Inspired by the article, "I decided I'm beautiful" from Harper's Bazaar magazine months ago, I am actually writing this.
I can barely reach 4 feet and 10 inches in a height chart. Yes, I am that short. Super short. Searching online some website says that any person below that height is considered a dwarf /midget. Since I am proportioned, I am then a midget.
Even in the Philippines, I was always the shortest.. in class, at work, even walking through the streets, at the mall (except when there's kids) etc. It is probably the main reason why I was not confident growing up (cause I did not really grow up hehe). I was teased although I would just take it as a joke back then. I don't have a face of a model either. I had acne when I was younger and I still get them at times. In most Asian countries, being fair skinned is also a symbol of beauty and I am dark. Thank goodness, here in the US tanned skin is good! I have naturally rough hands, short fingers, flat nose, "big hair", and yellowish big teeth.
I learned that my feelings does not depend on my height or my face value. Knowing that, I can do more things that I love to do, dress up if I feel like it or wear a faded shirt with holes also if I feel like it. I guess we are all normal in our own ways.. and yes, I decided... uhmmm... I'm beautiful no matter how short or plain looking I am (beauty is relative!).
Here's the lady behind my inspiration in typing this. She has no idea. The picture is from Harper's Bazaar magazine/fashion website. Thank you Gabourey Sidibe, I can see beauty in you.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Play day
We ran some errands today, RC was a busy girl.
Here's her first picture at the grocery store. She was mad at me because I won't let her touch the stuff on the shelves.
I know my outfit is tacky especially with the belt but it's a good cover for belly bump that did not go away. I turned my dress into a skirt also to cover my unshaven legs. I'm bad at experimenting with clothes so I usually only do it on the weekends and not when I go to work. 

We were waiting at the pharmacy here. I like their sitting area. We did not have matching outfits but I matched our hairstyles.
I'm thinking about having RC's ears pierced again. I did take her when she was 5 months old but she would always pull her ears so I decided to remove it. It also created a confusion because pulling the ears can also be a sign of ear infection in kids and she had it before. She's full of teeth already. She had them early, at 5 months she got her first tooth.
Our signature pose with me holding her at the parking lot.
Last destination was a playground at a nearby park. It's better than the one I always take her to.
I wanted us to slide together since it's a double slide but she can't wait.
I am wearing my latest sunglasses Michael Kors, regular price was $99. I got it for $20. I noticed all my sunglasses have the same style just different colors. I know why, because the lenses are so big, they wouldn't fall even with my flat nose.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
what i wore: all not well known brand except Me Too wedges and Michael Kors sunnies
what she wore: muu'muu for kids, Disney sandals, cheap socks ordered from Amazon (I've got to buy her new shoes, her feet is getting bigger... again!)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Happy 101 with Easter pictures
Happy 101, this was from months ago. I got this award from 4 fellow bloggers. Thanks =)
I just thought of sharing 10 plus one ways RC makes me happy.
1. When she's happy, I'm happy. Seeing her big smile, and giggle makes me smile or laugh too.
2. When I see her after a long day at work. Work seemed to be much much longer now because I miss her when I am working.
3. Dressing her up can be so much fun. I remember when I was pregnant, I bought tons of newborn clothes, it's good that I was on maternity leave for awhile so I was able to dress her up more then.
4.Shopping for her. (Same explanation as #3)
5.Taking her pictures makes me happy. Browsing through her pictures brings memories back. I took pictures of her everyday till she was about 8 1/2 months old then I missed a day, from then on, I keep missing days but not much. I probably missed about 10-14 days for the whole year. One year everyday photos was my goal. The reason why is because she got a cold, she had coughing, fever, runny nose and I totally forgot.
6. Seeing her do things the first time.
7. When she do her tricks even if it's over and over again, especially when she does it alone without me asking her to do it.
8. When she's sweet. Extra sweet is better. She can be both.
9. When she dances. I don't really know how she learned about dancing but one day she was only about 5 or 6 months, she heard a music from TV and she was trying to sway her body. She dances really good now, swaying left and right even tilting her neck!
10. When she sings. I learned this one month ago, because she don't have that much words yet, I would try to sing twinkle twinkle in nana nana sound and now she's singing it often. Of course, I still sing it to her with the right words then we sing together in Nana-Nana. She would sing alone sometimes and I have to sing with her.
Three months ago, she was also featured in a local magazine, she was the the January birthday girl winner. I did not even know there was a contest when I submitted the picture. I sent it with a note saying..."she will be one year old..." They sent us CDs, a book and copies of the magazine. This made me happy.
Here are some pictures of us from the Easter festival we attended last week.
I think putting an age bracket is a good way to do the egg hunt so she did not have to be with bigger kids , they can run over her. She is not even 1 1/2 year old yet but she went egg hunting anyway. 
I think the bunny was clapping for her. It looks like it. She got happy with one egg and played with her basket. She ended up having three eggs.
That other girl was the winner.
"Can you please train me to find and pick the hidden eggs? - RC
The two pictures below are before the Easter party when it was not crowded yet.
Her first air brushed tattoo.
Time for a picture with the Easter Bunny. Excuse my dark knees, I'm full of melanin.
Overall, it was fun. It was also an opportunity to meet some neighbors, at least see some of them. I think we'll attend more upcoming family events.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Dots and Cars
Here are some pictures of us from a car show. Entrance of $5 and I can literally ride cars that are worth $100,000, I even got two shopping bags as give-away, isn't that worth it?
RC is so active now, she was having the time of her life trying to walk and run wherever she wants but of course mommy stops her. I have to hold her hand so she'll stay close to me.
Tomorrow, I will bring her to an egg hunting event. I hope she does good and maybe make friends with other toddlers.Today we just had a lazy Saturday, she's now taking a nap, thank goodness, she needs it. Kids are so energetic.
Thanks for those who commented on my I miss blogging post. You are all right. I have to do blog for fun, I'm not making money out of it, it should not be like work. I should blog for myself and then later look back. I actually am able to post more lately because I am more focused on putting the events that me and RC did. So again, thanks for those wonderful comments. I also visited some mommy blogs.
I got a bag tag and I still have to do my Happy 101 list. Thanks for these tags/awards. I will do them soon. =) Happy Easter!
Friday, April 2, 2010
SF Part 4- Pier 39, Coit tower
This will be my last post from our San Francisco trip. I just want to put more detail of our trip. I gained at least 5 pounds in a few days. We kept eating. We went to Goldilocks, Crab House, Olive Garden, Jollibee and Red Ribbon. It was not my first time at Pier 39 but I remember how crowded it was before and it was still crowded the last time I was there. We did not have the chance to take that much pictures on those crowded areas. The Coit tower was just a few minutes drive from the Pier so we went the same day. No shopping for me, the only shopping I did was to go to the nearby drugstore to get diapers and other baby items.
I love San Francisco, I'm hoping we could go back later this year but if not, we would probably go again next year. We probably won't fly until August, we're going to my hometown, I'm so excited. It would be a straight 10 hour flight though. I think one of the hardest part is being on the plane with a baby, she's more of a toddler now but I still call her baby.
Overlooking Alcatraz
Coit tower behind me
View from the top of coit tower

View from the bottom of coit tower
Crabs from Crab House, we were suppose to get the crab feast which is a larger tray of crabs but we had to get two tables to accomodate all of us so we just had half of the feast for each table.
Take out from Jollibee and Red Ribbon. I took these pictures too late, the chickenjoy bucket is almost empty.
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