Showing posts with label Honours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Honours. Show all posts

Monday, January 24, 2011

Art Award!

Jonah's school has a monthly award program called "The Five A's" - Athletics, Arts, Attitude, Academics and one other one that escapes my brain right now.

Jonah was very excited to hear that he was receiving the Arts award! The school hosted an assembly and invited the parents to see the kids receive their awards. Jonah was so very proud. WE were so very proud.

Jonah with his award
All students who received the Arts award
Jonah with his principal Mr. Island

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Just Fabulous!

Adding a twist to a famous quote by Coco Chanel, "A Blog should be two things - Classy and Fabulous".

My friend Shirley has bestowed upon me the Fabulous Blog Award! Thanks Shirley! I think I will need to get a new pair of shoes to go with my new fabulous award!

Here are the rules for this Award.
#1 - You have to pass it on to 5 other fabulous blogs in a post.
#2 - You have to list 5 of your fabulous addictions in the post.
#3 - On your post of receiving this award, make sure you include the person that gave you the award and link it back to them.
So here are my 5 Fabulous Addictions:
#1 - I am addicted to my husband and son. Some may find this crazy, but I miss them every moment. I think about them all day at work, anywhere I am without them.
#2 - I am addicted to Scrapbooking - I love it, everything about it. The pictures, the memories, the creativity, the circle of friends - it just rocks!
#3 - I am addicted to Jelly Tots candy. I blogged about these before. LalalaLOVE them. Unfortunately, they no longer sell them in Canada :(
#4 - I am addicted to TEA - I am doing better on cutting down. I used to drink about 10-15 cups a day. LOVE the tea farmers. In particular, I love my Tetley. It is the best.
#5 - I am addicted to my shows! In particular, Grey's Anatomy! I love this show and get very excited for Greys night. Even have a special dip to eat when it is on!
Now for the nomination of my peer Bloggers (who made this award possible in the first place):
#1 - Cyn
#2 - Carrie
#3 - Brynn
#4 - Nadya
#5 - Trudy