Showing posts with label north beaches art walk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label north beaches art walk. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

man oh man...

Not sure what is wrong with me lately...

So this last kiln load... over fired. melted... later pots. I've had 3 days to sit in this information and stew. I've never blown up a kiln load or over fired. ever. Now two back to back mess ups.


So since I only have 3 bowls and 2 plates left, I closed my etsy shop and won't participate in the December north beaches art walk. Bummer.

I haven't had the nerve/heart/energy to go into the studio yet so I've taken this time to do some drawings and work things out design wise in my head. Not sure why i'm never satisfied with what I've got.

Hopefully I'll get back on the horse this weekend and do some testing and test firing. (I fired to cone 5 with a 10 min hold and I only have 4567 cones in the kiln and all of them were down. :/ oops.

So here is what i've been sketching. I'm going to take 2 weeks "off" to do some kiln fixing/testing and working out some glaze color issues.




Tuesday, November 16, 2010

busy busy!

Been quite busy around here.

Hunter is getting so big and he is almost one. I may have a heart attack. 11.5 months old, where is the time going??? Slow down little one. Before baby I didn't realize how quickly time passes, each month seems to be going quicker and quicker.


I'm making lots of cups. Soon some of my work will be at Trouble Coffee Company in San Francisco. Giulietta is amazing, looks like a fantastic place and someday I'll go vist!

I have a load of coffee cups ready for the north beaches art walk this thursday! Coffee cups and winter are awesome. I have a few soup bowls too. Bowls have been selling like hot cakes.. and I only have 4 left. Oops... better start making some more.

I have a glaze fire going right now, so hopefully i'll have some nice hot pots in the morning!

Anyway, that's my ramble for now. I need to get going before my little tornado of destruction takes apart more of the house. :)




Thursday, October 28, 2010

beach days and missing cup

So it's 88 in late october... so we've been spending some days at the beach. Hunter is fearless when it comes to the water. I had to stop him from diving (crawling) under the waves.

I've also been photographing and uploading some wares on to etsy. Which brings me to the missing cup. I unpacked everything left over from the art walk and seems like I'm missing a tumbler. :/ I hope it's just misplaced. I know I didn't sell it because it was part of a set.. and the rest of the set is here.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Atlantic Beach Art Walk

6 months after having my son, I'm joining our local art walk. I'll be showing at the natural food store- Turtle Island Foods. (363 Atlantic Blvd)

I'm pretty excited because I love their food, and food and handmade goodness make a decent pairing. Jake is looking forward to it as well because they have live music and organic beer. :) Beer also makes everything better.

come visit! June 17th 5-9pm.