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Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts

Monday, June 03, 2013

Make The Necessary Efforts

The opportunities you have are too beautiful and too valuable for you to let them pass you by. Stop making excuses and start making progress.

What you imagine, you can begin. What you begin, you can finish.

It's all a matter of choosing to get it done. That's a choice you can make in any and every moment.

Sure, there are challenges and yes, you'll have to step outside your comfort zone to make the necessary efforts. The great thing is, you're fully capable of doing whatever it takes.

You can, if you will. You will, when you make it meaningful enough.

There's great value to be found as you make your way through this day. Seize the opportunity, make the necessary effort, and bring that value to life in your world.

My other blog;
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

1. Across this bridge
2. Struggling parents
3. When life become a book
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery
6. Layout Marketing
7. Internet Lifestyle
8. Marketing Myself

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Saturday, September 04, 2010

Comfort Zone

Progress is made by doing what you have not done before. To
truly grow stronger, you must step beyond what is
comfortable and familiar.

Just outside your door is a whole wonderful world of new
possibilities. And with those new possibilities come new and
difficult challenges.

Go ahead, and have the courage to open that door and to step
outside your comfort zone. For though the challenges are
many, the rewards are more valuable than you can imagine.

You are designed and equipped and intended for great things.
You are flexible and adaptable and creative and intelligent
enough to successfully handle whatever you encounter.

Beyond the comfort of what you already know, you'll find the
wonder and magnificence of all you can become. Go explore
and fulfill the very best possibilities.

mee mOe

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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥My other blog; ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥1. Across this bridge2. Struggling parents3. When life become a book4. Read Between the Lines5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery6. Layout Marketing7. Internet Lifestyle8. Marketing Myself

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Monday, July 06, 2009

The Road can be Bumpy

The situations where you're most likely to make mistakes are
also situations in which you have the greatest opportunities
to make progress. When there's something on the line,
there's something to be gained.

Don't seek to make mistakes, but don't seek to avoid them
either. Seek instead to put yourself in circumstances that
challenge you to grow.

When there's the possibility of making a bad impression,
there's also the possibility to make a great impression.
Success comes from being able to accept the risk of failure.

When you ask for something, there's a good chance that
you'll be turned down. But if you never ask, there's a rock
solid certainty that you won't get what you seek.

By asking often enough and sincerely enough, you'll get the
answer you're after. By listening to enough people tell you
no, you'll find someone who tells you yes.

Make the effort, put yourself on the line, and go for it.
Though the road can be bumpy at times, the way to get there
is to get going.

mee mOe

Taken while on the
back of my Harley, the
Feather River Canyon, Hwy 70.
Northern California, towards Reno,

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My other blog;
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
1. Across this bridge
2. Struggling parents
3. When life become a book
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Sleeping Turtle Art Gallery
6. Layout Marketing
7. Internet Lifestyle
8. Marketing Myself

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Monday, June 01, 2009

Learn from them

One of the smartest things you can do is to entertain the
possibility that you may be mistaken. Because if you are
mistaken, and you're able to see it, you have the
opportunity for great progress.

There is no dishonor in being mistaken. Yet there is great
folly indeed in being so stubborn that you refuse to admit
your own mistakes.

Mistakes can be powerful teachers. By knowing firsthand what
does not work, you gain much greater understanding about
what does work, and why.

If you're not willing to accept the possibility of mistakes,
you're not going to make much headway. Though there's no
need to purposely make mistakes, there's no reason to live
in fear of them either.

Even if you are already effective, there likely are ways to
be yet more effective. Even if your mistakes are not
disastrous, there is still much that you can learn from

mee mOe

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Goals can be reached

There is a way to reach the goal. You just have to decide
you're going to do it.

There are challenges, to be sure. Yet you've overcome
challenges before and you can do it again.

Decide to do it, and make the commitment. Take the necessary
actions, over and over again.

If you realize your approach isn't working, adjust it and
improve it until you begin to make some progress. Then be
grateful for what you've learned, and use it to move more
quickly ahead.

Be sure to choose a goal that is truly yours. Making the
goal meaningful is what makes it reachable.

Creating anything of value takes a lot of good, hard, solid
work. Enjoy the journey and delight in reaching the

mee mOe

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Friday, February 20, 2009

Make Progress

Today is your opportunity to make progress. Right now is the
moment to begin.

If you're not quite sure how you'll proceed, go ahead and
get started anyway. The way to work out the details is to
jump into the work.

Each moment that flows quickly into your life will flow out
again just as quickly. While you have it, you can transform
that moment into a lasting accomplishment.

Make a little bit of progress, again and again. Soon, you
will have created great value.

You can do it, because you are alive and aware and willing
to get where you wish to go. Whatever your situation,
whatever your circumstance, you can make something positive
and valuable out of it.

Choose now to make progress, and allow a positive momentum
to take hold. Feel the joy of being the immensely creative
person you can surely be.

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Vanishing fear

Your thoughts are what frighten you. Choose to change them, and the fear is gone.