Showing posts with label garden and flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label garden and flowers. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Lovely days

I haven't participated in a Mosaic Monday in ages! I feel like I don't even know how much time has passed. But this weekend as I was snapping photos of all the Spring-ness around me I felt like a collage would be just the thing.

The top middle photo is an homage to Jennifer's here - after I saw her photo I noticed some of my plants had done the same! (She's a great one to follow if you like horse and nature photos.)

The circle of smooth stones is in my neighbor's field. I don't remember there being a tree there, but there's a circle of stone around a sunken area of ground; it always looks pretty in Spring. Of course Spring isn't even officially here yet, but plants and animals (field of calves and lambs) don't lie. :)

Be sure to visit Little Red House to see all the lovely mosaics!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Why not? I'm a fungi!

One of the cedar trees in my yard died and had to be cut down. Near where the tree fell is now full of fungus - all different sizes and types I've never seen before.






I don't care for edible mushrooms so I'm really not going to know non-edible types. Can anyone identify these for me?

I had a lot of "help" when I was taking these photos...

Spud, the rescue kitty, has been made of velcro lately. And here he is trying to see what I was bending down to photograph. He was very puzzled by the whole thing but loved to bat at my dangling lens cap and rub (ie bump) on my arm just as I was about to press the shutter button.

And my real velcro cat, my little white shadow, was none too pleased that he was so close to me and she wasn't.


Death glare.

Ah, cats.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Scenes from my life - in Cinemascope!

I love how the cinemascope photo edit makes everything more glamorous. I used it on some of my photos from this summer and cinemascoped them into perfection (with two exceptions - I used two filters on them and I'm sure you'll be able to pick them out.)

Friday, June 8, 2012


Starring one of my fake kids. (As in not belonging to me. But I claim her anyway.)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Zoom zoom bloomity bloom! I blinked and now everything around me is blooming. Mostly purple things, but that's just fine because I love purple.

Wild lupine growing in my neighbor's field.

I don't know if you can tell but I'm surrounded by horses. Literally on all sides of me are fields and 3 out of 4 of those fields have horses.

I just love lavender and so do my honeybees. I planted 4 extra plants last year and they have really sprouted this spring. Looking forward to having a different kind of blossom.

Two colors of lilacs because just one isn't enough!

We've had a lovely warm and dry spell and the flowers are really going for it, especially the rhododendrons - I don't recall ever seeing such beautiful rhododendrons as I have this year. In fact I took my camera to work to sneak some photos of the house across from my office because it looks so amazing! I gave a sneak peek here on twitter, but will show my camera photos soon.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Flowers in space

I recently discovered the "space textures" on picnik - they are soooo much fun! I hope they keep them.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Mosaic Monday - growing wild

I had a single plant of this in the corner of my garden one year and it stayed like that for several years. In the past couple of years, however, it has exploded and moved all over said garden. Pretty, but not what I wanted. This fence:

 ...was bare in front and boring! I started moving plant starts until I ended up with this gorgeous wall of yellow! Weirdly, since moving them they have started mutating - originally they were plain yellow petals with a brown center but now some have red, some are doubling (or tripling or quadrupling?).

They also attracted this...moth? Anyone know what it is?

 Be sure to visit Little Red House to see all the beautiful mosaics!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The frog vase (not that kind of frog)

I got a birthday gift early in the form of this glass vase with a built in floral frog.

The frog portion can be removed but sits nicely on a ledge just inside the top of the decorative edge of the vase.

Floral frogs work fantastically for spacing out your flowers and making your arrangements look professional even if you don't have enough flowers or any skill. And who doesn't like a product like that? I used it below to make just five flowers look like a whole bouquet's worth.

Also seen here:

Love it!