Friday, May 7, 2010

six month sister

Mommy promised to update you more often here on the blog but it seems that she doesn't have as much time as she thought. While she's busy, I'll tell you a little bit about what I've been up to:

Play time in mommy's shades...

hypnotizing people with my amazing baby blues...

and getting my six-month pictures taken with Lammy...

I'm also eating a lot more food now. I can't believe Mommy was holding out on me! Who knew the veritable cornucopia of nourishment that awaited me outside of the breastaurant?!?!?! Sweet Potatoes, Butternut Squash, Carrots, Bananas, Applesauce, Pears, Peas, and Green Beans have been my latest delicacies. I'm not too crazy about the veggies, especially if I am eating fruit at the same meal, but Mommy says I am a good eater.

I am totally in love with my Daddy and give him big smiles whenever he comes near me. And that redheaded kid is pretty cool too. He plays with me a lot and usually treats me good...usually. I've also noticed that there's this funny furry creature that lives at our house too. I love it when he licks my hands, that makes me laugh out loud.

I'll tell Mommy to get her stuff together and write more often. She did mention something about having writer's block or something like that but I don't know what that means. And I'll try to take better naps so that she'll have time to blog and check her facebook thing too.

See you around!

Anna Griffin

Sunday, April 11, 2010

best deal on diapers i've found

Pampers is currently offering a killer deal for all you moms looking to save big...

They now include a free baby with every box of diapers you buy!

(I'm so lucky that my baby happens to look just like her big brother - thanks Pampers!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

my, my...

Mr. Baseball and I have discovered that having a 3 year old is nothing like having a 2 year old. In fact, its much worse. I believe our thoughts during the Redhead's "twos" were..." Wow, we must be doing something right with our parenting, we have such a well behaved child."

Uh-huh. Then he turned three. (*sigh*) Lord, please forgive me for thinking I was any kind of a perfect parent.

God has such a sense of humor.

While three is a difficult age, its also a fun age. He does tend to redeem himself by saying the funniest things. For example...

* (while sitting at the lunch table the other day) "My, My, what a big bottom you have." - when asked where he heard this, he proceeded to say that he heard it from me. I.don'

* "Mommy, where is YOUR penis?" (after seeing me getting out of the shower).

* (after watching the popping of the world's biggest zit on youtube) "I'm going to do that with the bump when I grow up." Just don't ask.

* When snuggling in the bed the other morning, Mr. Baseball and I kissed his cheeks at the same time and made a "Redhead sandwich" and the next words out of his mouth were..."Aw, Shucks..." I laughed soooo hard. He has great comedic timin

Despite the challenges, he's such a great kid and we love him to pieces!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

will i stage a comeback? that's tbd

Now that life has somewhat calmed down (we moved a month ago), I'm thinking of staging a comeback to blogging. We've gone wireless at our house so I can now sit anywhere and blog - in front of the tube, in Anna Griffin's or Wesley's room, on the potty - anywhere! I'm experiencing a new level of technical freedom. As soon as I figure out how to download pictures, I'll put some new ones of the kids on here, as well as our house which we are updating (every room but 3 had old wallpaper). I can't promise I'll blog everyday - it may just be once a week - but I have had this urge to jump back into the blogosphere. we go!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

turning, turning, turning through the weeks...

Its been a loooooong time since my last post and I have some really good excuses. Wanna see them?

Life is never dull here. The Redhead is enjoying preschool and is busier than ever. Whoever said the two's are terrible obviously never had a three year old. He's fun, just slightly manipulative and defiant at times. I came close to selling him once but then thought better of it.

Little Sister is doing fabulously. She turned 3 months old on Thursday the 21st. Hard to imagine that much time has already gone by. She's sleeping anywhere from 8-11 hours at night and had her first chuckle with me a few nights ago. She is very happy and laid-back and loves watching her brother.

3 months old (1/21/10)

An exciting update about our house - In mid-December we got a full price offer on our little home. We quickly accepted and set off looking for another, larger place to settle down. We found this great place...

Its got the space we need (almost 2000sq/ft, 3BR, 2.5BA, LR, DR, Den, and sunroom), is in a GREAT neighborhood, and was a heck of a deal. It will be our continuous "project home" for years to come. Literally, once you step through the front door, you are transported back somewhere between 1970 and 1980 - quite confusing. It'll be fun though.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

hair today, gone tomorrow

She doesn't just resemble him from the front...

Sunday, November 22, 2009

one month old

Hard to believe a month has passed already since Anna Griffin entered our lives. She is such a sweet, snuggly baby girl. We're getting some sleep, doing a ton of laundry, and changing lots and lots of diapers. Her brother is absolutely over the moon in love with her and is always looking for an excuse to give her her pacifier (which she could care less about). I thought I'd share some recent photos of our little miss. Unfortunately she has a lot less pictures than her brother did at this point but such is life. Mommy has a lot less time now than I did when Wesley was her age!

I thought I would do a side by side comparison of Wesley and Anna Griffin at approximately one month old to see how much they look alike. There's no doubt that they are siblings!
Check it out...

Just to clarify, Wesley is on the left, Anna Griffin on the right.

Friday, October 23, 2009

baby homer has arrived!!!!!

Mr Baseball and I would like you to meet Baby "Homer":

ITS A GIRL!!!!!!

Anna Griffin
(Last name withheld to protect anonymity)
October 21, 2009
3:37 pm
8 lbs 14 oz
21 inches long

Perfectly perfect in every way!

Our wonderful doctor, Anna Griffin, me, and Mr. Baseball

Thursday, October 15, 2009

one-third of the way there

This morning my doctor informed me that I'm 3 cm dilated!!! If I don't go into labor on my own sometime this weekend, we will schedule an induction for early next week! I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now!

Updates and Pictures to come!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

it's almost time!

My lucky healthy pregnancy streak came to an screeching halt on Friday when my doctor put me on bed rest. The diagnosis: Pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure). I had this with the Redhead but it started at 34 weeks and here we are at 37 weeks, so that is much better! My blood pressure has hovered near or around 140/90 which is high, so they want me to rest in hopes that it will keep it lower and keep the baby in a little longer. My mom came in on Sunday evening and plans on staying until... I go tomorrow to see if any progress has been made on the dilation front (pray that it has) and if my blood pressure is good, they will let me continue on bedrest. However, if the blood pressure is higher, we could be inducing on Friday and having a baby! ACK!!!! I think I'm ready. Actually, we ARE ready, especially since the size of the baby has been estimated to be at least 7 1/2 lbs. Please Lord, let this child be under 9 lbs. Hopefully the next post will be one that contains the name, birth info, and pics of little Baby "Homer". Stay tuned!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

the waiting game

Four and a half more weeks to go!

We can't wait to meet you Baby Homer!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

(almost) wordless wednesday

My "baby" boy on his first day of preschool. Of course the trip to school would not be complete without his best friend "Bear Bear" and a matchbox car in tow (they were not allowed in).

BTW, he loved it.

So did I.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

coming up for air

We're still here, just a smidgen busy though. 60 days to go before the big arrival and as if that isn't enough, we've decided to put our house on the market in hopes to make a step up to more room (and rooms). No showings yet, but some interest, so we're crossing our fingers and praying that we will be able to sell it and avoid the 6% realtor commission. Between doctor's visits, playdates, MOPS gearing back up, Wesley getting ready for preschool, getting the house ready for showings, making time to nap, etc., I just haven't had much desire to blog. I'll probably be a bit more sporadic since life is only going to get busier, but I'll be around. There will MOST DEFINITELY be pics of the new arrival, don't worry your pretty little heads about that one. But I'll probably check back in before that happens!

See you around!


Saturday, July 25, 2009

cheap summer thrill

A while back while looking for fun activities to do around the house, Wesley and I came up with this.

Materials Needed:
* toddler/preschooler
* slick floor (we still have linoleum but hardwood would work as well)
* one adult to do all the work

(the whining you heard at the end of the video was simply
due to the fact that he didn't want the spinning to stop)

**No preschoolers or pregnant mothers were harmed in the making of this video.

Monday, July 20, 2009

in wesley's words

Hey! It's me, Wesley (a.k.a. The Redhead). I hijacked mommy's blog while she was drinking her coffee and watching Noggin those other channels I didn't know our TV had. And since she hasn't updated her blog in forever, I decided I would take matters into my own hands.

Mommy has been pretty busy lately. Last week, my Nano came and played with me while mommy cleaned the house like a crazy lady. For some reason, mommy feels like the house needs to be purged and cleaned before October. The only thing I know that's happening in October is that I'll be 3...and something something about a new baby. Whatever.

I'm getting a big boy bed soon! Daddy has been working like crazy on the bed he slept in when he was a kid, sanding and re-staining it for me to sleep in. I'm excited that now when I wake up at the crack of dawn, I'll be able to climb out of bed and go wake up Mommy and Daddy.

Daddy also gave me a great new haircut. Here's a picture...

I started out being excited about this new haircut...until I felt the hair falling on my arms and neck. After that, it was on. Mommy says it's not her favorite haircut, but darn if it isn't cooler in all this heat. She also says its just hair and it will grow back.

About this baby thing...I know there's a baby in Mommy's tummy. We call it Baby Homer. I got to feel Baby Homer kicking Mommy the other day. It was pretty cool, but I wonder...does that hurt Mommy? I get in big trouble when I kick her, but she thinks its fun when Baby Homer does. BTW, I think Baby Homer is a little sister, even though Mommy and Daddy don't know if the baby is a boy or girl. I'm going to be a GREAT big brother. I'll show the baby how to use the potty, jump up and down, run fast, and I might even share my cheese with him/her.

Okay, my hands are getting tired from all this typing. And Super Why is about to come on PBS so I gotta go. I'll tell Mommy to update this blog more often.

See You Later!
