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Showing posts with label quality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quality. Show all posts

Friday, December 25, 2009

Great Fulfillment

Remember today what's really important to you. Look past
those fleeting concerns and activities that seem so urgent,
and look into what you truly care about.

Generously give quality, focused time to the special people
in your life. Accept them for who they are and listen
without judgment to what they have to say.

Spend some quiet time with your own best thoughts.
Peacefully consider the goodness and value in your life, and
feel the warmth that those thought bring.

Softly treasure the moments of this day. Each moment is an
opportunity to give more value and support to those things
that matter most.

Keep yourself connected to what's truly important to you.
From that perspective, you'll find great fulfillment in all
that you do.

mee mOe

Picture from Google images

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My other blog;
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
1. Across this bridge
2. Struggling parents
3. When life become a book
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery
6. Layout Marketing
7. Internet Lifestyle
8. Marketing Myself

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Give of yourself

Be happy to give of yourself, and you'll be happy. Be happy
to make the effort, and you'll be happy.

Be happy about working through the challenges, and you'll be
happy. Be happy for the opportunity to transform problems
into achievements, and you'll be happy.

Happiness does not come when you try to obtain it. Happiness
is a quality that you can choose to add to any experience.

Happiness does not come from arranging your circumstances in
a certain way. Rather, happiness is a very powerful,
effective and delightful way to relate to any set of

Be happy to be living this moment. And not only will you be
happy, you'll also be creative and effective and
purposefully focused.

Choose to add your very own happiness to the ups and downs
and ins and outs of life. Be happy for no reason and for
every reason, and experience life at its best
mee mOe

My oldest daughter and her son
Christmas 2008

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My other blog;
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
1. Across this bridge
2. Struggling parents
3. When life become a book
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery
6. Layout Marketing
7. Internet Lifestyle
8. Marketing Myself

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quality of your life

You have the opportunity to respond to whatever happens in
your world. And the way you respond determines the quality
of your life.

What matters most is not what happens to you. What matters
most is the way you respond.

You can respond any way you choose. So choose those
positive, empowering responses that will move your life

It may seem in certain situations that a negative response
is the only possible response, and yet that is never the
case. Always, a positive response is just as possible, just
as realistic, and a whole lot more beneficial.

Get clear on your purpose and know your intentions. Respond
to whatever happens in a way that moves your life in the
direction you have chosen to go.

For the opportunity to craft your own response to each event
in life is indeed the opportunity to set the direction of
your life. Remember always that you have a choice, and use
that choice to add great value to your world.

mee mOe

Picture taken by me of downtown Chico,
the little town in which I live in.

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My other blog;
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
1. Across this bridge
2. Struggling parents
3. When life become a book
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery
6. Layout Marketing
7. Internet Lifestyle
8. Marketing Myself

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Vanishing fear

Your thoughts are what frighten you. Choose to change them, and the fear is gone.