Showing posts with label Kosovo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kosovo. Show all posts

Monday, January 10, 2011

Orthodox Bishop Artemije to the Holy Synod...

From here.

The retired Bishop of Ras-Prizren
September 13th, 2010
Shishatovac Monastery


Surprised, shocked and deeply wounded by its contents, and the slanders and threats contained in the latest Act of the Holy Archieratical Synod, No. 924, dated August 26th 2010, we are compelled to answer it, according to our duty and our sense of conscience.

For the last few years, even though We expressed our disagreement, We have been tolerant of and accepting of many of your non-canonical and anti-constitutional decisions and deeds. The reason for that was that We were convinced then that, both for the Church and the people, instead of spreading and hardening the conflict within the Church, it was better that We endure your aggression, initially, with small acts but over time the aggression has grown bigger and harder, against the archieratical right and the authority of the Diocese of Ras-Prizren.

Must we remind you of the issue of Our lawsuit filed in Strasbourg, concerning the damage inflicted during the events of March 17th 2004, and its forced withdrawal, the issue of the Memorandum (March 2005), the reception of the “reconstructed” edifices in 2008 and 2009, the question of Visoki Decani Monastery and the schism created by its administration, the issue of Our right to judge and promote our clerics… In the end, albeit not agreeing with it, We accepted the anti-canonical and non-constitutional extortion of Our Diocese from Us and our expulsion from Kosovo and Metohija.

We acted in such a manner in order to maintain peace, concord and unity within the Serbian Orthodox Church. We hoped for peace and harmony. Did Our tolerance towards you bring peace to the Church? No! Only chaos has been created. By your actions, only irreparable damage was brought to the Diocese of Ras-Prizren. You have chased away its monastics, you have exposed them to harassment, blackmail, threats of legal action both ecclesiastical and secular. You contest their right to a filial relationship with Us, their spiritual father.

You cooperate with illegitimate Albanian institutions, hence assisting the creation of a secessionist entity within the Serb Kosovo and Metohija. You have already received praise from our adversaries. 

Liturgical order has been destroyed and chaos has been introduced to the Diocese of Ras-Prizren.

Besides all this, you are pressurising the whole Serbian Orthodox Church, abandoning Sacred Canons and the Holy Tradition, toward the path of abominable Union with Papacy. What does the speech of His Holiness in Vienna these days look like?

We have no more justifiable reasons to accept things with which We do not agree. We have no such right, and the question is if We have ever really had it!? As Ras-Prizren Bishop, we must not, we do not want to, and we cannot cooperate in the dismantling of St. Sava’s Serbian Orthodox Church.

Fathers and brethren, with this address to You as members of the Holy Archieratical Synod, let it be considered and known that we address at the same time to the Holy Archieratical Assembly of Hierarchs, to the Primates of all the Local Orthodox Churches and their Hierarchs, to the Priests and Monastics, as well as to all the Orthodox people around the globe. The basic reason for that is the latest act of Yours, which We mentioned in the beginning.

You have intended to impose on Us a new punishment, showing thus that you are still not satisfied by all those declared and implemented punishments, all of them without real canonical background.

All are aware, even outside of the boundaries of Ras-Prizren Diocese, and even outside Serbia, what really hides in the deeper background regarding the motive as to why You removed us from Kosovo and Metohija, even forbidding Us to dwell there in any of the monasteries that We had built or reconstructed there, at least in a retired status, which you non-canonically and anti-constitutionally imposed on Us.

Such intentions of Yours towards Us suffice to show to many  who needs to fear whom and why, as well which side is canonically rightful and which one is not.

It is also publicly known that We, in order to keep the peace in the Serbian Orthodox Church, complied with Your decisions, emphasizing every time that Our compliance did not mean that We also agreed  with those decisions. We could not agree that in a completely oppressive way, You extort from Us the Diocese of Ras-Prizren, entrusted to Us by God, and that You give it over to the hands of the second and the third bridegroom, albeit We are still alive. Truly wise Church Fathers called such actions “fornication” from which one can expect only foul offspring. Who can be proud today of the offspring that multiplied like weeds from such an unholy union? Only the adversaries, and they are many, not only from the outside, but from the inside as well! But, let the initiators and perpetrators of the infernal plan of Our deprivation of the Diocese, and our removal from Kosovo and Metohija think about it more!

The malice continued to spread. In this chain non-canonical actions from Your side, not only that you deprived us of our Bishop’s throne, and expelled Us from Kosovo and Metohija, but you have scattered our flock, too. And the flock knows it shepherd. The flock is sensible and thus it has self-determined to follow its shepherd. It will not accept the imposed foreign shepherd who wants to keep the flock in fear, under threat and punishment.

Do We have the right to renounce Our own flock, which does not renounce Us? What answer shall We give to Christ the Saviour, Who invested Us to be the shepherd of the reasonable flock, and to Whom we gave an oath of faithfulness for life?

Bearing all this in mind, my dear Brethren in Christ, we declare and penitently acknowledge that We did not do well when we emphasized and declared that We “comply with your decisions, but We do not agree with them”. Our “compliance” towards You obviously did not bring peace to the Serbian Orthodox Church, which was so much desired from Our side. On the contrary!

After all that, we are indebted to officially withdraw all Our statements on the “compliance” given so far, for We see that We will have to give answers to  the Lord for them. In the other world We will not answer to You, but to Him Who taught us through all the Apostles, Martyrs, Teachers and the Saints of His Church, that one should pay obedience to God more than to men.

We have the feeling that by complying with Your decisions, preceded by specific blackmails, threats and horrible pressures, of which every successive one was harsher than the previous one, We have acted mistakenly against Our Diocese, which goes by the name of Ras-Prizren; against that entrusted to Us namely the spiritual flock, that is against Our life-long duty toward the Most High Lord to stand steadfastly on guard spiritually, in accordance to the church canons and the Archieratical oath We gave.

Hence, We rightfully demand that You give Us back the extorted seat of the Ras-Prizren Bishop, by which act You would bring back the canonical order and peace to the Serbian Orthodox Church.

On the contrary, We publicly declare by this that from now in future We deliver Us from the sense of guilt for the previous “compliances”, for We are, in the Church and toward God a life-long canonical Hierarch of the Ras-Prizren Diocese. In that sense, We will not submit to any future non-canonical decisions of Yours, bearing in mind that all the previous ones were brought about by the diktat of  non-ecclesiastical, political and inimical factors.

Undeniable testimonies and events which speak on behalf of what We say are well known to everybody, and the impartial historians will give their final judgment on that, and even before them it will be done by the general awareness of the rightful God’s people.

If there is awareness among you on how none of you  under any circumstances, would allow  someone to extort or endanger in any way  the Diocese entrusted to you by God, if that awareness  prevails in you, my brother Hierarchs, and that the other Hierarchs violate your rights which have been strictly guaranteed by the church canons, then you would understand Us and the justification for everything We have said here. If there is no such awareness, then there will only be hypocritical talk of love among us, and the efforts in reestablishing peace and order in our Church will be in vain.

In such a context, if, God forbid, a SCHISM happens in the Serbian Orthodox Church, be ready to receive and suffer the responsibility for it, and all the consequences which will come out of it.

No one either talks of schism or endeavours to create it except the members of the Holy Archieratical Synod, since February 11th, 2010 until today. The people see and recognize that truth. It cannot be buried or hushed up, nor can the responsibility be shifted to someone else.

We, in the virtue of canonical Bishop of Ras-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija, remain steadfastly loyal to the Hierarch of us all – Lord Jesus Christ, Who summoned Us to a life-long Archieratical service in the canonical unity with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Sincerely devoted in the Lord to the Holy Archieratical Synod,

Bishop of Ras-Prizren and Kosovo-Metohija


Saturday, January 08, 2011

Orthodox Bishop Artemije in Exile...

From here.

By the Grace of God
Orthodox Bishop of Ras-Prizren
In Exile
December 7, 2010



Dear Brother and concelebrants in Christ,

We hope that your Grace had already received news on the displeasing events in the Serbian Orthodox Church concerning Us, least among your brethren in Lord. Modern mass media are various and numerous; hence the news that the Assembly of the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church had deprived Us of the Hierarchal honour and has reduced Us to the rank of monks, exactly on the day of the fiftieth anniversary of our monastic tonsure, has surely reached you, too.

We do not know of the reasons mentioned in the information you have received, and in which context have they been presented, but We know that here, in Our fatherland, the information, coming from the Holy Archieratical Synod and from the Serbian state, disseminated through the mass media, are full of falsities, slanders, and unproved accusations.

Just a small, but bitter part of the orchestrated persecution against Us one can get, learning how a few months ago the Serbian Patriarchate (i. e. Holy Archieratical Synod) has commenced a legal process against Our Protosyncellus, Archimandrite Simeon Vilovski, who had at the time already been in Thessalonica, preparing his Doctor’s thesis at the Theological faculty of the Thessalonica University. Based on “doubt on malfeasance in office”, the Synod has lodged a complaint against him. After an international arrest warrant issued against him, Fr. Simeon spent three and a half months in Greek prisons, waiting for the trial at the Areopagus, the Supreme Court of Greece. The trial was held on July 6, 2010.

In its ruling No. 1410/2010, the Areopagus justified Fr. Simeon. It was publicly declared on July 13, 2010, rejecting the request of the Serbian legal bodies for his extradition to Serbia where he would have been tried upon the indictment on “doubt on malfeasance in office”. The Areopagus clearly concluded that: a) it is a fabricated persecution, behind which stands the persecution of political and religious convictions, and b) he would have no fair trial in Serbia.

Lest you remain in misapprehension regarding Our case, we have taken liberty to provide attached Our written address to the Holy Archieratical Synod from September 13, 2010, from which you can have a firsthand knowledge on how and why the disagreement between Us and the Holy Archieratical Synod has come to pass.

The five-member Synod, in which Our infamous denouncers and persecutors participated and voted against Us, and, albeit We were not summoned to reply, reacted to Our letter, by ruling another non-canonical decision, which puts Us under suspension of “performing all the sacraments” until the regular session of the Holy Assembly of the Hierarchy, scheduled for November 17, 2010. In expectation of the possibility to put forth our defense at the Assembly of the Hierarchy, and that in front of all that the full Truth be shown, We have, even though the ruling is non-canonical, respected the synodal decision.

Unfortunately, We were not even invited to the Assembly of the Hierarchy, where, again, our infamous denouncers and persecutors participated and voted against Us. The Assembly of the Hierarchy, again non canonically, and against the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church, brought the decision that We be deposed and demoted to the rank of monk, without the right to defend Ourselfs, and without Our presence,.

Eventually, all four of the times that either the Holy Archieratical Synod or the Assembly of the Hierarchy dealt with Our issue [a) February 11, 2010 the HA Synod temporary suspension from the Bishop’s seat; b) May 4, 2010. Holy Assembly of the Hierarchy – “deposition” from the Bishop’s seat; c) September 15, 2010, HA Synod – prohibition of performing the Sacraments; d) November 19, 2010, Holy Assembly of the Hierarchy – defrocking] were not regularly and canonically preceded by a judicial process, neither were the witnesses of the prosecutor and defense summoned, nor were We summoned to express our defense. Apart from May 4, 2010, We were not invited to the Assembly of the Hierarchy, and We did not participate in it. Finally, Our judges were Our infamous denouncers and horrendous slanderers through the mass media.

We have in front of Us the example of Saint John Chrysostom, who was also wrongfully and non-canonically tried and defrocked, excluded from participation in the sacraments and expelled. He himself never acknowledged that decision as a valid one, and considered himself the canonical Archbishop of Constantinople to the end of his life, had the communion with many Bishops throughout the Oecumene and celebrated the Divine Liturgy (according to the possibilities). That is why We behaved in a similar way. We have not accepted the decision of the Assembly, and We consider Ourself  the only legitimate and life-long Bishop of Ras-Prizren. Hence, We officiate the Holy Sacraments with our monks and the faithful, conditions that we live in allowing.

We inform You on all this, my dear brother, in hope that with brotherly understanding and support,  the Truth might triumph, and that We might  remain in spiritual and canonical Unity with all of You.

We use the opportunity to wish You a happy and blessed festivity of the Christ’s Nativity, with the all-joyful greetings.



In the love of divine newly-born Christ, Your brother and concelebrant

Bishop of Ras-Prizren,

and Kosovo-Metohija


Monday, September 15, 2008

Monks mix religion, politics in battle over Kosovo's future

By Christine Spolar Chicago Tribune correspondent
10:42 PM CDT, September 13, 2008

DECANI, Kosovo — A new Balkan war has erupted — and this time all warriors can claim God is on their side.

Orthodox monks from two UN-protected monasteries in this former province of Serbia are openly rumbling over their future in Kosovo. A face-off last month at a revered monastery in Decani turned into an unholy brawl: The personal secretary of church leader Bishop Artemije was rushed by three Decani monks and heaved outside the church gate. He reportedly snapped an ankle.

The spark of the fracas is unclear—monks at both monasteries refused interviews—but the deeper dispute in a region that has trembled in the past with ethnic war is a revelation about the state of Serbian unity over Kosovo.

Serbian church officials, the rock of Serbian culture, are split in Kosovo over how to deal with the new government dominated by ethnic Albanians—and there is a stark difference in attitudes between generations of clerics.

Last week, Serbia signed off with the European Union on steps toward membership. Belgrade's more open approach to the West may, in part, be stirring the troubles in the Orthodox church.

"This is an old-fashioned political fight — among monks," said Cedomir Antic, a historian at the Institute for Balkan Studies in Belgrade. "The younger monks are considering the consequences of the political battles in Kosovo. They want to figure out a way to deal with the day-to-day problems—and whatever comes next."

Serbia refuses to recognize Kosovo and intends to ask the UN's International Court of Justice to rule on the legality of Kosovo's declaration of independence. Still, as Serbia fumes, facts on the ground have changed.

A constitution has been passed by the Kosovo parliament, and about 100,000 ethnic Serbs and a couple of million ethnic Albanians have lived relatively quietly for seven months in a new country. Kosovo authorities continue to reach out to minority groups, and the long-bearded, black-robed Orthodox monks are key to that contact.

The question is which monks in which monastery are the touchstone of the Serb community.

In northern Kosovo, two dozen monks who live in the forested hills of Decani regularly see UN advisers. Decani's monk-superior, Vicar Bishop Teodosije, and the well-known Father Sava, both in their 40s, host European and NATO envoys, who meet, in turn, with Kosovo leaders. Sava is known as "The Cybermonk" for his Web-savvy ways in promoting the frescoed Decani Monastery.

Hard-line bishop

Closer to the capital of Pristina, monks at the monastery in Gracanica are loyal to the hard-line mien of Grace Bishop Artemije.

The white-bearded diocesan leader reigns in Kosovo, and he flatly refuses to accept that his flock is not in Serbia anymore. Diplomats shrug that Artemije leaves no room for compromise. Daily, the Gracanica Monastery flies a Serbian flag from its balcony.

In February, as Kosovo declared independence, Artemije called for Russians to come bolster the Orthodox community in Kosovo. And in the heat of Serbia's presidential race, Artemije spoke out against Boris Tadic, the pro-European president who returned to power.

The breach among Orthodox priests has headlined Serb news. Even though monks at both monasteries refused last week to be interviewed, one version of facts was compiled, in deeply emotional dispatches, by Artemije on the Web site of the Diocese of Kosovo and Metohija.

One posting detailed the "Rebellion in Visoki Decani Monastery."

Teodosije and Sava, he said, "turned quiet and modest monks into rebels and bandits who arrogantly showed disobedience to their bishop and spiritual leader and who are ready to blindly commit even the most brutal violence." He demanded the two be dismissed.

This is what Artemije said happened:

When Artemije traveled to Decani to meet with Teodosije and Sava on Aug. 22, monks in his party were stopped by monks from Decani. The Decani monks sang loudly to conceal what happened next.

Artemije said his personal secretary "was attacked" by three monks and "dragged out of the monastery yard and thrown like a bag outside the gate." The monk's foot was broken, Artemije wrote.

Story 'exaggerated'?

Serb politician Oliver Ivanovic, who monitors northern Kosovo and often visits Decani Monastery, was reluctant to discuss the fracas but said accounts of the fight and injuries "were exaggerated."

"I talked to the medical staff who treated him," Ivanovic said of the injured monk. "But I don't want to talk about this. We want the church to be peaceful."

The Kosovo clash clearly riveted church leaders in Belgrade—and at a delicate time. Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Pavle, 94, is in extremely frail health. Some observers wondered if church tensions in Kosovo were heightened by an internal power struggle.

The Holy Synod, the supreme authority of the Serbian Orthodox Church, tried to calm the waters with a call for an end to "all disputes and decisions" over Decani.

"Key decisions about this and all other burning issues will be made in the foreseeable future," it said in a statement. The synod also said that all the monks involved have its support in "witnessing Christ's love, truth, justice and well-being."



Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bishops ordered to ‘cease fighting’

Friday, 29th August 2008. 11:44am

By: George Conger.

The Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church has stepped into the dispute within the church in Kosovo, ordering the battling bishops of the diocese of Ras-Prizren to cease their fighting. Belgrade newspapers have reported that the dispute between Bishop Artemije and his suffragan, Bishop Teodosije had led to fist fights between the bishops and rival bands of monks, and hinted at financial malfeasance in the reconstruction of church properties damaged during the war in Kosovo.

The split between the bishops of Kosovo mirrors the larger division within Serbian society over the country’s future in the wake of the secession of Kosovo, and factional fighting within the church over who will succeed its hospitalized head, the 93-year-old Patriarch Paul.

On Aug 26, the Holy Synod of Serbia, consisting of the bishops who head the church’s eparchies — administrative units akin to dioceses in the Serbian church — released a unanimous statement calling upon the bishops to cease their fighting as it "could jeopardize the Serbian Orthodox Church's mission in general, and especially in Kosovo and Metohija."

The fight between Artemije, a hard-line opponent of Kosovo independence, and his moderate deputy Teodosije, became public last week when Artemijie attempted to sack Teodosije and Sava Janjic, an outspoken monk in the Visoki Decani monastery.

However, the sacked Serbs refused to go quietly, and when Artemije’s secretary sought to serve notice of their suspensions upon the two clerics at the Visoki Decani monastery, monks loyal to Teodosije and Sava responded with vigour. A fist fight ensued between the rival bands of monks, and Artemijie’s secretary was tossed out the monastery door, injuring his foot.

Artemije accused Teodosije and Sava Janjic of "open, blatant mutiny," but the Synod refused to back him, saying his sacking of Teodosije was “hasty”. The two bishops were summoned to Belgrade and on Aug 26, the assembled bishops released a statement condemning the violence.

"The crucial decision on these and other top issues will be made by the Holy Synod of Bishops in due time," it was announced, but noted that “Bishop Artemije and his priests and monks and devotees enjoy the solidarity and support from the entire church in testifying to the love of Christ, truth, peace and justice, and all goodness."

The dispute between the two bishops mirrors the political divide within Serbia. Artemije has called for Serbia to blockade Kosovo in the wake of its unilateral declaration of independence in February. He has branded Serbia’s pro-EU President Boris Tadic a traitor and has sought the support of the Russian Orthodox Church, and by implication the Russian government, in his anti-independence campaign.

Teodosije has called for the church to work with the ethnic Albanian government in Kosovo, arguing the church and Serbian government can only safeguard Serbian religious and cultural sites with Kosovar co-operation. The pending appointment of a new patriarch also factors into the Kosovo church feud. In May the Holy Synod sought to remove Paul from office due to advanced age and ill health. Paul rallied from his sickbed and refused to step down, but power was shifted to an ecclesial regent to govern the church.

The patriarchal regent, Bishop Amfilohije is a rival to Artemije to succeed Paul, and has also been an ally of Teodosije. The Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA) reported that last week Artemije accused his rival of "meddling for long time" in the Kosovo eparchy.

DPA also stated Artemije is engaged in a power struggle of the letting of contracts to rebuild damaged Serbian churches in Kosovo, as many of the contracts have been awarded to the Belgrade-based Rade Neimar construction firm under his control.

In 2006 the Synod queried the bishop about his business holdings, but Bishop Artemije told the Belgrade press the Synod had been satisfied by his answers.



Thursday, August 28, 2008

Serbia: Church calls for end to Kosovo monastery quarrel

Belgrade, 26 August (AKI) - The Serbian Orthodox Church on Tuesday called for a quarrel between two of its senior officials in Kosovo to cease, saying unity was vital at a moment when Serbs there were going through difficult times.
A Synod of all archbishops convened in Belgrade after hardline Kosovo archbishop Artemije dismissed bishop Teodosije, the head of the Kosovo monastery Visoki Decani last week.
The monastery's monks violently resisted Teodosije's dismissal, turfing Artemije's secretary, Simeon out of the monastery and reportedly injuring his foot in the process.
Artemije claimed Teodosije and his allies were undermining his position at the request of the United States and spreading lies about his alleged business ventures.
The archbishop is the staunchest opponent of Kosovo's independence, declared by majority ethnic Albanians in February. He would like Serbs to cut all cooperation with foreign and local officials in Kosovo.
The more moderate Teodosije, on the other hand, argues the the church should work with any authorities to ensure the protection of Kosovo's tiny Serb minority and its shrines.
But Belgrade daily Politika and some analysts said that behind the quarrel was actually a power struggle for the successor to ailing patriarch Pavle, who has been hospitalised since last November.
Artemije and rival archbishop Amfilohije have emerged as the main candidates to take over the spiritual leadership from Pavle of some eight million Orthodox Serbs.
After a four-hour meeting, the Synod said: “The key decisions on this and other urgent matters will by taken by the highest Church body, the Holy Church Assembly in a foreseeable period of time."
It pleaded for the Kosovo quarrel to stop in the meantime.
Some reports have however quoted unnamed church sources as saying Artemije is seeking to retain control over the lucrative business of the reconstruction of Serb shrines in Kosovo.
A large work amound of the work was carried out by a Belgrade-based firm under his control, the sources said.
Kosovo independence was recognised by the United States and over 40 countries including most other western powers.
But Belgrade continues to oppose the move and to wage a diplomatic battle to retain Kosovo.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

‘Unholy Row’ Grips Serbian Church in Kosovo

25 August 2008 Decani _ A dispute between two Kosovo Serb bishops has escalated over who has most influence over the Orthodox Church in Serbia’s former southern province.

On Saturday, monks at the monastery in the western Kosovo town of Decani physically threw out the personal secretary of bishop Artemije. Artemije had come to the monastery to personally rebuff his auxiliary bishop Teodosije, who he claims “lives in disobedience to his superior.”

Artemije has long accused his rival, Teodosije, the Abbot of Decani, of running a ‘dual church’, but tensions intensified in Decani when church leaders said they would tolerate Artemije’s position.

A numbers of media statements from both bishops accusing one another followed on main Serbian television channels on Sunday.

Bishop Artemije went so far to blame the Decani monks of “brutally breaking his assistant's leg,” but local Serb radio KIM found out that his assistant suffered an injured toe.

Bishop Teodosije, on the other hand, accused Artemije of 'acting against the holy cannons and rules of the Church.

'"The assembly of all the bishops (of the Serbian Orthodox Church) appointed me, so only they have the powers to replace me," said Teodosije.

The Church's top executive authority, the Holy Synod, called both bishops to a hearing on Tuesday. They accused Artemije of owning three houses in Belgrade and shares in a construction company, which is against church rules.

The Synod also said in its statement that Artemije's appearance at Decani was not deeply thought-through.

But Artemije disagreed.

"The Dual authority in the Kosovo diocese has to end. Therefore our deeply thought-through decisions were made, and then resulted with an open mutiny in Decani."

An unnamed Church source told Balkan Insight that the essence of the bishops' dispute is a disagreement between Artemije and the Assembly of all bishops."

Artemije publicly negates and criticises decisions of the Church's top leadership. While he 'patriotically' defies any cooperation with the international community, even though the Church has asked him to seek their funds to restore religious sites, Teodosije follows Assembly decisions and fights for the preservation of temples and better living conditions of the remaining Serbs in Kosovo," said the source.

Artemije, who is in charge of the Kosovo diocese, is known for his hard-line statements in rejecting cooperation with the international community and Kosovo Albanian authorities, especially after the March 2004 riots.

After Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in February he banned his clergy from any contact with people from countries which have recognised Kosovo.

His auxiliary bishop Teodosije, is the main cleric appointed by the Church's seat in Belgrade for restoring damaged and destroyed shrines in Kosovo, in cooperation with international and local Kosovo teams.

The top authority of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade, the Assembly of all bishops, agreed in May to renew the reconstruction programme in cooperation with the United Nations Mission in Kosovo. Artemije had stopped this in 2007. Read more:



Monday, August 25, 2008

New rifts in Church ranks

SPC Bishop Artemije (FoNet)

24 August 2008 09:53 Source: B92

BELGRADE -- Disagreements among the dignitaries of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) have surfaced, reports say.
Raško-Prizrenski Bishop Artemije told B92 that he recently dismissed Lipljanski Bishop Teodosije due to a lack of discipline, accusing him of creating a dual authority in his eparchy.
"There are many examples of this behavior, especially when it comes to our lawsuit at Strasbourg, against the four European states that I have sued over the destruction of our holy places [in Kosovo], then the issue of a memorandum, which he [Teodosije] supported."
"Dual authority in the Raško-Prizrenska Eparchy had to end. Therefore our deeply thought-through decisions came, and then ensued open mutiny in Dečani," Artemije said.
The bishop explained that he and members of his delegation who came to the Dečani monastery to deliver the dismissal notice were physically assaulted, while the monastery's leadership told him they would not obey his decision.
Yesterday, the Holy Synod of the SPC said that Bishop Artemije's decision was "sudden and unexpected", and scheduled a regular meeting for Tuesday to discuss this.
The two bishops clashed over the process of reconstruction of the Serb monasteries and churches destroyed in Kosovo and over the cooperation with international representatives in the province.
Artemije previously criticized Teodosije for allowing Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu to visit the High Dečani monastery, and state authorities for not using force to defend the province.
Religion sociologist Mirko Đorđević reminds that while Bishop Artemije last year slammed President Boris Tadić and other Democratic Party state officials, including Dragan Šutanovac and Vuk Jeremić as traitors, Bishop Teodosije said that the Church in Kosovo is not strong enough to determine the status of the province, and that it should remain there and cooperate with authorities without necessarily recognizing them, "whether Kosovo is inside Serbia, an autonomy, or an independent state".

Monday, July 28, 2008

Karadžić brother confirms appeal

The Special Court custody unit (FoNet, archive)

27 July 2008 09:52 -> 20:55 Source: B92

BELGRADE -- Radovan Karadžić’s brother Luka Karadžić today confirmed for B92 that an extradition appeal has been filed on Friday.

The appeal is contesting the Serbian authorities’ decision to extradite the former political leader of the Bosnian Serbs to the Hague Tribunal.

Luka Karadžić and lawyer Svetozar Vujačić today visited Radovan Karadžić, accused of war crimes, in detention in Belgrade, where they spent over two hours in conversation.

But despite Luka Karadžić's statement, Vujačić refuses to reveal if he lodged the appeal.

Two days after the deadline expired, the lawyer continues to keep his cards close to his chest, though he did say that he was visiting his client in custody on a daily basis, adding that Karadžić had also received a visit from the Serbian Orthodox Church.

“That’s exclusive information that the media has not dealt with—Radovan had the honor of receiving a visit from the bishop who is otherwise performing the duties of the patriarch, Mr. Amfilohije Radović,” the lawyer revealed.

He said that Karadžić was happy with the treatment that he had been receiving in the custody unit at the Special Court.

“He has the best conditions that the custody unit has to offer. He has a room, a bathroom,” said Vujačić.

The lawyer said that, in his opinion, his client would be there “until Wednesday, Thursday.”

“I have good grounds to claim that the extradition won’t happen on Monday,” he surmised.

District Court spokeswoman Ivana Ramić said that it would be known tomorrow whether an appeal against the ruling that all the conditions had been met for Karadžić’s extradition to The Hague had arrived, and that the only thing that mattered was that the appeal had been sent by midnight on Friday.

“The appeal could have been sent by post, and the time and date on the postmark is considered to be the time and date of its submission to the court,” she explained.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saved and Depoliticised at One Stroke

Jeremy Harding reports from Kosovo

‘Humanitarian intervention’ has little to show for its brief appearance on the international stage. It arrived too late for Rwanda, gestured helplessly at Bosnia and, at last, in 2003, it was discovered in the arms of Shock and Awe, where it died of shame. Only Kosovo Albanians, about 1.8 million people, still applaud the violent expulsion of Slobodan Milosevic from their province in 1999. However they are less sure about the legacy of intervention and the advantages of being a United Nations protectorate.

If intervention was supposed to bring about development, which optimists see as a prelude to civility, it has not been a success. The most startling features of Kosovo, now that the cleansing of the Serbian minority is on hold, are the poverty of the province – for Albanians and Serbs alike – and the pitiful economy that keeps it locked in. Despite the creation of a small millionaire class, 45 per cent of its inhabitants are below the poverty level (unable to meet basic needs). Around 15 per cent live in extreme poverty, earning less than a euro a day. Most of Kosovo’s poor are supported by networks of extended family and clan, more important by far than the structures of organised politics or religion: a majority of Albanians in Kosovo are Sunni Muslims, only loosely observant, and a small Catholic minority is on the rise. In the absence of public provision or private sector wealth creation, it’s the cousins who count.

Earlier this year, the British government put infant mortality in Kosovo at ‘35 to 49 deaths per thousand live births’ – at least twice as high as the rest of Serbia and greater than that in Mexico or the Occupied Territories. Kosovo has one of the youngest populations in Europe. Every year 30,000 newcomers enter what might, in other circumstances, be described as a job market. Unemployment remains a feature of the new order as it was in the days of Milosevic, when Albanians were cleansed from the public sector. Roughly 40 per cent of Kosovo Albanians – closer to 50 by a UNDP guesstimate in 2006 – are without work. Kosovo Serbs, a population overestimated at 200,000, now rely on money from Belgrade, a system of local patronage and, like many Albanians, on racketeering.

No one would have imagined that a UN protectorate in Europe, stuffed with NGOs and awash with donor receipts, could perform so badly. Kosovo has low growth, no inflation, and few signs of an emerging economy. The roads are bad, the water supply is subject to cuts – the water is contaminated in any case – and the two coal-fired power stations in Obiliq, a township outside Pristina, are dying behemoths, polluting their way to extinction, unable to provide domestic users with regular electricity. Obiliq itself, stifled by their exertions, has a higher rate of respiratory disease than anywhere else in Kosovo.

Once a supplier of farm produce to other parts of Yugoslavia, Kosovo now brings in almost all its food, along with fuel and building materials. Its leading ‘export’ is scrap metal, a harvest of rundown plant from the Milosevic era and Nato bomb damage. Kosovo’s trade gap is dramatic: imports account for 90 per cent of legal cross-border trade. The UN, the EU and Nato have frozen the conflict between Serbs and Albanians for the last four years; inadvertently, too, they’ve kept development on ice. If room temperature is ever achieved, Kosovo will look very much like a failed state.

For the last four years Kosovans have regarded the UN’s mission, Unmik, as the source of their woes. The arrival of the UN, hard on the heels of Nato, was warmly welcomed, but it soon became obvious that the new legal protectorate, founded on Security Council Resolution 1244, was at the mercy of too many protectors and legislators. On the one hand, there were the three parts of the Unmik configuration: the UN itself, and the two bodies to which it delegated parts of the mission, the EU and the Organisation for Security and Co-Operation in Europe. On the other, there were the forces of indigenous rule, the so-called ‘provisional institutions of self-government’, which Unmik was supposed to invigilate, but which hungered increasingly for real power: the Kosovo government, which will outlive the UN mission, consists of a president, an elected assembly – 120 seats – and an executive with a prime minister and a dozen ministries.
Kosovo’s main political parties have their origins in the anti-Milosevic resistance of the 1990s: Ibrahim Rugova’s non-violent Democratic League of Kosovo, which set up a shadow government and parallel systems (in health and education) for Albanians in 1989; and the Kosovo Liberation Army, an assortment of expatriate leftists and local fighters, which emerged in 1996. The LDK had plenty of support; the KLA was grudgingly admired but thought to be a law unto itself. There are now three main political parties: Rugova’s LDK and two ex-guerrilla formations, the PDK and the AAK. (The Serbian parties, which have been to the polls and won a handful of seats, boycott the assembly.) Under the UN administration, there have been three parliamentary elections. In the first Rugova took the presidency and a PDK man became prime minister. In 2004 the LDK and the AAK began ruling as a coalition: Rugova retained the presidency and a former KLA commander, Ramush Haradinaj of the AAK, became prime minister. In 2005 Haradinaj, summoned to the Hague to answer war crimes charges, stepped down (he was acquitted three months ago). Rugova died in 2006. A new round of elections in 2007 brought the PDK into office again, in coalition with the LDK. To the consternation of Serbia and Russia, the new prime minister, Hashim Thaçi, quickly announced that he favoured a unilateral declaration of independence for Kosovo.

The ideologies of the parties are obscure to an outsider and sometimes even to the politicians themselves. After dozens of training sessions on ‘political modelling’, members who imagined their parties to be right-of-centre were forced to concede they had left-of-centre programmes and vice versa, a staffer at a policy research unit in Pristina recalled a few weeks ago. Albanian parties are networks rather than institutions; many have been implicated in corruption; no party has had a free hand to govern under the protectorate.

The unilateral declaration of independence came on 17 February; it was made amid much jubilation in the Kosovo assembly, in signal disregard of SCR 1244, and pinpointed the tensions between the UN and the government. Over the years there have been many disagreements, yet the tendency to bat decisions back and forth has been a problem too: it has suited the Kosovo government to blame its failings on Unmik, while Unmik has been happy to criticise locals when its own shortcomings are under scrutiny. Perhaps the EU, now preparing to take over from the UN, will bring an end to this inertia, but it is not a foregone conclusion.

Kosovo Albanians have lived in dependency for generations, and the years under Unmik, with its fudges and flops, have seemed like a forced march along a familiar road. The only period of which they speak fondly – older people, obviously – lasted from the end of the 1960s until the beginning of the 1980s: a time of prosperity, growth, regional autonomy and relative democracy for Kosovo within the Yugoslav Federation. It was Kosovans’ only experience of a working multiethnic society, sustained by good incomes and full employment. Prior to 1963, when the province got its autonomous status, Albanian memory is mostly of a dreary Communism. After Tito’s death in 1980 came the push for full Albanian national rights within Yugoslavia. Though Kosovo was effectively Albanian-run at the time, and Serbs were already leaving in fair numbers, Albanians remember these years as a long moment of difficulty in which the lessons of peace were slowly unlearned. The crunch came with Milosevic’s first visit to Kosovo Polje – ‘the field of blackbirds’ – in 1987, two years before his apotheosis as a warrior Serb at a rally on the edge of the same dismal town. Milosevic stripped Kosovo of its autonomy and turned it into an ethnic police state; Albanians were thrown out of work, persecuted, imprisoned. Rugova could do nothing about this and nor could the gunmen, when they appeared. Still, the KLA was a high-profile armed movement and gave Albanians what they’d lacked until then: a systematic violence of their own. It only remained for them to win influential champions in the West. Nato and the internationals rode in on a tide of glory in 1999. They resettled the hundreds of thousands of people who’d fled into Albania and Macedonia during the bombing, and they deployed along the provincial border while Kosovo Albanians began their own ethnic cleansing (perhaps a thousand Serbs and Roma were killed in the process, tens of thousands fleeing into Serbia proper).

Life under Unmik soon felt like a subtle form of bondage. North of the Ibar river, which divides the town of Mitrovica, the Serbs remained organised and bankrolled by Belgrade; the Albanians to the south saw this – and still see it – as de facto confirmation of Kosovo’s unresolved status in law: gratitude to Nato and Kofi Annan did not mean acceptance of 1244, in which there is nothing to challenge Serbian sovereignty. Kosovo Albanians still see 1244, and therefore the UN, as the two great obstacles to a clean break with the rest of Serbia, which UDI alone cannot produce. They also regard the north of Kosovo, where Belgrade administers what is now a Serb protectorate within a protectorate, as an outright threat.

The UN is blamed, too, for the state of the economy. Much of the disappointment centres on the fact that UN expenditure, now in the order of £25 billion, was ill judged: too much spent on traineeships and seminars – ‘institution-building’, ‘capacity-building’, ‘technical assistance’ – not nearly enough on infrastructure. The UN has jingled the keys to independence, Kosovo Albanians will tell you, but refused to use them. The ambiguous status of the territory has been a large disincentive to foreign investors. Who can tell where their capital will be tied up or their taxes levied ten years from now? In a largely autonomous part of Serbia? A protectorate run by a handful of jaded international bodies? Or Europe’s latest sovereign state? If Albanians grasp that the UN has had little choice in all this, given Russia’s opposition to a Kosovan state, they’re unwilling to admit it.

The strongest expression of disdain for Unmik came in 2004, as the territory was swept by a wave of Albanian violence against minorities, mostly Serbs, and UN installations. The trouble began when the deaths of three Albanian children, apparently drowned in the Ibar river, were blamed on Serbs. By the time it was over, there were about twenty dead, nearly a thousand wounded and four thousand people displaced. At least seven hundred minority-owned homes and 25 Orthodox sites were damaged. The organised anti-Serbian extremists who turned this bout of pent-up frustration into a pogrom weren’t interested solely in a new round of ethnic cleansing; they were venting their anger about the UN.

The recycling of fear in Kosovo has been continuous. Serbs now have more reason to be wary of Albanians than vice versa. But vice versa is a way of life here and residual fear among Albanians, even predating Milosevic, is strong; the guilt they now feel about their treatment of minorities in the wake of the 1999 bombardment, and again in 2004, probably nourishes their dread. So do politicians in Belgrade who vow never to let go of Kosovo. They may not entirely mean what they say – in the short term it plays well – but Albanians tend to take them at their word, even if a Serbian realist with his country’s interests at heart might wish to abandon Kosovo, on the grounds of its economic performance alone.

Albanians worry that there are no realists in Belgrade, only a people feeding on old grievances. Then again, Albanians are lured away from the deadlocked present by the temptations of adversarial history just as irresistibly. Mentor Agani, a lecturer in social science and political history in Pristina, suspects that a settlement which fell short of Kosovan independence could have been achieved at some point in the last twenty years of the federation. But in his version of events, intransigence in Belgrade always tended against a deal. Yugoslavia had only ever been a vehicle for Serbian ambition, he insists, and when it was finally unable to deliver the dream of ascendancy, the ideology of Greater Serbia was dusted off. In the 1990s hundreds of thousands on the receiving end wound up in jails, refugee camps, field hospitals, cemeteries and pits in the ground. (Agani’s elderly father was a leading figure in Rugova’s nationalist LDK. Two weeks into the Nato bombing, he was ordered off a bus by Serbian security, taken away and executed.)

I wondered if Agani was underplaying the nationalist strands in Albanian thinking. As for Serbian ‘intransigence’, hadn’t Tito’s death marked the onset of something similar among Albanians in Kosovo, with growing animosity against Serbs and signs that Albanians were toying with the idea of a monoethnic province that could eventually become a state – or even part of a Greater Albania? Violence and ethnic nationalism, Agani seemed to say, were regrettable symptoms of a fierce anti-colonial sentiment among Albanians. Anti-colonial? This was indeed a colonial conflict, he felt, but an unusual one, inasmuch as Albanian national consciousness predated Serbian colonisation. (Not long afterwards a young Albanian mentioned he was reading Fanon. What’s the relevance? I asked. He was taken, he said, by Fanon’s account of post-colonial regimes – he had Kosovo politicians in mind – inheriting the attitudes of their old colonial masters.)

Agani has misgivings about what’s happened in Kosovo since 1999. ‘We’ve lost the feeling of responsibility for each other. In the 1990s we discovered something really important. We didn’t know what to call it, but I think it was democracy. Rugova’s parallel structures served everybody, rich and poor. Since then we’ve sacrificed democracy to liberty . . . Tocqueville saw this in America and you can see it here.’ He is uncertain, too, about the ‘ruthless liberalisation’ he identifies: a result, no doubt, of the campaign in Kosovo having been spearheaded by the great exponents of liberal market ideology, the US and Britain, but in any case a process affecting all post-Communist ‘transition’ economies, among which Kosovo is just a latecomer. Partly because of the Milosevic years, but partly, as Agani believes, because of longstanding attitudes in Albanian society, there is only a dim sense of the purpose served by the state or public institutions. ‘We lived outside the state for years,’ he asserts, ‘and became very good at subsistence. Statehood is not a skill we’ve had.’ Dissent and resistance among Albanians were always framed in terms of the national question. There were few anxieties about wealth discrepancies; that some did better than others was a fact of life, ‘in the nature of things’, as Agani put it.

The word ‘nature’ seems to matter here: it was, after all, part of the Serbs’ view of Albanians that they were naturally backward and ill-prepared for life in a modern polity. (‘Backwardness was on our side,’ Agani told me, alluding to the Albanian birth rate, so much higher than that of the Serbs.) Now this nature is reimagined as a brake on majority-Albanian public institutions. At the same time, conveniently enough, it suggests a predisposition to the neoliberal ideal of an unregulated economy. Despite the deadweight of the UN, perhaps as a result of it, Kosovo expresses something of that ideal, but it is, in the words of one Albanian critic, ‘a market without an economy’, a case of unevenness without development, jolting between extremes of poverty and wealth.

People have a good idea where the new money comes from. Lately, it’s said, human trafficking has gone into decline in Kosovo: according to the OSCE, Serbia proper, once a ‘transit country’, is increasingly a ‘country of origin’. The drugs trade is also said to be waning, though an officer I spoke to in the Kosovo Police Service had made a bust involving 15 kg of heroin that morning. Ordinary cross-border smuggling is a profitable business and a trade in small arms is bringing in revenue for the syndicates in charge: according to Krenar Gashi, a journalist in Pristina, there are thousands of hunting rifles, fraudulently licensed or plain illegal, in Kosovo; one UN estimate puts the number of hand-guns at 400,000. Steady earnings from low-level impropriety can be rewarding too. Building permits left pending for years, civil cases gathering dust in the courts, medical treatment – all these can be expedited with cash, and the pocket money adds up. Pristina, meanwhile, is a chaos of haphazard development, its outskirts extending in disjointed fashion from the centre: it’s obvious, with several thousand illegal buildings already standing, that sums have changed hands simply to circumvent the planning regulations.

Every indigenous administration that’s governed since 2001 has been more or less corrupt. Procurement, public tenders and privatisations have been the main sources of temptation, setting local politicians and civil servants on a collision course with wealth opportunities from which they’ve failed to veer away in time. Ministry budgets begin to look baggy at close range, with rich pickings for contractor and client. Pharmaceutical companies have been asked for kickbacks by the Ministry of Health in return for a signature. Hospital equipment assigned to the health service has ended up in private practice. Sharp conflicts of interest hover over the future of public services – in telecoms and energy especially – where policy formulation is prey to decision-makers with one perch in the public domain, or indeed the privatisation office, and another on the arm of a company with much to gain from deregulation.

Public funds alone cannot resurrect the remains of the state sector and the rules drawn up for privatisation under the auspices of the Kosovo Trust Association, an EU-run component of the UN mission, are painstakingly thorough. One of the trust’s principles is that no privatisation can go ahead without management and workers being consulted. But according to Hasan Abazi, the deputy head of the Kosovo trade-union confederation, there’s nothing to stop the government preparing the ground by approving a new privatisation-friendly management team. The sale of Kosovo’s duct-pipe factory last year under KTA supervision was a variation on this theme. The old Belgrade management had been chased out in 1999 and the business commandeered by Albanians. Abazi says the company, barely functioning, was sold off for 3.5 million euros. The land alone, he reckoned, was worth three million and stocks about two million; he put the value of the machinery at 20 million.

A couple of days later I met Abazi’s son, who’d grown up by the factory. The orchards and fields that were part of the property, he said, had been deliberately run down to force a low sale and the factory’s output had fallen by 85 per cent since 1999. There was also the matter of outstanding compensation for Albanian workers cleansed from the factory in the old days: an adjudication which the KTA has sought to overrule and which the present management is in no hurry to honour. In several privatisations, the KTA’s insistence that workers receive 20 per cent of the value of the sale has got tangled up in the question: which workers exactly?

In one of the biggest privatisations overseen by the KTA, Kosovo’s ferronickel complex, badly bombed in 1999, was acquired by a subsidiary of the Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation, a large Kazakh mining and energy enterprise, for around 35 million euros. It’s well known in Kosovo that some of the workers there do not receive the minimum wage and that the superannuated grid has been selling electricity to the company at cut-price rates. Avni Zogiani, a journalist who now works as a corruption monitor for a Kosovo NGO, estimates the loss to the energy sector – and thus to the public purse – at 20 million euros a year.

One enterprise, the Trepca mining and smelting conglomerate, is so vast and dishevelled, its financing and foreign debt under Milosevic so arcane, that the internationals and the government cannot agree what to do with it. It was once regarded as Kosovo’s great earner and its lead-zinc extraction component still has real potential. But whoever takes on Trepca will be inheriting a total debt of at least 80 million euros, including unpaid workers’ pensions and payroll taxes from the Milosevic era, and a constellation of derelict plant.

Kosovo Serbs are suspicious of plans for this and other privatisations: even though Serbia is encouraged to put in claims for ownership and investment prior to 1989, they’ve tended to argue that privatisation is a form of plunder. But Kosovo Albanians are not so keen either. The Kosovo government wants to hold onto some of the Trepca complex, for example, even though it might cost 20 per cent of the annual budget, over several years, to put them in order. There are fears, too, that Serbian businesses will use privatisation to get control of Trepca and reservations about the policy of privatisation as a whole, so that the general wish to hasten foreign investment coincides with a growing edginess about the bargain-basement atmosphere in which public or ‘socially-owned’ assets will be going under the hammer.

Almost pointless, in this climate, to talk about workers’ rights and the role of trade unions, but that is Abazi senior’s job. (He was seriously assaulted after auditing the Kosovo TUC and exposing high levels of misappropriation.) By Abazi’s count, the labour laws drafted by the Kosovo assembly have been sent back six times with criticisms by Unmik’s head office. He isn’t sure whether it’s the UN itself raising the objections or an interested party in the wings – the State Department say, or the IMF – but he is tired of the UN failing to pull its weight when it’s required and sticking its oar in when it isn’t. Unmik’s 27-point programme on workplace practice, the only recourse he has in the absence of proper law, is inadequate to deal with his caseload of unfair dismissals, payment below the minimum wage, injury claims and illegal contracts.

In Kosovo every scam and indignity, from the protection of ex-KLA war criminals down, is common knowledge. The street is so alert and the journalists who matter so dogged in the face of intimidation that very little falls quietly into oblivion. The difficulty arises at the point of legal accountability. Big men may well be disgraced, and in Kosovan society dishonour is a sort of accounting. But it’s only in the last year that they’ve begun to face material consequences, including imprisonment, for their actions. In Kosovo the law is not an ass so much as a mule: a shambling hybrid of old Yugoslav law and Unmik decrees. Judicial interpretation, since the intervention, has been one of the great humanitarian mysteries, whether a judge is a local – and possibly loathed for his association with the ancien regime – or parachuted in under the ‘police and justice’ rubric of the international presence. Often when a case is agreed to be important, the Kosovan judiciary are elbowed out so that a foreigner, harder to bully or threaten, can do things properly.

After the events of 2004, Human Rights Watch decided to test the health of the justice system by monitoring the convictions that might reasonably have followed, with 56 cases of serious ethnic crimes under investigation. Of these, by 2006, two were pending, 29 were still at the pre-trial stage, a dozen had been dismissed and only 13 had resulted in convictions, with the minimum sentence handed down in several. In March, a month after Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence, HRW published an update. There were by now 35 convictions, most of those convicted receiving fines or suspended sentences.

Many of HRW’s findings lead down the same dark alley. Lenient sentences, it believes, are the result of Kosovan prosecutors being threatened. Betrayal of sources by local police, it reports, explains the unwillingness of the UN force to share data and names of witnesses with its counterparts. HRW’s most striking recommendation in Kosovo, a place where recommendations pile up in drifts, is for ‘witness relocation arrangements with states outside the region’. A good witness protection programme, potentially the best in the Balkans, is being developed in Kosovo. In the meantime, however, justice is at the mercy of influence. Taking key witnesses out of harm’s way is a good idea, but it will founder on the immigration policies of ‘states outside the region’, among them Britain, one of Kosovo’s most ardent champions in 1999.

Even in frontier economies, corruption can get a bad name. Mimoza Kusari Lila, head of the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, consoles herself that ‘transition’ in Kosovo has not been as sleazy as it’s turned out to be in Bulgaria. She’s nonetheless convinced that irregularities in privatisation and the personal enrichment of politicians are driving a new cynicism, compounded by joblessness and the terrible state of health and education in the province. This is as true of businesses, she feels, as it is of individuals. Tax evasion is the result (600 million euros a year in unrecovered tax from 2004 to 2006), while Unmik’s customs system, which slaps tariffs on imports, is dodged whenever possible because it is a punitive levy that cramps wealth generation. As for the perversion of justice, Lila simply says it takes guts and patience to train a judiciary to resist corruption, but ‘we’re not cowards’ – a barbed remark, aimed at Unmik. This folding of one story (local corruption) into another (international prevarication) to create a seamless narrative about the woes of Kosovo is now a kind of orthodoxy.

The quicker the UN mission builds down, as it’s been supposed to do since June, the better, as far as Kosovo Albanians are concerned. Widespread disgust attends any mention of ‘stability’, the very condition the UN was here to guarantee but which is now seen as a euphemism for stagnation, poverty and graft. Dozens of prominent figures, including the respectable Lila and the dissident Albin Kurti, the leader of Kosovo’s Self-Determination Movement, take the view that stability is a kind of enslavement. To which Kurti, a dedicated destabiliser, adds that the ambiguity of Kosovo’s status makes politics a waste of time. There’s no point drawing up sets of demands, in the proper democratic way, if you don’t know where to address them. In the 1990s Milosevic put Kurti in jail for ‘endangering the territorial integrity and sovereignty’ of Yugoslavia. In 2007 he was detained again and placed under house-arrest in Pristina: his movement has been openly hostile to the UN, throwing garbage at Unmik buildings and demonstrating in the capital (two of his followers were killed last year by Romanian police, using ‘non-lethal’ ammunition). Many people who draw short of his frankness share Kurti’s view that Kosovo Albanians have been infantilised by Unmik and, indeed, by intervention. ‘We were saved and depoliticised at one stroke,’ he told me.

The quieter strain in this orthodoxy, beneath the assertions that Kosovo should govern itself and be able to take risks on its own account, is entirely realist: Kosovo is weak, poor, facing outright hostility from Russia and Serbia on the one hand; caught on the other in the motionless world of international good intentions. It must accept the harsh truth of its situation and cling tightly to the skirts of its sturdiest sponsors. On UDI day in February there was no national anthem and it was decided to go with ‘Ode to Joy’ instead, even though Kosovo, unlike Serbia, is hundreds of miles from the feed road to accession. A declaration of dependence could hardly have been clearer.

Kosovo Albanians rightly regard the EU as their best hope; it is also (rightly) seen as a bridge to America. Only a handful of intellectuals are suspicious of Washington; most people tend to worship the US in a raw, aspirational way: on a clear day, they can make out Puerto Rico. What their liberators have gone on to do in Iraq means as little to them as the fact that Camp Bondsteel, the 900-acre US military base south of Pristina, has been part of the ‘extraordinary rendition’ policy. No garbage-throwing there. Bondsteel now provides hundreds of jobs – yes, jobs – and rotates Albanian menial staff through bases in Iraq and Afghanistan for respectable rates of pay: part of the new way of life, superior to anything on offer from Belgrade.

Nato will remain indefinitely in Kosovo, but the non-military presence there is already changing. After 15 June, when the Kosovo government adopted a new constitution, Unmik was set to wind down rapidly, giving way to two successor missions. The first of these is an EU initiative known as the European Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (Eulex); it is meant to focus on upgrading the police and judiciary in the territory. The second is an International Civilian Office, authorised by a steering group of 25 states that look kindly on Kosovan independence. The group includes the US and 20 members of the EU; its design, in opening the ICO in Pristina, is to implement the plan for supervised independence devised in 2007 by the former UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari. The ICO’s head man also serves as the EU’s special representative in Kosovo and is responsible for the EU ‘rule of law’ mission on the ground. This, then, is another transition, strewn with technical problems, one which takes Kosovo away from the UN and hands it to Brussels and Washington, together with the Ahtisaari plan which, although drawn up under the auspices of the UN, was never adopted by it because of the Russian position.

Ahtisaari’s plan is the only sensible approach so far to an insoluble problem. It would allow Kosovo to conclude international agreements and seek membership of international bodies; it would impose a boldly asymmetrical solution, with a disproportionate representation for Kosovo Serbs and other minorities in the assembly, the ministries and the supreme court. To change the constitution a two-thirds majority would be required from the weighted minorities. Orthodox sites would be policed and there would be ambitious decentralisation, allowing Serbian enclaves in Kosovo to run their own health and education services, teaching in Serbian and using textbooks issued in Belgrade. Plenty of Albanians don’t like the plan – the decentralisation especially – or the sweeping powers conferred on the EU/ICO chief, an old Nato hand from the Netherlands, but their politicians have said they’ll learn to live with it.

Eulex deployment – 2000 judges, prosecutors and police are planned – is hampered somewhat by Unmik’s presence. Russian opposition has forced Ban Ki-moon to keep the UN lame-duck operation in place, but there is a strong intimation now that this will be a technicality. To Russia’s dismay, Moon has circumvented the Security Council and announced a ‘reconfiguration’ – in other words, a slow dismantling and a review of the situation in October. Four months is a long time, in the eyes of Kosovo Albanians, and they’re not sure about the word ‘review’. The EU will not be welcomed or recognised in the Serb-majority north, which lends force to the argument that the UN should linger on in some capacity. The mood in Pristina is upbeat nonetheless: EU-management is a step on the right road; indeed it’s a destination. It will remain illegal in the eyes of Russia and Serbia, but if it works, Albanians will be able to say that they’ve been helped, yet again, by an infringement of international law.

The Nato intervention, which many saw as a rustling job, was regarded as the arrival of the cavalry by the terrorised majority in Kosovo. The bombing is, in retrospect, the least of it. The real injustice of the intervention has been the long aftermath, in which the UN, through fear and indecision, has bowed to majority Albanian wishes and failed to deal with the persecution of Serbs. That persecution may not compare, in numbers, with what happened to Kosovo Albanians under Milosevic – or with what might have happened had he been given another crack at the province – but it has allowed Serbs, in Kosovo and beyond, to claim they are being punished not once but many times, and in different ways, for the crimes of an Oriental despot.

Their sense of injustice is compounded in the Hague, where Ramush Haradinaj was indicted on 37 counts for war crimes in 2005 but walked away earlier this year. Haradinaj is one of the few serious politicians in Kosovo: young, not a little ruthless, nor a man – he assured me – to worry about making himself unpopular; probably the best prime minister of all the indigenous administrations so far. If there’s ever a multiethnic society in Kosovo again, Haradinaj is probably the person who could hold Albanians to their word. He is a strenuous advocate of the Ahtisaari plan and, provided an appeal by the prosecution in the Hague comes to nothing, he has a good chance of leading a government again. But his past is not forgotten, even by his own people, while in Belgrade his status as a potential leader is thought to be the overriding consideration for the internationals. (Matrix Chambers took on the brief, and it was a short step, via Cherie Booth, from the verdict to a full conspiracy theory involving Tony Blair.)

Years ago, in western Kosovo, I stumbled on a lone Albanian family, one of many who’d crept back to the ruins of a village destroyed a few months earlier by Milosevic, and had just been terrorised a second time by Serbian security, in reprisal for an ambush the night before. Their young men had been taken away and all the other families hounded out once again. An EU monitor was inspecting a grey snowdrift cut with tyre tracks and basted with spent cartridges and blood. The site of the ambush had been astutely chosen to provoke a Serbian response and raise the political stakes by recycling a couple of hundred people into the vast pool of ‘internally displaced’ Albanians, already the object of an international scandal. The word came back that the local KLA commander was a man called Ramush, a firebrand who’d just turned 30.

It’s one way of doing things – and it was happening all over the province in 1998, just as it had in the rest of Yugoslavia. Since then Haradinaj has reinvented himself. He is a strong man with a bottom line about the past – ‘the Serbs destroyed the federation; then they destroyed our lives’ – and a good sense of Kosovo’s unglamorous prospects. Kosovo has been reinvented too. The difference is that Haradinaj has proved he has the makings of a statesman while Kosovo – whose independence in some form or other is now irrevocable – has yet to prove that it can be a state. Washington and Brussels (but increasingly Brussels) mean to fix that. Much, including the success of the Ahtisaari plan, depends on EU penetration in the Western Balkans and on Kosovo’s unhelpful neighbours to the north.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

"Vatican won't recognize Kosovo soon"

17 June 2008 12:39 Source: Tanjug

MOSCOW -- The Vatican does not intend to recognize Kosovo Albanians' unilateral declaration of independence in the near future, Cardinal Walter Casper says.

The cardinal is the Chairman of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and was a on a private visit to Russia when he was interviewed by weekly Itogi.

Casper, who was in Russia in late May, when he met with Russian Orthodox Church head Patriarch Alexei II, said that the Vatican understands the concerns of Russia and its church over the Kosovo problem.

"We also understand that Kosovo is the cradle of the Serbian Orthodox Church," the cardinal was quoted as saying.

He also added that the Holy See's position is that all ethnic minorities are entitled to social, religious and cultural self-determination, including the Kosovo Albanians and the Serb minority which currently lives in the territory of Kosovo.

But the cardinal added that the Serbs are "seriously limited in the realization of these rights".

Itogi described Casper as "one of the most influential church dignitaries, the best Vatican diplomat and a person who enjoys the trust of current Pope Benedict XVI".


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Medvedev talks SPC churches in Kosovo

11 June 2008 18:46 Source: Tanjug

MOSCOW -- Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and UNESCO chief Koichiro Matsuura spoke about the restoration of the Serb churches in Kosovo, reports say.

Matsuura met with Medvedev in Moscow on Wednesday on the sidelines of the 10th World Congress of the Russian Press.
Scores of Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) churches, monasteries and other cultural monuments, some of from the UNESCO World Heritage list, have been damaged or destroyed by ethnic Albanians in the province since 1999.
"We have already taken up the restoration with the participation of many European countries and the United States, and I explained to President Medvedev that if Russia is ready to join us it will be welcomed," Matsuura said in a statement for Tanjug news agency.
The UNESCO director-general spoke about the same subject as he met with Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexei II.
The Russian patriarch said that the Russian Orthodox Church, in cooperation with the SPC, backs UNESCO' initiative for the reconstruction of the Orthodox heritage in Kosovo.
But he pointed out that after they are restored, the holy Orthodox sites in should be returned to their legal owner.
"There should not be a repeat of the experiences with the Council of Europe, under whose auspices the restoration of several churches in the province of Kosovo is being carried out," Alexei II said.
He added that the SPC is unable to control this process and that the churches are not returned to their legal owners, but are declared "the architectural and cultural heritage of Kosovo."

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Russia to support reconstruction of Orthodox churches in Kosovo

Moscow, May. 27, 2008 ( - Vatican Radio reports that Russia’s government will contribute $2 million toward the reconstruction of Orthodox churches in Kosovo.

The Greek and American governments will also provide funding to rebuild Kosovo’s war-torn Serbian Orthodox churches. At least 150 Orthodox churches and church-owned buildings have been destroyed or damaged since the outbreak of the war that led to autonomy for Kosovo.

The Russian Orthodox Church has frequently pleaded for international protection for the Serbian Orthodox minority in Kosovo. Ethnic Albanian Muslims form the majority of the population in the region, but Kosovo retains a strong historical significance for Serbia, because it is the site of a major battle in which Serbian forces turned back Muslims invaders in the 14th century.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Serbs Split on Restoring Kosovo Churches

22 May 2008 Belgrade _ The Serb Orthodox Church has agreed to continue working with the UN in Kosovo to restore damaged churches but faces opposition from a local bishop.

More than thirty Serbian Orthodox Churches were damaged during the inter-ethnic clashes which engulfed Kosovo in March 2004.

Kosovo’s authorities condemned the violence and began to prepare for their restoration in a plan led by the United Nations, Kosovo’s Culture Ministry, the Serbian Orthodox Church, and experts from Belgrade’s Institution for the Protection of Monuments.

However the plans were held up several times by local Kosovo Orthodox bishop Artemije’s decision not to allow ethnic Albanians to take part in the programme.

Now the top authority of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade, the Assembly of all bishops, agreed to renew the reconstruction process in cooperation with the UN Mission in Kosovo, UNMIK.

“With the intention to accept and bless renewed temples, the Assembly believes this will encourage Serbian people to remain or come back to its ancient heartland,” the statement said.

However a church source who wanted to stay anonymous told Balkan Insight that Bishop Artemije may continue to hamper the work.

“Artemije has obstructed and stopped the rebuilding commission several times before, and now, when Kosovo has proclaimed its independence it is more likely he will not obey the decision from Belgrade,” the source said.

Bishop Artemije, who is in charge of Kosovo diocese, is known for his hardline statements in rejecting cooperation with the international community and Kosovo Albanian authorities, especially after the March 2004 riots.

After Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia in February he banned his clergy from any contact with any people from countries which have recognised Kosovo.

He protests the “illegal independence proclamation of this Serbian province” and issues “words of gratitude to all those who didn’t recognise this lawless act.”

For the first time the Serbian Church Assembly was not led by 93-year old Patriarch Pavle, who has been in special medical care since November 2007.

Despite illness, he rejected the other bishops’ pleas to abandon the Church’s top post.


Sunday, March 09, 2008

Monks from Zograf Monastery Insist Bulgaria to Deny Kosovo's Independence

Updated on: 07.03.2008, 16:11 Published on: 07.03.2008, 15:23

Author: Blaga Bangieva

The monk brotherhood in Bulgarian Zograf Monastery in the Holy Mountain had sent open letter to Bulgarian President, Prime Minister, chairperson of Bulgarian Parliament and the Holy Bishop's Synod of Bulgarian Orthodox Church, in which they insist Bulgaria to deny Kosovo's independence.

This was informed by Serbian newspaper ‘Danas'.

The monks stated that with the recognition of Kosovo's independence Bulgaria will become party to a historical injustice, after what will obligatory feel God's anger.

In the letter, published by the informational service of Serbian orthodox church the monks warn that the admission of Kosovo sovereignty may serve as precedent for common separatism actions in other countries, including Bulgaria.

The Zograf Monastery is an Eastern Orthodox monastery on Mount Athos (the "Holy Mountain") in Greece.

It was traditionally founded in the late 9th or early 10th century by three Macedonians from Ohridand is regarded as the historical Bulgarian monastery on Mount Athos, and it is traditionally inhabited by Bulgarian Orthodox monks.

The monastery's name is derived from a 13th or 14th century icon of Saint George that is believed to have not been painted by a human hand and to possess wonder-working powers.