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Showing posts with label bombast brain industrialists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bombast brain industrialists. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2016

MooPig Causality Department :: Demons

[Picture LINK]

Causality and Making a Difference: the principle that everything has a cause.
Mixed Martial Articles by Pat Darnell  |  Mar 28, 2016  |  Bryan TX

In a God forsaken media wasteland, real news is lost to the masses. When despots are sought for their image as if that is some kind of thing I want to see, I cry too. That particular image is a demon, pornographic and desperate.

As little people, we who exercise our freedom to not listen, to not react, to not be phased -- agency, force, and skewed quality of imbeciles pandering to masters who practice hegemony dominates our airwaves. Blimey!

Do we, the free, sit by or do we muster to bring about, make happen, accomplish something different in our head spaces? I think we can if we just concentrate on other stuff. No sweat.
“The main problem in any democracy is that crowd-pleasers are generally brainless swine who can go out on a stage and whup their supporters into an orgiastic frenzy—then go back to the office and sell every one of the poor bastards down the tube for a nickel apiece.” ― Hunter S. Thompson
Get out your divining rod and tell me how you would react to an ailing friend?

K-- I was wide awake until 3 a.m. last night. My mind gets SO noisy at night sometimes and I am way too conscious of time. Seems to go in slow motion. I have very important doctor's appts at the end of the week and all I'm trying to do is hold on. It's exhausting you guys. I'm trying SO HARD to be strong for fiancé so he doesn't see how hard this is for me. It's so fuckin exhausting. I just think he's seen me bawling my eyes out enough. He had to see me grieve my Mother's suicide in 2011 and after she died I SO wanted to join her for a while. Geez, now I'm crying. But, instead I got myself off of the painkillers I had been addicted to for 18 years. He's seen enough. But you know, after going through all of that, I feel so weak & afraid of what's going on with me right now. I've never been more afraid in my life. Does anybody have any input please? I don't just live one day at a time, I live one hour at a time, sometimes one minute at a time. How do you guys live with this?

S-- I am so sorry that your struggling to find peace of mind. When I have complete silence sometimes my mind and thoughts gets out of control and I try white noise. I also have to rationalize with my self ( self talk) continuously to stay positive and keep good thoughts in my mind.

K-- I've been struggling to find peace of mind for over a year. When I'm alone, like now, and at night when my fiancé goes to bed are the worst. I have insomnia so I keep weird hours. This last two weeks have been exceptionally hard. Do you know what I keep trying to tell myself? Most people would've ended up in the psych ward permanently if they had to deal with what we have to deal with every day. Sometimes that thought helps. My fiancé tells me I'm strong and amazing and I don't know how to believe that.

K --Geez-I just can't count on anybody in my personal life. I'm sitting here bawling by myself and nobody in my life gives a shit. The saddest thing I've ever been told was don't count on anyone for anything & then you won't be disappointed. I'll just wait for my meds to kick in & then maybe I won't give a shit anymore either. So, basically everyone in my life can just suck it!

K-- Sorry to sound so whiny, y'all. I was raised to never ever show weakness. So I'm still finding it difficult to just let go of everything I'm thinking and feeling, you know? I keep waiting for one of my relatives (deceased now) to show up and kick my ass!

Patrick Darnell -- K, when it gets like this, as you report, I have found some interesting things to do. One close friend suggested I take off my socks and walk barefooted outside in the lawn... Another friend suggested hot water with squeezed lemon and a teaspoon of honey, sipped without electronics or TV on... Another said read a real book, with pages to turn, for about thirty minutes a day... And my favorite, start with your spleen telling it how wonderful it has been, tell your gall bladder the same, gut, lungs, legs,feet, and so on ... Then praise your brain... Finally, listen to music harmonies that make you tingle. And I will do all things too.

K-- I'm listening to music right now to try and get thru this Patrick Darnell, music and books have ALWAYS been my bestest friends in the world. I'm having a hard time concentrating on books, my favorite shows, so this is what I'm doing for now. Listening to music and doing a little bitching on here! lol Thanx a lot for the input. I keep wanting to say to all of you thanx for not making me feel crazy, which is ironically funny cuz that's why I'm here. I'm just not used to sharing my feelings this much. But apparently I need to.

Patrick Darnell -- Wonderful to hear you love books... I wanted to also mention at my age I have met all my demons, and have found that they are all pussies. Just sayin'. When it roars, I know too well, it is hard to do anything, so just stand up and defy it.

K-- On a more positive note, I've received more positive input from people who've never met me, never looked into my eyes in one day, yesterday, than I received phone calls all last year. What I mean is, you guys are a godsend. Thanx for letting me vent. The demon thing I wrote earlier, that's my way of trying to cope. I've been writing for 25 years. Last year I wrote my first piece of fiction, a very, very short story about a girl and her Mom. It was my way of saying goodbye to my Mom. Maybe I'll share it later if anyone is interested. It made several people cry, including my doctor! Lol Known him for 10 years. I'm very lucky I have a great doctor. I really am trying to get myself in a better mood!


Tuesday, October 20, 2015

MooPig Brain Industries :: "Do You Like Lists?"

If you like Lists, there are some Tests that you can take
Mixed Mental articles by Pat Darnell  |  Oct 20, 2015  |  Bryan TX

"I don't know what to think," said the mother of her two year old daughter. "She talks in paragraphs already, and looks out for her little brother in the most altruistic manner."

This doesn't sound much like a problem. It sounds like a bonus to having her beautiful little doll-like daughter at her side. I am here to let all parents know, there is no "Normal" child pattern. Pre-schoolers are beings from another time and space. So, lighten up. There is no "narrative" of children because there are no five year old authors. Childrens' books are written and illustrated mainly by adults. No child is writing his memoirs while a child, that is not how they communicate. Blah, blah, blah.

Get this though, most planet-sized-corporational-mega-industrial-conglomerates would bust a hemorrhage to get into a child's head. It would open up markets to exploit, that remain confusing at best to capture. We will soon enter into the Exploits of Brains era.

But at last writers in unflaggingly personal ways, are publishing their daily experience with their own minds:

12 Struggles Of Having An Outgoing Personality But An Anxious Mind: "Outgoing people with anxious minds - or minds that overthink - tend to feel anxiety the most intensely, often because we don't talk about it. And by "often" I mean never."
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MooPig has spent some effort in recognizing humanity's ongoing search for itself. The next hundred years will be the "Brain Age" as humans gaze into their own heads. Leading up to this Brain Age is what Mack Jones, MooPig Editor of Cognitive Dissonance, has termed Brain Industries.

The current way many brain specialists look at your brain requires a personality quiz. They are about $200, and can be taken at any psychologist's office. They do help in determining if you and your brain are depressed, or manically inclined, or both.

"I have exposed myself to these tests, and have become somewhat more tolerant of others," said Mack Jones.


Friday, April 10, 2015

MooPig Brain Industries Department :: Are you a Contender?

[Picture LINK ]

Right-Brain or Left-Brain Thinkers ... or Something more Subtle?
Mixed Martial Articles by Pat Darnell  |  Apr 10, 2015  |  Bryan TX

Whatever your local neurosciencetist says, we are only a wee bit further along in understanding how the brain works, as we were in 1800's. The Human Genome Map that was commissioned by Prez Clinton didn't pan out. It only makes sense if you are a gene looking for a place to live in the human body. Otherwise a gene found in the human genome is sometimes activated, and sometimes not, according to the "environment." Aha!

So follows the Human Brain Map that is rapidly coming into view in the next few years. Brain imaging has taken off, and many before and after images can be viewed. Before someone's brain is worked on is imaged, and then afterwards is the result of the work. Still sounds gruesome, invasive and 19th century-like, doesn't it?

Debunking 7 Popular Myths About the Brain: "Brain imaging technologies have also demonstrated that the entire brain shows levels of activity, even during sleep. "It turns out though, that we use virtually every part of the brain, and that [most of] the brain is active almost all the time. Let's put it this way: the brain represents three percent of the body's weight and uses 20 percent of the body's energy." - Neurologist Barry Gordon of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Scientific American"
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What 7 myths are we concerned with today?

  1. You only use 10% of your brain. Does that mean 10% of cubic inches of your three pounds of brain matter, or what?
  2. Brain damage is permanent. 
  3. People are 'Right-brained' or 'Left-brained.' 
  4. Humans have the largest brain.
  5. We are born with all the brain cells we ever have, and once they die, these cells are gone forever.
  6. Drinking alcohol kills brain cells.
  7. There are 100 billion neurons in the human brain.

If these seven myths are not accurate depictions of the human brain, then our next president will use 100% of his brain, continue to grow brain cells even if he is a she named Gabby. It matters if the next prez can count and utter words, like it always has, right or left brained, random or dogmatic, as it will come out in the wash.

The new prez in 2016 should have a working knowledge of biology, and environment, to augment decisions. This prez must realize his life, and every living things' lives, cannot be defined without "environment."

Our new prez will drink if he wants to be more cognitive. In conclusion:
"We found that on average the human brain has 86bn neurons. And not one [of the brains] that we looked at so far has the 100bn. Even though it may sound like a small difference the 14bn neurons amount to pretty much the number of neurons that a baboon brain has or almost half the number of neurons in the gorilla brain. So that's a pretty large difference actually." (Cherry, Kendra. – Dr. Suzana Herculano-Houzel. captured 4/10/2015. LINK)


Friday, March 20, 2015

MooPig Brain Industries Department :: "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy -- ACT"

[Picture LINK unknown]

Empirical Status for ACT
Re-directed Articles by Pat Darnell  |  Mar 19, 2015  |  Bryan TX

Thanks to John Franks who posted about ACT on faceBook. Say you have a pet Narwhal, and it never seems to be happy in your pet palace you built for him. As he suffers, you also suffer, and things get all confused.

I think we may be on to something. ACT is a therapy that is being used in cases of PTSD. When my Dad was in his final days, he was at the VA Hospital, checked in for lots of old age ailments. His suffering was not pretty, nor quiet. I in fact suffer PTSD from his agonizing final journey. He used to say he had so many pains he couldn't count that high, and one of the results was that he would lash out at me, or whoever, was with him. He didn't mean it, it just happened. Communication broke down, and I couldn't get him what he needed to overcome his death rattle. He was hurting and what he said to me hurt. I absorbed his trauma.

But it was not a physical hurt, you know what I mean? But I as his son felt like I wanted to escape any of his criticisms of me during that episode. Escapism has been my whole life long journey, now that I have my father's death as a fixed point in time, maybe I don't have to escape anymore.

ACT | Association for Contextual Behavioral Science: "Developed within a coherent theoretical and philosophical framework, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a unique empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility means contacting the present moment fully as a conscious human being, and based on what the situation affords, changing or persisting in behavior in the service of chosen values."
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"...Buttressed by an extensive basic research program on a associated theory of language and cognition, Relational Frame Theory (RFT), ACT takes the view that trying to change difficult thoughts and feelings as a means of coping can be counter productive, but new, powerful alternatives are available, including acceptance, mindfulness, cognitive defusion, values, and committed action..."
I need this therapy.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

MooPig Brain Industries :: Depression

Depression  ::  "...Two-thirds of people suffering from depression do not seek necessary treatment ...
Mixed mashed Articles by Pat Darnell  |  Oct 25, 2014  |  Bryan TX

"While, 80% of all people with clinical depression who have received treatment significantly improve their lives... (WU St Louis. no date. LINK)..."

"Major Depression is 1.5-3.0 times more common among first-degree biological relatives of those with the disorder than among the general population..."

"There are interrelationships between depression and physical health. For example, cardiovascular disease can lead to depression and vice versa. (LINK)..."

"Many creative individuals experienced depression, including Ludwig van Beethoven, John Lennon, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Georgia O’Keefe, Vincent van Gogh, Ernest Hemmingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Sylvia Plath ..."

"Even positive events such as graduating, getting married, a new job can lead to depression. (Brees, Karen K, PhD. 2008. The Everything Guide to Depression. Avon, MA: F+W Publications, Inc. LINK)..."

"Once men hit midlife, they may face an increased risk of depression due to the decrease of testosterone ..."

"Men typically experience depression differently from women and use different means to cope. For example, while women may feel hopeless, men may feel irritable. Women may crave a listening ear, while men may became socially withdrawn or become violent or abusive ..."

"There are effective treatments for depression. (Fact sheet N°369. October 2012. WHO. LINK)..."

Natural Cure for Depression Silenced? | The Mind Unleashed: "By: Dr. Michelle Kmiec, Originally featured on Wake Up World | Depression affects over 25 million Americans a year. But did you know there is a highly effective natural treatment? Inositol – or Vitamin B8. INOSITOL DEFICIENCY LINKED TO DEPRESSION A 1995 study found amazing results treating depression with inositol. As reported in the American Journal of Psychiatry (Vol. 152, No. 5) “the overall improvement in scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale was significantly greater for inositol than for placebo at week 4. No changes were noted in hematology or in kidney or liver function… Inositol had a significant antidepressant effect in this study.”"
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RESPONSES to Article:
Erica Liebman
Tried Inositol. Does not work. Inositol is just a B vitamin. Ironic that she is a practitioner and wants to sell her services. Just because antidepressants are not safe does not mean that vitamins are or are effective. We simply do not know enough about depression to be able to treat it 100% effectively.

TJ Saggu
I tried it and it helped me within days for moderate depression and anxiety. Both anti-depressants AND Inositol may or may not work for people. It is not one or the other. It's trial and error and finding what works for you, in which dosage, etc.

With one in four adults experiencing depression during their lives, this article about a correlation between "Inositol" and depression caught our eye. [Thanks to Joe Holesworth, StratoBlogster]

Sorry that this post is just a teaser. We still would like to know how to beat depression.


Monday, June 09, 2014

MooPig Brain Industries :: "Lasting Brain Damage from Sports"

Opinions Expressed are Probably Humorous
Mixed martial articles by Pat Darnell  |  June 9, 2014  |  Bryan TX

[Picture LINK]

Truth is that getting hit in the head is stuff of Comedy. Someone gets conked in the head, begins stumbling around, saying nonsensical things, is theater fodder throughout written history.

When I got hit in the head in football, or baseball, or basketball, my dad used to ask me: "Did you see stars?" That was the test for concussion back in my day, eh? If I had not seen stars, then I was okay. In fact either way didn't stop me from going right back into the game.

In MooPig's Bovine Thirst for Information Department, the editor's ran across this cool article:

A Major League Pitcher's Guide To Baseball's Bullshit Unwritten Rules: "Brandon McCarthy thinks vigilantism wouldn't get out of hand because there are more unwritten rules policing that. "In hockey, guys don't take their skates off and slash an opponent's throat with the blade." See, everyone: progress! McCarthy's choice of analogy is not without irony, since hockey is getting pushback against fighting in the wake of increased awareness of lasting brain damage, something McCarthy full well knows the dangers of. Is it not hypocritical to endorse head gear to protect pitchers from line drives, yet endorse fighting and beanballing?"
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The writer tells stories of sports heroes who have established the myths of unwritten laws in games. Much like the unwritten law of "seeing stars" means a concussion according to my dad. "...(Assuming [a player] survives the barrage of behavior-adjusting fastballs sent at his head in the meantime.)..."

In other words, a bean ball can be an attitude adjuster in baseball, rendering a judgment of long time grudge for a player, inflicting brain damage. Cool, huh? Well, at least is it comical? Says Dirk Hayhurst:
"...If being a humble servant of the game means holding on to grudges for years until the chance to exact revenge presents itself, then my moral compass is off. If being a selfless, I'm only hitting you with this 95 mph fastball because I love you guy is how you play the game the right way, I was happy to play it wrong... When you start inventing rules for why it's OK for you to hurt someone for making you look bad, you're not a gamesman; you're an egomaniac..."
Emotional damage, brain damage, and institutional bullying are the basis for unwritten rules of sports.

[Picture LINK] Side Note: On Aug. 16, 1920, Cleveland Indians shortstop Ray Chapman was struck in the head by a pitch. He died a day later, becoming the only player in major league history to die from a pitched ball.


Sunday, May 04, 2014

MooPig Brain Industry :: "Call me Crazy, but is that Brain Abuse?"

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mish-mashed articles by Pat Darnell  |  May 4, 2014  |  Bryan TX

[Picture LINK]

Up until recently, self awareness was our 'key' to being human. Now we consider Orcas and Honey Badgers as self-aware. Your pet ferret is probably as self-aware as Senator Boehner, which is not saying much. Humans have tagged themselves with a badge that is not earned.

Humans have mustered energies into creating themselves as monsters. In two ways we humans have missed the boat: 1) by not embracing human imperfections, 2) making imperfections our standards of success.

Greed, avarice, self-image, ego, or any of the seven deadly sins are what money changers and their ilk depend on for their trade. Humans feed off other humans by passing judgment on each other. I really don't want to proselytize any reader of this, rather I want to save people with "mental conditions" some of the anguish they encounter at the hands of predators.

In other words, if it sounds right, chances are it is right, regardless of how we have been led to believe. Savvy? No? The opposite is also true: if it sounds wrong, it probably is wrong. Here following is an opposition article about mental illness that might open some corridors:

Non-Conformity and Creativity Now Listed As A Mental Illness By Psychiatrists | Collective-Evolution: "“The nail that sticks up will be hammered down.” – Japanese Proverb

"...Is nonconformity and freethinking a mental illness? According to the latest addition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it looks that way. The manual identifies a mental illness labelled as “oppositional defiant disorder, or ODD. It’s defined as an “ongoing pattern of disobedient, hostile and defiant behavior.”

"...It’s also included in the category of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The manual is used by psychiatrists to diagnose mental illnesses, and it seems that with each new issue a new, made up mental illness is added to the list. This isn't something new, in the Soviet Union, a systematic political abuse of psychiatry took place and was based on the interpretation of political dissent as a psychiatric problem.  Mental illness has been used for political repression, those who were/are non-conformant and do/did not accept the beliefs of authority figures (like government agencies) face labels that do not represent them at all, and have no scientific backing what so ever..."

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The referenced article claims:
"...It’s quite shocking how medicine is convinced that the origins of mental illnesses are to be found in biology, when over three decades of research have not been able to provide any proof. There are no tests available for assessing the chemical status of a living person’s brain. Many psychiatric ‘disorders’ aren't even real, we've just been convinced that they are. This is done to keep society in check, make money, and one method of controlling the masses to prevent them from thinking outside the box..."
Brain specialists still do not know very much about how our brain works; thus, those same brain doctors have even less knowledge of how all the brains in God's animal kingdom function. A Washington Post article observed that, if Mozart were born today, he would be diagnosed with ADD and “medicated into barren normality (Andrew, Oct 8, 2010. LINK) ...”

Considering the fragility of the brain itself, in that it is not surrounded by muscle, cartilage, or massive bones, how can we go on battering it around, until it is bruised and dysfunctional? Your brain must be the control center for the senses as eyes, ears, nose, taste, tactile pick up stimulus. With newer brain scanning equipment that shows brain activity over time, we have some idea of how involved our brains are. We don't use only 10% of our brain as is commonly thought. Our brains keep busy, using as much processing capacity as it can to get us through our modern days and nights.

The writer of the referenced article, Arjun Walia, says:
"...I joined the CE [Collective Evolution] team in 2010 and have been doing this ever since. There are many things happening on the planet that don't resonate with me, and I wanted to do what I could to play a role in creating change. It's been great making changes in my own life and creating awareness and I look forward to more projects that move beyond awareness and into action and implementation (April 7, 2014 by Arjun Walia. LINK) ..."
Mark McGwire proved that performance enhancement made him a success. It turns out McGwire took his baseline ability and enhanced to a baseline+. So brain doctors are toying with brain performance enhancements, but can they define a baseline human brain? Call it Brain Industry, or call it Transhumanism, Human+, elevating the human condition; it will make no difference because we don't know yet what to enhance, and predator humans will continue to develop even stranger methods using the seven deadly sins to control outcomes. I call it brain abuse.

NEXT WEEK: More Brain Industry -- Transhumanism, a Definition
" ... Simply put, transhumanism is the process of consciously improving oneself, or a group of people, beyond the limitations of "baseline" humanity, and thereby create a new, post-human species. Without that conscious desire to exceed humanity, one is neither a transhumanist nor a transhuman. One can be a technophile, or a cyborg, or genetically enhanced, but unless that is coupled with the goal of moving beyond "humanity", it is not transhumanism. There is a reason that a common transhumanist symbol in the early days was (H. JUNE 1, 2013. LINK)


Sunday, April 06, 2014

MooPig Bombast Department :: "Blasting the SCOTUS"

What a Long Strange Trip it has Been
mashed articles of Jim Marquis by Pat Darnell  |  Apr 6, 2014  | Bryan TX

[Picture LINK]

Major Conflict: Dictatorship of the Dollars:Dictatorship of the Dollars  -- The Right is currently celebrating the Supreme Court's recent decision regarding campaign contributions. However, I have to believe they'll be singing a different tune when Adelson and the Koch brothers are replaced by younger, more liberal tech tycoons (Jim Marquis, Apr 6, 2014. LINK) ..."

“Money in politics may at times seem repugnant to some," he wrote, "but so too does much of what the 1st Amendment vigorously protects. If the 1st Amendment protects flag burning, funeral protests, and Nazi parades — despite the profound offense such spectacles cause — it surely protects political campaign speech despite popular opposition ( Robin Abcarian. April 2, 2014. paraphrased Justice Stephen G. Breyer. no date. LINK )...”

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In his blog, Major Conflict, Jim Marquis shows us a twist in the wind of the time. Billionaires being replaced by billionaires.

Tech Tycoons ... bring 'em on ... MooPig Tech Coroner Department acknowledges the replacement of billionaires with younger billionaires ... probably with similar results, but nevertheless, it should be mildly interesting. Bill and Melinda Gates are leading the pack by trying to save all the children in Africa.

We must be talking about a new form of a high level of corruption based on Meritocracy, you know, from garage business start-ups to mega-billion industrialist slave driver multi-national corporations. Rags, to slave laboring sweat shops, to unimaginable riches, to philanthropist ... all in one life-time. Wow.

For those who die early, S. Jobs, we will have to sit and wait for his wife and offspring to spread $billions to what they perceive needs philanthropic-ing. Can't wait.

In its day Television was "high tech" ... yesiree Bob... and one of the rags to riches top dudes of that time was Art Linkletter,  [Arthur Gordon "Art" Linkletter (July 17, 1912 – May 26, 2010)]: "... Two of his television shows, House Party and People Are Funny, hold the top places for the longest-running shows in broadcast television history. Now in his ninetieth year, Linkletter is known as an entertainer, an author, a businessman, and a philanthropist. (LINK)..."
[Picture LINK]

"... Art and Lois Linkletter outlived three of their five children. On October 4, 1969, 20-year-old Diane died after jumping out of her sixth-floor kitchen window.[1] Linkletter claimed that her death was drug related because she was on, or having a flashback from, an LSD trip (toxicology tests later determined there were no drugs in Diane's system at the time of her death). After Diane's death, Linkletter spoke out against drugs to prevent children from straying into a drug habit. His record, "We Love You, Call Collect", recorded before her death, featured a discussion about permissiveness in modern society, along with a rebuttal by Diane, titled "Dear Mom and Dad". The record won a 1970 Grammy Award for the "Best Spoken Word Recording".[14] Robert Linkletter died in an automobile accident on September 12, 1980.[15] Son Arthur Jack Linkletter died from lymphoma in 2007.[16 (Y Ikki Peed Ya. LINK)..."
" ... He's a nonstop raconteur, and his life is a living history of the pioneering years of radio and TV. Abandoned as a baby in Canada, in 1912, he was adopted by a one-legged preacher and his wife. "We were really poor -- as poor as a church mouse. But I had one of the greatest assets a kid can have, a loving family." With just $3 to his name, he set out on his own at age 16 as a hobo riding the rails, which was not a life of poverty but "a great way to see America. I never begged, never borrowed, never stole. I worked all sorts of odd jobs (STEPHEN MOORE. Updated March 11, 2009. LINK) ..."
Tech-tycoons, what will be your legacy? Will you buy the SCOTUS?


Tuesday, February 04, 2014

MooPig Brain Industries :: "Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, C.T.E."

C.T.E. Symptoms, Tests, Diagnosis, Treatments
Mashed articles by Pat Darnell  |  Feb 4, 2014  |  Bryan TX

[Picture LINK] "New research suggests that even small hits to the head may lead to brain deterioration over time. So what can be done?" By Luna Shyr. Photographs by Ann C. McKee, Boston University/Bedford Veterans Hospital

Symptoms Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Conditions 744866: "At the present time, the only way to clearly diagnose CTE is for a doctor to examine the brain after a person has died. This is how researchers are learning more about CTE."

Symptoms include:
  • Depression, including feeling suicidal
  • Paranoia
  • Aggression
  • Apathy
  • Irritability
  • Agitation
  • Impulsiveness
  • Poor concentration
  • Memory problems
  • Confusion
  • Poor judgment
  • Tremor
  • Muscle twitching
The symptoms may develop many years after the head injuries.
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"...A new term was born: Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) describes a gradual degeneration in brain function due to repeated head injuries that causes both concussions with symptoms and concussions that are asymptomatic (do not cause symptoms). Once the initial symptoms of concussion have faded, months and years later, new symptoms occur. CTE symptoms start slowly and creep up on the patient. Initially, there may be concentration and memory problems with episodes of disorientation and confusion, dizziness, and headache. It is as if the concussion symptoms were starting to return even without a new head injury. Emotions get labile and the patient can become aggressive and psychotic. As CTE progresses, behavior becomes even more erratic, with aggression and symptoms similar to those of Parkinson's disease. Finally, thought processes decrease even further, leading to a dementia with more Parkinson's symptoms including speech and walking abnormalities. The symptoms are progressive and cannot be stopped.(Medical Author: Benjamin Wedro, MD, FACEP, FAAEM. Medical Editor: Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD. LINK)..."

"...The debate over the scientific validity of such brain exams was highlighted recently when Tony Dorsett, a Hall of Fame running back for the Dallas Cowboys, and several other prominent former players said they were found to have C.T.E. after taking the experimental test developed by U.C.L.A. Dorsett, 59, told CNN that “they came to find out I have C.T.E.” and that his memory lapses, short temper and moodiness were “all because of C.T.E.” ( KEN BELSON. Published: December 25, 2013. LINK) ..."

"...The quality of the TauMark Scan is crucial because there are a number of rival groups currently developing technology to diagnose CTE in the living. These new assays involve analysis of cerebral blood flow, augmentation of brain architecture, and analysis of chemicals that are secreted by damaged neurons. There are literally billions of dollars at stake and you will see undoubtedly see more tests come to market in the coming years. When they do, you should ask the same question: Is this new test actually a good test for CTE?(MATT MCCARTHY on REGRESSING MED SPIN. 11/14/13. LINK)..."

"...Most researchers believe that C.T.E., or chronic traumatic encephalopathy, the degenerative brain disease found in dozens of former N.F.L. players, can be diagnosed only posthumously by analyzing brain tissue. ..."

" ...The diagnosis of CTE is tough to make clinically. No bleeding and or other major abnormalities are visible on CT scan and CTE appears to act like other diseases that attack brain function. It can be confirmed by autopsy and dissection of the brain but that doesn't particularly help the patient. An abnormal protein called tau builds up in the brain and causes abnormal nerve fibers and cell tangles. These abnormalities look different than those in an Alzheimer's brain in which loss of brain tissue is routinely seen.(KEN BELSON. Published: December 25, 2013. LINK) ..."

"...There is only supportive treatment, and the consequences of the brain injury include early death. It would seem that prevention is the best and only option at the present time, but that may be difficult when society approves of the violence on the football field and in the boxing ring. Young athletes see themselves as invincible and indestructible. The pursuit of short-term athletic glory overshadows the specter of long-term disability, especially when the symptoms may be delayed by decades. People may have righteous indignation about the situation, but for now it stops on Saturday when they cheer for their alma mater's colors and on Sunday when they cheer for their favorite NFL team.(ibid. Ken Belson.)..."

Having taken part in two of the sports on the list, American Football and Rugby, I remember having my bell rung many times in practice and in games. It got to be a game in itself to see how fast I could recover in order to get back in the game. I played lineman, Guard, in the pit where head and shoulder strikes are the name of the game.

I plan to donate my brain to the institution that could slice it up and study it after I am gone. I think it will help many in their struggles with mid-life dementia.


Saturday, January 11, 2014

MooPig Brain Industries :: "Drugs"

"Be prepared to let evidence dictate what you think."
Retrieved by Pat Darnell  |  Jan 11, 2014  |  Bryan TX

Jan 22, 2014... UPDATE: Read entire Democracy NOW article HERE ...

[Picture LINK] " ... I'm glad I have the life that I have, because I can think. I will be relevant in terms of the public discourse on an issue that I care about. ..."

Often times regular people find extraordinary lives to live. That is, Carl Hart rebounded from his hard knocks childhood to become a professor and sensational researcher.
" ... While Hart may have escaped the hood, it has never escaped his mind. Through his drug research, he has endeavored to address the issues facing marginalized black communities like his own — though his own understanding of those issues has evolved. "I thought that I was going to solve the problem of drug addiction," he told the New York Times. "But it turns out that drug addiction wasn't the biggest problem; the biggest problem, I found out, was actually drug policy." (Gabriel Grand. December 2, 2013. LINK) ... "
Read the Entire Article about Carl Hart's book High PriceHERE:

Meet Carl Hart, the Scientist Debunking America's Myths About Drugs - PolicyMic: "GG: Your findings went against what scientists were saying in the late '90s. Did you feel any pushback from the scientific community?

CH: That study ran in 2000, and it mostly went unnoticed! Back then, science was enamoured with the brain, but we didn't have any brain imaging in the study, so we were met with, "Who cares?" I did a subsequent study with methamphetamine addicts — same results. But they just ignored it! Only now has that study received some attention, in part because of my book."

'via Blog this'

Carl Hart's interview speaks much on enlightening young people on the use of drugs. Instead of setting them up to think "they have to be perfect, flawless, with no bad habits" which is ludicrous, rather teach them to know the truth about all these amply available drugs. "We teach young people to use seat belts when they drive, to use condoms when sexually active, so why don't we teach the truth about using drugs (paraphrased)?"

Carl Hart is imagining a culture that doesn't just spout off axioms, slogans, platitudes, and beatitudes, but actually goes further and describes the real reasons behind the rules. Our present societal norms create young people who like himself, Carl Hart:
"... I wasn't questioning things, and I wasn't learning how to think critically. I did what I was told to do in my environment. It may not have been consistent with the mainstream, but it was normal in my context.(ibid. Gabriel Grand.)..."
However, in his quest to think and be critical, Carl Hart manages to go beyond the typical slogans, Just Say No, and guide others to a more logical attitude toward drug use.


Saturday, January 04, 2014

MooPig Brain Industries :: "This is your Brain on Religion"

Learning to Think with your Heart?
mashed articles by Pat Darnell  |  Jan 4, 2014  |  Bryan TX

[Picture LINK]

For some crazed reason organized Religion and Spirituality do not mesh. We go to a spirit-filled church and find a heart-felt appeal for the human condition, then we go to an organized catechism-like liturgy and find a mini-government of pharisees. Go figure. And then when you want to find that spirit-filled church again later, you find that that church has split into factions. So, I say that the history of religion is that churches split. Not so much unlike cells in our bodies divide to create new cells -- you remember meiosis in plants and mitosis of our tissues, right?

Meanwhile on the route to finding a biological basis for belief in God:

Whereas "... VMAT2 preliminary findings: (versicular monoamine transporter) has a direct correlation between it and the TCI scores. Thus, his conclusion is that those individuals with a high level are likelier to exhibit a temperament of self-transcendence, self forgetfulness, and mystical insights. Therefore, there is a scientific notion of spirituality. God occurs in a particular gene, VMAT2, and is an expression of monoamines designed to make us feel better about life, stress, and death. Linked to and embedded in the deepest structures of the brain , shows the poverty of reductionist thinking.". ? (mark brenneman. August 29, 2007. LINK) ..."
Debunked -- " ... It's nothing but modern molecular preformationism. Palmistry for the genome. We've been fighting against this simplistic notion of the whole of the organism prefigured in a plan or in toto in the embryo since Socrates, and it keeps coming back. We've moved from imagining a little homunculus lurking in the sperm to one hiding in the genome. It's just not there. You can't point to a spot on a chromosome and say, "there's the little guy's finger!", nor can you point to a spot and say, "there's his fondness for football!" ... Kristof, for instance, points to a particular gene as the source of piety. Piffle. Here's his shining locus of sacredness, VMAT2: (ribozyme. Mar 11, '07. LINK) ..."
There is always lots of books on God and its correlation in the brain. Unfortunately like organized religion, books explain one facet, and are often too rigid, and not leaving room for the unknowable. Besides, when we talk biological basis for God, most of us are frightened of tiny little live things that mutate.

This is your brain on religion: Uncovering the science of belief -  EXCERPT  |  " ... Around 95 percent of Americans say that they believe in God, 90 percent pray, 82 percent believe that God can perform miracles, and over 70 percent believe in life after death. It’s striking that only 50 percent believe in hell, which shows a certain lack of consistency."

[Picture LINK]

"... In 2006, during a symposium in Istanbul, Herman van Praag, a professor of biological psychiatry, taking his lead from the 95 percent of believers in the United States, tried to convince me that atheism was an “anomaly.” “That depends on who you compare yourself to,” I replied. In 1996 a poll of American scientists revealed that only 39 percent were believers, a much smaller percentage than the national average. Only 7 percent of the country’s top scientists (defined for this poll as the members of the National Academy of Sciences) professed a belief in God, while almost no Nobel laureates are religious. A mere 3 percent of the eminent scientists who are members of Britain’s Royal Society are religious. Moreover, meta-analysis has shown a correlation among atheism, education, and IQ. (D.F. SWAAB. Jan 4, 2014. LINK) ..."
" ... Dean Hamer believes that he has identified the gene that predisposes our level of spirituality, as he describes in “The God Gene” (2004). But since it will probably prove to be simply one of the many genes involved, he’d have done better to call his book “A God Gene.” The gene in question codes for VMAT2 (vesicular monoamine transporter 2), a protein that wraps chemical messengers (monoamines) in vesicles for transport through the nerve fibers and is crucial to many brain functions. (ibid. D.F.SWAAB.) ... "
 'via Blog this'

So do we need that broken down for us plebeians? Yes, but it, like so many things, is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to brain science.
" ... Last night I [STEVE A. WIGGINS, PhD] finished reading Dean Hamer’s The God Gene, the latest in a long series of such books I've picked up over the years. While much of the technical and statistical information was beyond the comprehension of a simple humanities scholar such as myself, it became clear that a genetic basis likely does exist for a sense of spirituality among people. Quantifying spirituality, obviously, is a task open to long and serious debate, but the general traits of spirituality are nevertheless instantly recognizable. (STEVE A. WIGGINS, PhD. June 24, 2010. LINK) ..."
If believing in something greater than yourself makes your heart and brain healthy, then by all means do that.


Monday, December 23, 2013

MooPig Wisdom 2013

MooPig Wisdom Quotes 2013: tidbits of glandular, skeletal, excitation, sending stabbing jolts to the neck from the heart and setting the brain to rapid fire in sharp detail ... Yes, a torrent of bleeding details that grants verisimilitude for the complexity that is our bodies -- our only pure science. Please enjoy the following not categorized list of MooPig Wisdom things we said during 2013.

[Picture LINK]
  • It's not easy finding subjects to blog about. Blog was short for Business Log, now it has lots of other forms and meanings. The major thing it has done is change social order. Discover your business, and make a daily log. It has a time stamp and file on a server. That makes it personal and public, and patented. Your blog is your patent.

  • So who is responsible for what is and what isn't displayed for the public eye? I think blogging is response to absurd network news hype, and inaccurate newspaper stories. If anything, the witness to events is no longer second hand news coverage, rather it is you where you stand!

  • All great human history movements have musical foundations that outlast the movements by millenniums.

  • Global warming also means ice age.

  • Google has quietly retooled the closely guarded formula running its Internet search engine to give better answers to the increasingly complex questions posed by Web surfers.

  • Now, submit your curriculum vitae to MooPig Enterprises for the department you prefer to work in. Say what ever you want to, and it can be as long as you desire, but remember if we can't compartmentalize you, you will receive no compensation. Consequently you will receive no compensation otherwise ... because we don't have any money to give.

  • We figure that if we insult as many writers as possible, we will receive the rewards that will come from an all negative press we will receive when you writers in turn scorn the pants off us for being deadbeats.

  • In the United States alone, over 800,000 smokers have already switched to electronic cigarettes.

  • Why is this an "exit strategy" you ask? It turns out, MooPig has written itself into a clausterfrack ... and now corporate thinks it should invite freelance writers to contribute and compartmentalize their reports to specific MooPig Departments. Through compartmentalizing we then can spread our miserable anecdotes in markets before-to unheard of. And no one will be the wiser.

  • I am unwanted
    Amniocentesis says
    My brain is not bright!
    [Transhuman-Haiku by MooPig]

  • What we have learned over the past fifteen years is that understanding of our beautiful Brains' Industry is that it is in its infancy, and any body of knowledge about Brains is going to be out of date before it can be printed.

  • Open your minds; open your skulls. Have Brain -- Will Travel.

  • Because if there’s one thing America loves to say about terrorists, it’s this … We will never forget.

  • For MooPig Wisdom to go legit would take a major investment in scruples.

  • Everything is bigger in Texas, including this world's biggest prick: that is why we have tea-sippin' offspring like Rick Perry soaking up the cash and spewing out the bullshit. His generation of Texan must have been conceived by seepage through the sheets.

  • One man's junk is another man's treasure.

  • Draw your own conclusion but take heed: not only is squatting good for elimination - it's also great for maintaining or reclaiming mobility and diminishing back pain.

  • Having the right business model is important.

  • WARNING: This project involves dangerous high voltage electricity!

  • "... Excuse me for sounding like 3D printing gives me such a Large Hadron Collider in my pants, but it does. While doing the research for this article I was anywhere from half-staffed to fully erect. Maybe that is an exaggeration, but my brain definitely had a hard on for what I was reading. I honestly believe that most of the world’s problems can be solved by 3D printing on a massive scale." [LINK]

  • Get ready for your new sneakers to be Internet-connected ... football helmets will show probabilities of plays success to quarterbacks in the huddle ... Your wedding rings will be Internet compatible so you never again forget your anniversary day ...

  • Journey through every day for a while as it is reported on the Internet, and at some point in your travel something amazing will come clear. What ever you were brought up believing is very far from the truth.

  • Americans support high tech food industry by eating. Industry supports utilities by paying meters. Yes, behind every high tech machine is a low tech reason for existence.

  • If it became clear to people that electricity is all around us as an almost free source, we would gather it from the ground. The best reason for our Tech Industry to me is that humans are basically hunters/gatherers, a very old low tech concept. We want to gather our own stuff from the earth, it's basic instinct.

  • In our quest to be clever in the face of bombast, MooPig has recently stumbled upon a situation. Europeans have been mixing horse meat with their beef and selling it to the public to eat. And much of the horse meat comes from exported American horses.

  • What we are warning about is that Monsanto might have already purchased all the patents and copy rights on all horse meat. Yes, they are usually way ahead of the curve when it comes to malnutrition. Can horses be the new genetically modified meat source? And, when that source is depleted, what is next?

  • I am guilty of cognitive dissonance. [LINK]

  • MooPig Site Reviews are little more than glimpses at what is happening on other pages throughout the online kingdom. Believe you me, there is a lot going on!

  • If laws are being written in our Congress today, based on what Cheney manufactured in his many lies, we all inherit his deleterious excrement.

  • " ... So, welcome, mister.... uh; Bucket Head, is it? Okay, yes welcome. That pre-Obama KFC slur will go well here in Bush's Town. Prairie View A and M is down the road, if you want to visit there as well; just turn right as Wilson's Chicken." (MooPig Wisdom)

  • " ... The crowd can be labeled in rows. Let me explain... the front is for those who don't mind close quarter moshing, shoving, sort of the vanguards, or advanced guard of the LGBiTg crowds. The last rows are the skeptics who usually say, "This blows." But in between are the stoics, and Goombahs. These are the ones who will show up when you ask them to go on a hundred mile bike ride this Sunday; or we need one more for the Rugby match on this Saturday. (MooPig Wisdom)

  • " ... The group consists of band leader Lord Phallus along with bandmates Bane Ass-Pounder, King Sith, Braindeath and Loki Sinjuggler and their latest release, Come With Me If You Want To Live (referenced from the mover The Terminator), gives you a pretty good idea of where they are coming from. (HERE. MooPig Wisdom) 

  • " ... It's too bad there were no Economic engineers back when Economics was bubbling up to surface of ponds out from steaming ooze of covet, greed, avarice, and pleonasms that served to liquefy the spirit of humankind over ten thousand years that it has taken to refine our brilliant economic banking structure today. (HERE. MooPig Wisdom) 

  • " ... I can think of no more horrifying news than this: Earth's oceans are polluted. There is not anywhere in the seas that is not without some kind of synthesized poly carbons floating in it. (MooPig Wisdom)

  • " ... This brief moment in lowered expectation has been brought to you by the Anti-Demographic League of America, and Rudderless Politicians Up a Creek. (HERE)

  • " ... Subject: mental health   ... Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have, and even with sometimes what they don't have.

  • Emphasis on bad news makes for an unlevel playing field. There is good news out there, and some bloggers try to make it their business. Thus, lots of flip flopping about whether there really is good in good. What some describe as the common good is not the common good of others.
So you see, MooPig Wisdom derives its creed and quoth from others like you. As you, dear reader, surf the Internet, we will always be here to coax you along, read and repeat your words to the rest of creation. And besides all that, isn't Nature just the most amazing teacher?

Thursday, October 31, 2013

MooPig Brain Industries :: 'Minicomputers' Live Inside the Human Brain

Brain Synapses 
Retrieved by Pat Darnell  |  Oct 31, 2013 |  Bryan TX

[Picture LINK]

'Minicomputers' Live Inside the Human Brain - Yahoo News: " "Dendrites thus act as miniature computing devices for detecting and amplifying specific types of input."

"Imagine you're reverse engineering a piece of alien technology, and what you thought was simple wiring turns out to be transistors that compute information," Smith said. "That's what this finding is like. The implications are exciting to think about."

All in all, "functions we thought required an entire neuron may be carried out instead by just one portion of a neuron's dendritic tree," Smith told LiveScience. "This would imply that a single neuron can act like many, many computational subunits.""

'via Blog this'

Are you feeling compartmentalized lately? Does your doctor keep sending you to "specialists?" Every time you get a blood test, the blood center calls back to say "all is normal." But you don't feel normal, like you used to. At age fifty some "tests" are mandatory; such as a endoscopy, eye tests, and urologists' tests. Let's not forget the prostrate exam, YIKES, I didn't study for any of these tests!

Your brain is depending on all these body functions to keep it running. Your whole physical makeup works in concert to nourish your brain with what it needs to get through every hour of every day.
" ... The human brain possesses about 100 billion neurons with roughly 1 quadrillion — 1 million billion — connections known as synapses wiring these cells together. (Charles Q. Choi, LiveScience Contributor. October 30, 2013. LINK)..."
All this discussion and not one word on the skill of surgeons. Where is the comparable reporting of neurologists skill? Or is that an oxymoron? What is your neurologists efficacy? Better than 10%? Look HERE.

I want even more brainpower so I can be an even bigger asshole. Ask your doctors how to achieve this. Tell them you want to be smarter than them.


Monday, October 07, 2013

MooPig Brain Industry :: "Brain Initiative"

We Wonder if Barry reads Our Stuff ...? or, Have Brain: Need Map!
By Pat Darnell  |  Oct 7, 2013  |  Bryan TX

[Craniotomy Picture LINK]

MooPig Wisdom Enterprises does not toot its own horn -- except this one time. Back in April 2013 the White House led by Barry Obama announced the "Brain Initiative." And why we toot our own horn is because we thought of it first. In fact we were talking about brain industries a decade ago. Brain references began early in our MooPig Wisdom blog: here --Brainstorm: Smaller world, bigger market
JavaJoy, Inc. ..., By Patrick Darnell, Marketing Research Practices, ... and here -- Ever thought about letting professionals do your Marketing?  ...   GI, Going International  ... and ...  Generalists have a place in Tech... Everyone needs Pedagogy once in a while  ...  all "brain-storming" articles from online courses taken in 2006. Brain tickling such as:
" ... Editing, reducing, summarizing, looking for patterns, and applying statistical techniques to data will provide advanced knowledge of customer segments, and loyalty. ... "
We even wrote this poem in 2000:
Brain Industries
My brain is mysterious
it contains all that I am
a macro in a skull of bone
... mind you, mind me, my mind.

It says all the time
I am what I eat
Yet it eats everything
and I do ...
mind you, mind me, my mind.

Some might say
'You control the brain
then you control the heart...'
Not so ...

My brain is libido,
my heart is motion;


This brain sits
While the heart runs

... times factors in billions ...

Do you get it?
Patrick Darnell (10.2000)

And this free verse in 2010:
Visitors and Brain Industries
Elongated cranium
fashion from
Sirius B and A,
Potolo Ama,
and Dogons,
knew it --
"Star Knowledge"
told through oral culture.

Artisans -- split apart hybrids ...

Catalogers left to hash it out ...

Sirius B -- how far away is that?

Zuni -- 1200 BC
Egypt is at bat

Dogon Spacemen
visitors, Sky People
Keepers of Space

Dance each year
in full head dress
in costumes to re-enact
coming of Space gods
and elongated cranius
That's a fact!

Copyright © 2010 Patrick Darnell
What we have learned over the past fifteen years is that understanding of our beautiful Brains' Industry is that it is in its infancy, and any body of knowledge about Brains is going to be out of date before it can be printed. Brain Initiative by Barry Obama pontificated on April 2, 2013, initializes work toward the goal of "mapping the activity of every neuron in the human brain, an initiative that has been projected to cost more than $300 million per year for ten years."

In a news conference on April 2, 2013, President Obama announced "that he would seek an initial expenditure of $100 million for fiscal year 2014." In a January 2013 meeting, a group of neuroscientists concluded that "the project would generate about 300 exabytes of data every year, presenting a significant technical barrier."

Furthermore, the usefulness of most of the currently available high-resolution brain activity monitors is limited because they are highly invasive, being implanted by a process that involves surgically opening the skull.

MooPig Wisdom and all its Enterprises are tickled pink to be an axle hub on the wagon of this pioneering event -- the sorting out of Brain Industries as to be discovered by the Brain Initiative 2013. Open your minds; open your skulls. Have Brain -- Will Travel.

Eight years of work, thousands of researchers around the world, $1 billion spent — and finally it was done. On April 14, 2003, a decade ago this week, scientists announced that they had completed the Human Genome Project, compiling a list of the three billion letters of genetic code that make up what they considered to be a sort of every person’s DNA.

And, now, it's the Brain's turn!!

[Picture LINK] CAPTION: "My name is Dana. In April of 2012, I was diagnosed with...unfortunate brain news. This is where you can read and watch my story unfold. I had a bean-sized mass / tumor / house boat living in my brain that I was on a quest to destroy. After one crazy craniotomy in July of 2012, we discovered it was a low-grade neuronal neoplasm--a rare but FORTUNATE form of growth. I will still have to get quarterly bi-monthly MRI's to monitor the remaining bits of the tumor, but I'm cool with this as long as I get a cupcake afterwards. My tumor's name is Brain Worm, Clampy, James, or Neutron Dance. I also talk in a strange language like one of the Navi." [


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IP addresses might be recorded to aid us in enforcing these conditions, that is if we cared.

A Fantastically Flawed Script for a Jazz Rock Opera -- "GAZA"

A Fantastically Flawed Script for a Jazz Rock Opera --
GAZA by Pat Darnell for the Age of Attritionally Challenged

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Bill Gaines said it

Bill Gaines said it
"My staff and contributors create the magazine," declared Gaines. "What I create is the atmosphere."