Monday, March 30, 2009

It works!

Be sure to check out Reinvented for Trash to Treasure Tuesday! I love her projects and sense of humor!

Okay remember my post about the box with all the cords? Helene suggested I try a TP tube since I was too paranoid to wrap my cords up tight. Well why not?

So I saved the next empty...only you know I couldn't leave it alone. So I traced the width onto a piece of paper, rolled it (with the paper) as I went and marked the length, cut it out, and stamped it with the paperwhite narcissus stamp I used in this post.

And I even got them mostly straight and even! A miracle!

Add a little Alene's Tacky Glue, roll on the paper and hold with paperclips until dry.

Perfect! I love it! Now I'm waiting for the next empty so I can wrangle my straight iron cord - that thing's a monster!

But I'm keeping busy! The baby shower is this weekend so I'll get to share those projects with you soon. I've added even MORE to my etsy shop, and I've discovered the joy of selling my clutter on ebay - soooooo addicting! And beneficial!

Oh and I have to share this. I could hear geese yesterday morning - not flying by, but somewhere close and stationary. That's not unusual because we have a pair that take a rest here and have been doing so the last couple years. Thing was, I couldn't see them anywhere! I looked all over the field, the yard, the driveway - of course I was doing this from the comfort of the indoors with binoculars in hand - still couldn't see them. It was a little later when I was doing the dishes that I caught movement from the corner of my eye...oh there they are!

What the heck is up with these geese? I've never known geese to land in or on things and last year I found them here

I didn't want to scare it, so I took the picture through the dirty window, but it is in the giant oak tree in the back yard.

Anyone ever heard of geese doing things like this? Or are they just doing it to freak me out?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Saturday so soon? Oh and a sale!

Seriously, where does the time go?

I'm working on quite a few crafty things at the moment but as they are for my friend Karen's baby shower and she might sometimes read my blog I can't very well post them here until after the fact. One of them is really stretching my abilities so I hope it turns out!

I did do a ton of yard work on Thursday and moved some California poppies from the garden (where they grow a'plenty) to an old metal bucket, a wooden planter, etc. - where they can't be rototilled into the ground come actual garden time. It's so I'm not feeling inspired to check on them yet. They will look sooooooooo cute there when they start blooming!

I am always hunting a bargain, aren't you? With that in mind I marked some of my etsy earrings down to seven dollars so drop by and see if any of them tickle your fancy.

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Better late than never?

There was enough of a break in the weather yesterday for me to finish the project I wanted to do in time for the Spray Paint Party. Still no sunshine, but as long as it isn't raining or windy then I can deal. So I'm going in late on both the Spray Paint Party AND the Trash to Treasure Tuesday!

I have three plants in the windowsill in my bedroom. The one on the left I rescued from a Wally World clearance rack (who or what doesn't need rescuing from that place?) the one in the middle I rescued from my grandma's when she moved into a memory care facility and the one on the right is my darling shamrock I just got from IKEA.

They are all in pots of varying cream colors because I LOVE the pop of green they add to my cream and white bedroom and I didn't want the pots distracting from that.

Now houseplants aren't in "active growth" mode but they do need water occasionally. Up to now I have been using a water glass from the kitchen - it works but there is no style in that. I was thinking I wanted one of those watering cans that's little and has the long, super thin nose on it. I've been keeping my eye out when I peruse the thrift shops but haven't found one! Then on Monday I spotted this in some junk in the utility room.

It's a wee little watering can!

Not bad as is, but to be honest that kid has giant teeth and totally freaks me out. Out came the razor blade and rubbing alcohol and off came the scary child. Then I taped off the part the water comes out (didn't want to gum it up with paint) and filled the interior with newspaper to keep the paint out of there as well. I found a can of Heirloom White (but of course!) in my paint stash and went to town on it - between rain showers that is.

To match my cream and green flowers I added a band of green grosgrain ribbon (left over from Christmas projects) with some hot glue - I am so lazy I didn't even glue it all the way around - just in two places! I didn't trust myself to get it on straight and this way I can adjust it, heehee!

I also made this fake bow and glued it over the seam where the two ribbon ends met. It's two pieces of ribbon hot glued together - I am such a cheater! Bwahahaha!

But look how it matches!

Now that is watering with style.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Le sigh

And so, of course, we are having a windstorm. *big, dramatic, pathetic, feel-sorry-for-me sigh*

So I will have to wait until tomorrow *crosses fingers* to finish my project.
However, there are plenty of things I have spray painted recently so I will direct you to them until I can reveal my new project.

I'll link the titles under the photos to the original post if you care to read more on each.

Copper and gold oak leaves.

Cat food storage container.

My cell phone.

The Goodwill vase.

Now I'm off to check the forecast for tomorrow! C'mon sunshine!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Overwhelmed is an understatement

I went to IKEA for the first time on Wednesday...




I think I must have just walked around in a stupor because I only spent three dollars!

Well, that and I didn't really need anything.

And I'm broke.

But other than that!

There is so much to feed the imagination and I plotted all kinds of things but overall wasn't inspired to do anything about it. I think there is plenty there that is a pretty good base for a project, but noticed that much of it was lacking character.

I collect old vintage junk so my definition of character may *shrug*

So what did I get?

A little pop of green for my windowsill - in the form of shamrocks. They look slightly traumatized despite my gentle potting so I hope they perk up a bit.

I also snagged a good base for a project that has been stumping me.

Two frames that are not constructed of the most fabulous materials, but I was going to make mine out of cardboard starting from scratch so this gives me a good head start!

And see that sticker on there?

Let me get closer...

Yeah for each! Woohoo! The acrylic front is scratched and that's why. My original project wasn't going to have a front protective piece at all so who cares if those don't look good since I won't be using them.

And for that price it won't even make me feel bad that they aren't going to closely resemble their original form. But that project isn't finished yet, so you'll have to check back to see how it turns out.