Monday, October 29, 2007

Tagged by Kristine...

I have been tagged by Kristine. The rules...player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves at the end of the post, player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog for the rules.

Here are six things about me that I hope most of you don't already know...

!. I have no idea how I am going to come up with six things.
2. I HATE long toe nails. They are just plain sick and wrong. If you have them, cut them please. They hurt my thoughts. And they are gross.
3. I love to stalk blogs and I feel like it's wasting time by doing it, but I do it anyway.
4. Please don't pop your gum around me. I don't mean popping big bubbles. I mean the kind where you fold over your gum in the back of your mouth and make that little popping sound. It makes me CRAZY!!! I don't know why. I just can't stand it. If you decide to do it around me, I will open your mouth and remove it with my BARE fingers. If you don't believe me, ask dad.
5. I used to pay my little brother to pop his zits. I know, gross, yet satisfying!
6. When I was little I kept a stash of pacifiers in the back corner of my closet and I remember going in there for a fix when I was 7!!! It's true. Lilo is almost two and I don't have the guts to take his away yet.

I am tagging Melody, Katie and Madeline Mc... everyone else I know that has a blog has been tagged already!


Katie M said...

"they hurt my thoughts" hahahaha. i just posted my six things!

Melissa Miller said...

I am having a hard time coming up with 6 things. It might take me a few days to finally finish that post. I sure do like you lovely!!

Melissa Miller said...

Punky, where are some pictures of Halloween????

liza said...

I can't find the cable for my camera to connect to my computer to download the pics. I'll figure it out soon, love.

Melissa Miller said...

You've been tagged by me TO POST A NEW ENTRY.....
Them darn cables.

Tropicanna said...

I agree with the toenail comment. They hurt my thoughts too. And sometimes they end up scraping me, which hurts my body as well. Love your post and you!

liza said...

I had a feeling you would get all jumpy if I didn't post for a few days.

I need to find them darn cables for my can-ra. I've been working on Hattie's birthday party and I've slacked on blogging.

I'll post pics someday.