Moo Pig Wisdom is a brilliant combination of Antiquity and Prequel Modern Flea Market. We respectfully ask you to mind your children while here.
Showing posts with label MooPig Graphiques and ReWildings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MooPig Graphiques and ReWildings. Show all posts

Sunday, June 08, 2014

MooPig MEME of Existence Department :: "We Now Have Reason to Live"

faceBook Reveals MooPig's Raison d'erte
Recovered by Pat Darnell and Bona Fidelis  |  June 8, 2014  |  Bryan TX

If you look long enough, say 3000 days, to find the reason for your establishment, then you will find it. All this build up and here it is:

[Graphic LINK] Baisden Live, Public Figure



Monday, March 25, 2013

What do you know about the Top Tax Rates?

How did this Report get Past Us?
Retrieved by Pat Darnell | Mar 25, 2013 | Bryan TX

As early as September, 2012, a report made by the Congressional Research Service, CRS, pointed out that taxes were not correlated to GDP in the way that Republican ideologues preach it. In fact the opposite was true.

The report was "taken down" before the elections in November, 2012. The report was re-published by Democrats HERE.
" ... The top income tax rates have changed considerably since the end of World War II. Throughout the late-1940s and 1950s, the top marginal tax rate was typically above 90%; today it is 35%. Additionally, the top capital gains tax rate was 25% in the 1950s and 1960s, 35% in the 1970s; today it is 15%. The average tax rate faced by the top 0.01% of taxpayers was above 40% until the mid-1980s; today it is below 25%. Tax rates affecting taxpayers at the top of the income distribution are currently at their lowest levels since the end of the second World War. (CRS. Thomas L. Hungerford. Specialist in Public Finance. September 14, 2012. HERE) ... "
Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes: "“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.” (Rick Ungar, Contributor. 11.02.2012. HERE)"

'via Blog this'

The conclusion?

"Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth. (Ungar. ibid.)"

Apparently, solid, well researched data no longer matters—at least not when it comes to the Congressional Republicans. They got the report pulled, somehow. Republicans didn't like some of the wording: "Bush tax cuts" and reference to "tax cuts for the rich."

This is some real sad shit.
" ... While a spokesperson for the C.R.S. refused to comment on the discussions between the Senate Republicans and her agency, she did confirm that the report was no longer in ‘official circulation’. However, the New York Times reports that a source requesting anonymity confirmed that the decision to pull the study was done against the advice of the economics division and that the author, Mr. Hungerford, stood by the report’s findings. (Rick Ungar, Contributor. 11.02.2012 HERE) ... "

Republican tax strategy? Debunked; total failure.


Friday, January 04, 2013

MooPig's Graphics and Rewildings :: TSA Agents Knock-off

Dang it; they Took our Design Again...!
by Pat Darnell | Jan 4, 2013 | Bryan TX

MooPig Graphics and Rewildings Department needs a contingency plan for knock-offs. Yes, it happened again, we design it and mega corporations assume it is theirs to copy. We are just too little, we guess. Everyone picks on us.

BE WARNED: PUBLIC HYSTERIA RESULTS IN CRAPPY TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS :: " ... n case you haven’t gotten enough of the “Are-our-children-safe? Let’s-ban-guns!” conversation going on around-the-clock on cable news these days, don’t assume you can escape the country’s descent into a perpetual police state with a bit of holiday gift-giving. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you… the worst children’s Christmas gifts I’ve ever seen:

Traveling for the holidays? Use Playmobil’s handy “Security Check Point” toy to educate your children on TSA security measures and how best to protect their “junk” from invasive pat-downs. Bomb-sniffing dogs not included: (Posted on December 25, 2012 at 9:18pm by Meredith Jessup. HERE) ... "

That's Eat Up!!!

Response to JACK Pribek at ... Thanks for pointing this one out.

Friday, December 28, 2012

MooPig Report from the Middle :: "MooPig's Favorite Tags"

Graphics that Attract -- REDDIT
by Pat Darnell  |  Dec 28, 2012  |  Bryan TX
[Picture LINK]

MooPig has reached another mile post, it has published its 3000th rewilding article. That is -- the day of reckoning will emerge one day in the future. On that day all the 'un-cited' or erroneously 'LINK-ed' articles will be purged from the pages of MooPig.

Then MooPig will be reduced to a few articles that don't pirate, or misquote the contributors of news items and other catchy stuff. Maybe it will help those who are constantly confused as to whether the thing they just read, or saw, is fact or fiction. Eh?

Here's the question of the year: "Just what group best epitomizes those who are confused about what they just read, or saw, on the Internet?"

I give you intro to REDDIT ... and the generation of "the front page of the Internet." You can set up your own login, and then search REDDIT for what ever on earth you are searching for. It is the fully indexed summation of 12,000 years history of mankind.

First off we search for MooPig... and HERE you are... MooPig is a USER and it isn't me. So do we call foul? Do we hit that USER with cease and desist? You bet we don't!

Just let it go. Best laid plans are mostly eat up with a dumbass. And on the Internet, it is best to be skeptical.

For instance, where do we go to find out if this statement is false or fiction?
" ... A whopping 464 banks with combined assets of $680.3 billion have ALREADY failed. That’s in the U.S. alone, since 2008. But according to my colleagues at Weiss Ratings, ANOTHER 202 global banks — with assets of a whopping $43.6 trillion — are at risk, with ratings in the two lowest tiers. (Mike Larson. via Today Dec 28, 2012)... "
It is a late breaking email alert from Weiss Research, just received by me. "Bank failure" search in REDDIT gives 1179 LINKS for lots of reading. Legit, or, false? You be the judge.

That's the report from the Middle, where men are good looking, women are strong, and the children are above average.

________________________________Reference via

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Housing Solutions Moot

Can't Seem to find your Rewards in the Global Economy?
by Pat Darnell  | Oct 25, 2012  |  Bryan TX

Maybe there is a local problem...

While the number of homes sold was down 1.7 percent from August, the median selling price has now risen for seven straight months. That hadn't happened since 2005-2006.

U.S. Government Sues Wells Fargo In Mortgage Case... October 9, 2012 The government alleges the bank knew some loans it issued did not meet federal requirements.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

MooPig Graphiques and Rewildings :: Detroit Sweeps the Yank's!!

EXCERPT  |  " ... Welcome, my fellow Yankees fans, but please stop pointing your fingers at Alex Rodriguez! Our historic ALCS sweep at the hands of the detestable Detroit Tigers happened because we are merely victims of circumstance and once again find ourselves on the wrong side of luck! (Rob Iracane. 23 hours ago. HERE)
[ ... ]
" ... Do we wipe out a season of greatness merely because the final four games were an unprecedented disaster? No! Do we call out the offenders who led us into the toilet anyway? Yes!... "

And so on, and so on, ... blah, blah, blah, chitter -- BALK!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, February 11, 2012

US Banks settle for $26B; consumer advocates wary

Retrieved by Pat Darnell | Feb 11, 2012 | Bryan TX
The $26 billion represents a significant settlement, but it clearly won't stagger the banks too much. Together, the four banks mentioned above took in a total profit of $47.6 billion in 2011. It's not as if the banks will be paying the settlements out of pure profits, either; they've all set aside a fair amount of capital to pay for their mistakes. Still it's telling that the banks will be paying just about half of their annual profits to walk away from the foreclosure mess. (2/9/2012 . Daniel Pereira. HERE)
[Picture by Pat Darnell]
Three questions come to mind:
  1. What is the Legal thing to do?
  2. What is the Right thing to do?
  3. Who gains from the decision?
" ... Kentucky attorney Jack Conway gestures as he announces Kentucky's inclusion in the Joint State-Federal Mortgage Servicing Settlement Thursday, Feb. 9, 2012 at his office in Frankfort, Ky. Conway said $58.8 million of the nation-wide $25 billion would come to Kentucky. / (AP /John Flavell) ... " Kentucky’s share in the settlement amounts to $58.8 million, while Indiana’s is $145 million. ..."
"... The deal with 49 of the 50 states requires five of the largest banks to reduce loans for about 1 million households at risk of foreclosure. The lenders also will send checks of $2,000 to about 750,000 Americans who were improperly foreclosed upon. The banks will have three years to fulfill the terms of the deal. ( Feb. 9, 2012. HERE) ... "
" ... He [Conway, DA, KY] called it “a first step in holding banks accountable for the mortgage foreclosure crisis” and stressed that the settlement doesn’t limit states’ rights to pursue further civil or criminal actions against banks. It also does not limit homeowners’ ability to bring legal action against banks, he said. ... "
The attorneys general set up a website — — and encouraged homeowners to wait to hear from their banks over the next nine months or to call the banks and ask about their eligibility. It will take about three years for the settlement agreement to be fulfilled.

Moopig's Conclusion
" ... The $26 billion settlement helps. But it's a long way from healing the grievous wounds left by the crisis and the fraud. ... "
1. The banks committed fraud when they let their paperwork overwhelm them. In recent past, Banks started signing off on foreclosures that were illegal. How to make that legal? Every foreclosure must be reviewed. This is a nightmare for the property owners and mortgage companies and the litigation is mind boggling. [We would be better off if some of these lenders bellied up anyway.]
2. Cancel every foreclosure that was imposed from the era discussed, that seems the most righteous thing to do. Go back and declare moratoriums on all those trumped foreclosures. That would put a cost of $800 billion on the deal, more in line with the crimes committed.
3. State Governments will prosper from this lawsuit as millions pour into their coffers. And that is money for the local politicians.  Confusion on who will receive the paltry $2k per damaged mortgagee, that is proposed, will make a few local yokels richer.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

MooPig Report from the Middle :: "IDIOMS -- Movers & Shakers"

Today I want to discuss an idiom: "Mover and Shaker." 
by Pat Darnell | June 14, 2011 | Bryan TX
"A person who is a mover and shaker is a highly respected, key figure in their particular area with a lot of influence and importance. (LINK)"
For today, I chose to draw various shapes of hoppers that are responsible for moving and shaking substances to and fro, in and out, from here to there. I love hoppers. I used to design hoppers for the deep tunnel boring project in Chicago, way back in '81. These are tank-like funnels, scoops and salt shakers, and water hoppers, and so on. Get it?

So what if I equate hoppers with mover-shaker? It works for me. That is not the end of today's report. It is the idiom itself I want to talk about.

I must here confess there are about 'seven idioms' that really make me cringe. 'Mover and Shaker' is one. In idiomatic manner of speaking, the other six are Scenario; Quintessential; Gimme' the key; Stay with me; Say you won't -- or say you will -- then go take your goddamn pill; Unique and Professional Web Designs; and, Paradigm.

This list of idiomatic speaking all comes from modern English language, as spoken in cinema, public addresses, introductions by emcees, and during Ponzi Pyramid scheme covered-dish dinner get-together's. Not exactly normal day to day conversations does one find those figures of speech. Most people would not say of themselves "I'm a Mover and Shaker." This idiom is usually bestowed by others. [It's not an exact science.]

I know we have been all over this before; we have dredged this channel every year. It turns out we are in a trend watch for this old idiom as it finds new life: 'Mover-Shaker.' Around the globe today we see several  highly influential and important people. But something is terribly amiss.

It seems we have entered an era of cinema inspired venues for some characters to pop up. For example: Qaddafi is a mover-shaker, although of the heinous kind. But so "was" Osama bin Laden. They are both fellas who were hero to many out there; and they moved and shook things on an "epic scale."

Let that "epic scale" idiom float there a moment. Now let it sink in.

"Epic scale" for me refers to Extinction of the Dinosaurs, or, Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima, or, the earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown in Japan recently. Those are definitely epic -- if not actually epicenter to the concept of mover-shaker influence and respectable catastrophe, as it were.

Both civilian killers -- Qaddafi, and bin Laden -- rose in power with each having a creepy charisma about them that the 'cameras love.' Odd thing, isn't it? We see televised heinous acts by these killers, but the acts are somewhat similar to something you might have seen in a Tom Cruise movie, Sly Stallone flick, or Nick Cage's cadre of films.

One wonders why it is when they show bin Laden in one of his cryptic underground old films, someone cuts next to film footage of men wearing black rags, even on their faces, carrying machine guns, running through the desert, across wooden trestles. This of course is to show that this docile madman is in truth a mover-shaker of hard training soldiers. I am told by those who know, that, my friend, is 'good television.'

Well I spent too much time now agonizing over the 'mover-shaker' sound byte that will be abused in the coming election year. Barry Obama will certainly be touted one when he weighs in for his second term. You be the judge. Maybe what's good for camera isn't necessarily good for humanity... eh?

That's our report from the Middle, where the Hoppers would fit right in, where women are quintessential, where men are paradigms, and all the children want the keys.



Sunday, June 05, 2011

MooPig Graphics :: "Big Idea DOODLES"

The Kucinich resolution was defeated by a vote of 148 in favor and 265 against.
Retrieved by Pat Darnell | June 4, 2011 | Bryan TX | LINK
EXCERPT | " ...[T]he U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to declare war, and not the president, and that President Obama is violating the Constitution by commiting U.S. forces to Libya without congressional authorization.
"If Congress does not challenge a president's dismissal of the clear meaning of Article 1, Section 8 [of the Constituion], then we will have tacitly endorsed a president's violation of the Constitution and guaranteed the perpetuation of future constitutional transgressions," said Anti-war Democratic Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.
"It is a pedantic effort to embarass the president without taking any ownership for the policy of the intervention," said Democratic Congressman Howard Berman of California.
"The news that the U.S. House of Representatives had mandated a withdrawal of U.S. forces would send a ray of sunshine into the whole in which Gadhafi is currently hiding," said House Foreign Affairs Commitee Chairman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen.
" ... President Obama has explained why he decided to commit forces to Libya - to prevent an almost certain massacre of civilians. (Saine, Cindy. June 3, 2011. VOA US House Criticizes Obama on Libya.

ABC News reported on March 29, 2011: "... One week after an international military coalition intervened in Libya, the cost to U.S. taxpayers has reached at least $600 million, according figures provided by the Pentagon.

U.S. ships and submarines in the Mediterranean have unleashed at least 191 Tomahawk cruise missiles from their arsenals to the tune of $268.8 million, the Pentagon said.

U.S. warplanes have dropped 455 precision guided bombs, costing tens of thousands of dollars each. ... "


Saturday, June 04, 2011

MooPig Graphics :: "Big Idea DOODLES"

What if a world chess game were held and no one showed up? ...
OOPS... Sorry ... Bobby Fischer already did that.

EXCERPT  |  " ... On July 11th, the "Match of the Century" had begun. Whether it was a blunder, or a passion to win at all costs, the first game saw Fischer uncharacteristically lose a simple drawn endgame. Game 2 was awarded to Spassky by forfeit when Fischer failed to appear in a dispute over the presence of cameras in the playing hall.

The match was mired in political overtones, during the height of the Cold War. The Soviet chess system had a monopoly on the title since 1948, and the expectations on Spassky were enormous. While Fischer studied chess virtually in seclusion, Spassky had the full resources of the USSR. Victor Baturinsky, head of Soviet Chess Sports Committee, said: "Basically, the Soviet leadership and the powers that be in sport, were interested in just one issue: how to stop Fischer from becoming World Champion." (LINK. Clash of the Titans, television documentary, BBC. Date not shown) ... "


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A Fantastically Flawed Script for a Jazz Rock Opera -- "GAZA"

A Fantastically Flawed Script for a Jazz Rock Opera --
GAZA by Pat Darnell for the Age of Attritionally Challenged

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Bill Gaines said it

Bill Gaines said it
"My staff and contributors create the magazine," declared Gaines. "What I create is the atmosphere."