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Showing posts with label domestic violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label domestic violence. Show all posts

Friday, August 07, 2009


We have been seeing the disruptions and now violence taking place at these Town Hall meetings by our representatives, to answer questions and gain insight on the Health Reform bill.

Yesterday, Rick Sanchez interviewed Rick Scott, the leader of Conservatives for Patient Rights. I have seen this man's commercials and he has been hitting the talk show circuit - but he remains - a liar and a cheat. A fact which cannot be denied since Sanchez caught and called him on the issue in this clip.

The recent polls being cited are a farce - and btw, I am not a big fan of polls as they are manipulated per event or situation. A poll consisting of 1-2,000 people does not constitute a broad test pattern. If I conducted an interview of 1,500 people who had health insurance - and asked if they were satisfied with their coverage - I'm positive I would get a high percentage of satisfaction. For the simple fact that they do not have any idea what faces those who have NO coverage. Any poll can be manipulated to serve whatever purpose or goal is desired by the pollsters.

I was saddened beyond belief when Hillary Clinton was "shot down" in '94, for all her work on health care reform. Too many years have passed, and these health insurance execs are getting richer by the minute.

For all the concern we had/have over Wall Street execs getting richer on the blood of the little man - look at these CEO's in the health industry. The rethugs want to declare that they do NOT want government making health care decisions for them...WTF do they think is happening now? You have non-medical personnel making life and death decisions for the sake of the dollar.

Oh hell, watch this meet-up between the two Rick's. I thought Sanchez did an excellent job - holding Scott's feet to the fire. I wish they had had more time to spar.

Off to shower, I shall return.....later..........

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sleep is not a really good friend of mine. Although my body can literally be screaming for sleep, it still becomes a JOB. So as I flip flop from the top of the bed to the bottom, constantly changing positions, I always have the remote in my hand. Let me tell ya...I have rolled over - the remote went flying, hitting the dog in the head, but I scurry out of bed to retrieve my security blanket!

In the early hours of this morning, I landed on the EWTN channel. That would be the "Eternal Word Television Network." Solidly Catholic in all it's formats, but this nincompoop Raymond Arroyo, has a news show and the discussion was all over the Conservative map.

As I tuned in, they were showing a clip of VP Joe Biden, exclaiming that domestic violence is the most heinous crime around. To which Arroyo and his Catholic Bishop cohort jumped in with - "What about abortion?" OK - let me see, the correlation is what? I guess the jerk will take any opening to spew his garbage.

But from that brief topic they jumped into the "torture" discussion. And yes, as good Catholics and citizens of the United States of America, they have no problem with these acts, as they really can't be classified as TORTURE. Their theory is that these young men may have information to keep us safe, so we need to do whatever possible to glean that info. OK - you don't believe in killing the unborn...but it is OK to torture a grown individual, which could possibly lead to death. Oh, I forgot about the Inquisition...it appears to be the same mentality.

I was getting mad at this dialogue, and they were moving on to attack Hillary Clinton, so channel surfing was the best solution. No offense against any Catholics out there, but I have had serious issues with their ideas and precepts for oh so many years.

Breaking News: PA Sen. Arlen Specter is switching from Republican to the Democratic Party!!! I actually thought this was coming, but it definitely makes me happy now. If Minnesota can get off its ass and tell Coleman HE LOST, and Al Franken gets seated....60 Democratic Senators and they become filibuster proof. Woohoo!

Now, they need to confirm Kathleen Sebalious TODAY!! This is unforgivable, as there is a Health emergency at this moment, and that office seat needs leadership A.S.A.P.
I have my outside work finished, as least what I can do so far. I have to paint (treat) the front and back decks, but rain is headed this way this afternoon, and will be hanging around for a few days - so that is out of the question.

After an argument with thedaughter last night - she was upset because she said I was bad-mouthing her on my blog (oops - might have), she put her AC unit in her bedroom window. Of course this didn't happen without a great deal of loud "bad" language, and objects being thrown - but at least she can cool off now.

I'm working on laundry now, so behave and play nice, I will return........later...........

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Considering this asswipe was in court on a domestic violence charge - he beat his girlfriend - I guess he just wanted to make it worth his while. He NOW has a second domestic charge and more to follow. Three cheers to this athletic judge!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Legalizing marijuana...about time!!

I love this article and the bill being supported by Barney Frank. I have been a member of NORML since the early 70's. I have said so many times, I would rather be around someone who is stoned than one who is drunk. I have posed this question to various law enforcement people over the past many years: "How many domestic disturbance calls, involve alcohol and thusly those involving marijuana?" I have yet to find one admission relating to marijuana use. Alcohol is the prime additive in domestic situations.

As this bill states, laws will still be enforced for cultivating, and selling for profit, but possession for personal use (100 grams or less) will be nothing. Hooray - quit tying up the courts time with these petty cases.

Now a question for thought...the phrase that one is "legally intoxicated"...shouldn't that mean that is therefore OK to be intoxicated because it is LEGAL??? One has to love semantics.

Later guys...TTFN