our problems. And for you and me, the "person on the street", if you will, that's all well and good but what we really need to get in this new year is representatives in government--particularly in the US House of Representatives--that
want and need our government to work for all of us, the people, and not just for the representatives and not simply against the opposing political party. We don't have enough time on our clock to waste with in-fighting between these political parties.
There is no doubt more but I thought these the "biggest of the big" and things that needed to be kept in mind, in case we can help any or all of these people in the new year.
It seems crazy that we fight all these obscene wars around the world when we should be taking all that manpower, materiel and just plain money and start just helping each other with all the natural disasters we face each year, let alone the poverty, homelessness, disease and starvation.
But that would make too much sense, right?
Let's hope it's a happy new year, indeed.
Links: Disasters