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Monday, September 28, 2015

Sites around the world

 This was cited as a lake above a lake but it is a little deceiving due to the angle of the picture

in truth it is a lake above the ocean
It is one of the biggest lakes on Faroe Islands and as you can see it runs into the ocean.
Still pretty amazing if you ask me:)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Please stand with me on this

It will soon be time for us to cast our vote for the leader of our country and yet there has been no changes in our voting laws even though it was proven over and over that in the last election there was a vast amount of voter fraud.
This is one example that you might remember.

I don't care if you are a Democrat or a Republican I will encourage you to cast your vote but even more I encourage you to take a stand to be sure YOUR vote counts. There are people who say that this will cause a hardship on minorities but explain to me how the requirement for ID is not a problem in all of the following:

It's time we take a stand..........
 Please go to the following web site and put in your zip code. It will allow you to send a letter to your congressman right on line.

This is the letter I sent to my senator, Senator John McCain.

Dear Senator McCain, I am hoping I might inspire you to introduce a bill that would make it a law that in order to vote in our Presidential elections you MUST prove you are a citizen of the USA. Without that we will soon be right where we were last time with fraud deciding the outcome. I think since so many are in favor of people from Mexico to be here we should adopt their election policies.

(If you do not know the election policies I posted about them here.)

Friday, September 18, 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015

Did you know?

Before there were drones......

In 1914  a carrier pigeon wore the miniature pigeon camera invented by Julius Neubronner and were sometimes used during WWI to take aerial reconnaissance photographs


Monday, September 7, 2015

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Love comes knocking

Sadly on Aug. 15th there was a dead baby found in a dumpster in the back of a grocery store here in my area. I have contacts at the Police Dept. that know that I knit for babies and contacted me to see if I would be willing to make it a hat for burial. I already had one made up along with a blanket..
and was happy to provide it. In case anyone wonders that little baby is in Jesus arms today and that baby's mother has some horrible memories to live with.
      (To be more clear on this situation, this baby weighed only 2 lbs and may have died prior to be put in the dumpster)

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Are your bowling days over and your ball is sitting in the closet?
He can have center stage once more:)