Epigentic Inheritance
Mashed articles by Pat Darnell | Nov 12, 2015 | Bryan TX
Have you ever been told you have your mother's eyes? Or has anyone ever told you you have your father's maniacal three personality bombastic attitude? Hey, it is not so far-fetched that our family patriarchs and matriarchs have passed on their physical and behavioral traits to us siblings. Eh?
"...According to convention, the genetic sequences contained in DNA are the only way to transmit biological information across generations. Random DNA mutations, when beneficial, enable organisms to adapt to changing conditions, but this process typically occurs slowly over many generations.(Ewen Callaway and Nature magazine | December 1, 2013. LINK)..."As far as D. D. Faraday can see, sitting editor of MooPig's Biological Basis of Behavior Department, epigenetic inheritance is possible in first generation of humans, if habitat is a big factor. "Epigentics is a new area of study," Says D. D. Faraday.
Observers have long thought that traits are only passed down if there is a biological link from parent to child. Evidence now shows up in experiments with mice that DNA might be the ultimate link for many passed down behaviors.
Researchers Discover That Memories Can Be Passed Down Through Changes In Our DNA | Collective-Evolution: "Adding further complexity to our often mystifying genetic code, research from Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia has shown that it’s possible for information to be inherited biologically through our DNA. More specifically, their research shows that behaviour can be affected by events in previous generations which have been passed on through a form of genetic memory. (November 12, 2015 by Arjun Walia. LINK)"
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"...Humans inherit epigenetic alterations that influence behaviour, too, Ressler suspects. A parent’s anxiety, he speculates, could influence later generations through epigenetic modifications to receptors for stress hormones. But Ressler and Dias are not sure how to prove the case, and they plan to focus on lab animals for the time being. (ibid. Callaway)..."CONCLUSION
Epigenetic -- relating to, being, or involving changes in gene function that do not involve changes in DNA sequence -- epigenetic inheritance.