Showing posts with label families. Show all posts
Showing posts with label families. Show all posts


Extended Family Pictures

 I enjoy taking extended family pictures, but sometimes due to the large group size, I don't have time to take pictures that really capture the personalities of the people I'm working with.  My last session working with an extended family was great (see below). It is great to document who is in your family, but pictures like these really capture the essence of who they are.



Belcher Family


Prescott Family



Eyre Family


Extended Family PIctures

Look at this family, isn't this a great looking family? And they are all so photogenic!

Well, this is where they get it from:
I would kill to have that smile! 

 I love it when I can capture kids being kids.
I know, it is hard to get bad pictures of such a stunning family, my job was easy!
A family of beautiful girls....
and this studly little dude...

These are just a few of my favorites, to view all, click here.


Morse Family