Happy New Year! 2013 flew by and I can't believe it's 2014. This is a somewhat special year for me since it is my year - the Year of the Horse!
New Years Lunch with Mom
Last year I completed 15 races (all running) ranging from 5Ks to full marathons. This year I'm cutting back on my racing a bit and mixing things up as I prepare for my next big goal. So far this year I've run one 15K and two half marathons. My first race this year was the Resolution Run 15K in January which is my standing 15K PR from 2012 when I finished in 1:14 (7:58 pace). This year I finished in 1:26 (9:15 pace). Not my best time, but not my worst. After finishing race after race last year with my slowest times ever, I'm happy to be slowly recovering from chemo and getting my speed and endurance back.
Resolution Run 15K
World's Happiest Runners
Best Husband/Race Support EVER
Earlier this month I ran my next two races, the Mermaid Half Marathon and the San Dieguito Half Marathon. These races were on Saturday and Sunday of the same weekend, and I'd like to think that they take the place of a second 20 mile training run which I wasn't able to squeeze in this marathon training cycle.
Mermaid Half Marathon - Team Peacock Pants
The Mermaid Half Marathon is also the course of one of my PRs, with my 2011 finish coming in at 1:49 (8:23 pace). My finish time last year was a far cry from that - 2:13 (10:09 pace) - so I was happy to have somewhat split the difference at 2:03 (9:24 pace) this year.
Twinsies! My Favorite Running Partner
I was a bit slower in my second race for the weekend and finished San Dieguito in 2:09 (9:52 pace). Not great, but I'll take it. There were a lot of hills and I walked most of them, with the course rivaling the difficulty of the San Francisco Marathon for me.
San Dieguito Half Marathon - Team CAT PANTS
Cat Pants in Action
Cat Pants Close Up - Don't Be Jealous!
Next up on my race calendar is the Napa Valley Marathon ... this weekend! Marathon #21! David and I are flying up to San Francisco on Friday, having dinner with my dad Friday night and spending the night at his house, and then heading up to Napa on Saturday. I'm excited that my two marathon wifeys are both running this race (love you Christina & Tara!) and I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with them and several other friends in Yountville.
Final 20 Mile Training Run
After the Napa Valley Marathon I'm actually going to *gasp* cut back on running a bit as I gear up for my next big challenge. My original goal for 2012 was to finish marathons 19 and 20, and then complete a Half Ironman (70.3) in 2013. Well, cancer got in the way and I didn't cross marathons 19 and 20 off my list until last year ... so that means this year is the year I'm going to cross a Half Ironman off my list by completing Barb's Race - a women's only Half Ironman on the same course as the Vineman full Ironman.
First Bike Ride in Over a Year!
I've also signed up for two shorter distance triathlons to help me prepare for Barb's Race and to get used to triathlons again, and will be doing the Spring Sprint Triathlon in May and the San Diego International Triathlon in June. I'm also doing the San Diego Century again (metric distance) in May to stay accountable with my biking.
Morning Swim Lessons in Coronado (Not Mexico ... my iPhone is confused)
The swim leg of a triathlon is definitely my weakest leg and to help myself prepare I've hired a swim coach that I will be working out with once a week for the next several months. We've had two sessions so far and just in the few hours we have spent together I've already seen noticeable improvement.
New Swim Tools
I'm excited for my marathon this weekend and even more excited for the races following it! Send good vibes this Sunday!