WARNING: This post will NOT be about running. I repeat, it will NOT be about running! Are you wondering now if someone hacked this blog? haha.
So a few days ago I finished reading a book about the Ironman Championship and went to my Shelfari account to mark the book as read. As I did so I clicked on my bookshelf to take a peek at the books I've read this year. I was impressed to see that I've read 10 books this year! I deserve a cookie! jk I usually only read when I travel since I'm normally bombarded with a TON of magazines. The magazines I subscribe to are:
- MM&M (Medical Marketing & Media)
In addition to this I also get the following magazines at work:
- MedEsthetics
- And I few others I barely flip through before tossing
Its really quite overwhelming. I read a lot of news online, try to keep up with my subscriptions at home, and try to breeze through some journals at work to stay on top of things. Usually when I travel I have a stack of magazines with me, but also have a book or two that I'd like to read. I think I've read a nice mix of books for the year and my brief summaries are below.
Book #1: Born to Run
Subject: Running, specifically ultra-running
D'oh! I said I wasn't blogging about running! Okay I'm sorry, this is the only running book I read. A colleague of mine sent me this book as a gift and I'm so glad she did.
Review: GREAT book if you're a runner. You will read this and want to put the book down several times to head out to run. Probably barefoot or in minimalist shoes.
Book #2: What the Dog Saw
Subject: Variety of topics that Malcolm Gladwell has written about
Review: LOVED this book. Then again, I'm a MG fan. Loved the short story aspect of things. Totally a book you can pick up, enjoy, put down, forget about for a while, and pick up and continue to enjoy. The book is through provoking and you'll definitely want to discuss some of the topics with others after finishing the book.
Book #3: Do Something
Subject: Making your life 'count' by living in faith
Review: Bought this book because the pastor of my church wrote it. I enjoyed the book but didn't think the writing very good (sooo sorry Pastor Miles), but though the stories and subjects were easily digestible, the overall message was good, and its a good read for someone who wants to make more of their life through God.
Subject: Insightful book about attaining goals
Review: LOVED this book! Every few pages I was folding a page down with the intention of sharing what I read with someone. Someone must have given me this book years ago because I've had it on my shelf for ages, the pages are yellow, and I cant remember where I got it. Upon finally reading it and blogging about it, (read my blog about Becoming Highly Effective) I had soo much feedback from others who loved the book. This book is a total must read. If you want to make more of your life, read this book. Period.
Book #5: A Sense of Urgency
Subject: Finding or creating "urgency" in your job
Review: Meh. Parts of this book were okay, but I really struggled through it. I felt that this book was very situational. You had to be in a certain professional situation to get something out of it. I love my job, boss and company. I got very little out of this book.
Book #6: Predictably Irrational
Subject: Behavioral economics - why we make the choices that we do
Review: Really liked this book. Did you like Blink or Tipping Point from Malcom Gladwell? Then you'll like this book. Ever wonder why people make the decisions that they do? Wonder why YOU do? Read this book. I enjoyed this book personally and also as someone in Marketing. Professionally in Marketing I'm trying to affect a consumers behavior. Why have I been successful and why haven't I? This book provides some insights.
Book #7: Peaks and Valleys
Subject: Working through Ups and Downs
Review: I borrowed this book from a friend and totally had to force myself to turn the pages. This elementary fable (Similar to me as Who Moved My Cheese) was trivial and uninsightful in my opinion. I didn't get much out of this book. There are good times and bad. Your own perception of things affects this. I get it. Next.
Book #8: Touched by a Vampire
Subject: A biblical analysis of the Twilight series of books/movies
Review: Looking for a reason to hate Twilight? You've come to the right place! jk. I was curious as to how a "biblical" critique of Twlight would play out. Let me confess ... I LOVE the Twilight series!! I was curious to see if this book played the series as good or bad. I think the author wanted to present her view as a neutral analysis, but I took it as a total bashing of the book. At the end of the day I still love the book, it was interesting to read her analysis and to think about the questions she posed, but .. its just a book, its entertainment, and the book didn't change my values. (Which I think the author of this book is fearful of.)
Book #9: Super Freakonomics
Subject: Using theories of economics to show that people work through a variety of crazy issues for a given reward.
Review: Loved it. I also loved their first book Freaknomics. I liked the topics, the though provoking arguments, and the easily digestible chapters. Want to read about prostitutes, global warming, and crack dealing all in one 'economics' book? You've come to the right place! I've never heard anyone I know say that they didn't like the book Freakonomics. For that very same reason, everyone should love this super-sequel too.
Subject: Kona Ironman Chamipionship
Review: If you are an endurance athlete you will love this coffee table book! I got this book at San Diego Tri Club meeting when Macca and Bob Babbit were speaking. I bought the book at a discount and got Macca to sign it. SCORE! This is an incredible coffee table book. There are stories of each year of the Ironman Championship from 1979 to 20003 with incredible photos and articles about each race. AS I read the book all I wanted to do was go workout and get ready to compete for a triathlon! I'm new to the triathlon sport and found this book remarkably amazing. Personally I'd never want to do a full Ironman, but really enjoyed reading about the struggles and triumphs of all of these amazing athletes.
Well wow, that was my year in books! 10 books, 6 of 10 are "business" books, 2 of 10 are about endurance sports, and 2 of 10 are about spirituality. I wonder if that makes up ME? 60% business, 20% sports, 20% religion? Hm .. not sure. It will be interesting to see what I reading 2011. For now, happy reading everyone!