Saturday marks the high school graduation of our eldest daughter. Our first born...the one we made all the "first time parent" mistakes with, swearing that it wouldn't happen again! I swore she'd be graduating with a pacifier still plugged in her mouth! How could have18 years simply passed me by? When did all of this happen? I swear I only looked away for a second! The last thing I remember I was dropping her off for her first day of kindergarten...yet come Saturday, I'll have a high school graduate on her way to VCU!
Who do I need to call to stop this insanity? I swear she's still wet behind the ears, and I'm suppose to release her to the hounds of this world come August? One thing's for certain...we both have a lot to learn about letting go and learning how to fly!
Saturday will be here all too soon for one of us (and it isn't her!) and while I know she's worked hard and is excited about starting a new chapter in her life, I'm still stuck back on the introduction page...and I like it here! While many see a bright, young lady, ready to move forward, I still see the two year old who still needed and wanted me there for everything. So, please excuse my blogging absence for the next few days while I cram in all the should haves, could haves and would haves...before my sand starts running out!