Wednesday, July 14, 2010

"You're Probably a Hipster if..."

That's right! The list rises from the dead!

Stay tuned for occasional resurrections.

You're probably a hipster hope your $6 Pabst Blue Ribbon lends credibility to your trucker moustache.

Click here for the whole list.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Your silence is star-like

Breathe in.

Close your eyes until you can remember what love felt like, before love was houses and receipts and calendars. It's imprinted somewhere on your soul--wait until you find it.

O.K.? Now you can press "Play"

Monday, July 12, 2010

"Please do not shoot your friends' eyes out" and other important sleepover lessons

You know a morning that starts with those words is going to be exciting. And it could only mean one thing--boys, sleepover.

The only other conversation I have had so far today went like this:

Me: "What are you boys hungry for?"
Guest #1: "My doctor says I need to eat more eggs..."
Brother of guest #1: "Yeah, he needs more nutrients in his diet."

Gosh, kids are so savvy these days. When I used to go to sleepovers, my only goal was to get my hands on some Fruit Loops or Cap'n Crunch; those mystical cereals I had heard about but never savored lovingly in my own mouth (whose number one ingredient, according to my mom, was sugar, poison, brain rot, and certain death) .

I'd accept anything not "sweetened" by molasses or with carob doing a poor impersonation of chocolate. Preferably something with a prize inside other than a coupon for Celestial Seasonings tea or a "collectible card" with information about endangered mountain gorillas. A bowl of something whose Red Dye #5 would color my milk and make me feel slightly dangerous.

(This could be me and my sister, except they're wearing shirts...)

Of course, I'm grateful for all those things now, but I still slow down in front of the Cap'n Crunch. I think, just for a second, that I could have all the sugar cereal I wanted now and no one could tell me no. But the Communists should consult with my mom about her re-education techniques, because MAN SHE'S GOOD! I could no more put a bowl of sugar cereal in front of my kids than, say, a live bomb or a plate of lead paint chips.


And while I'm not serving burnt homemade granola with fresh-from-the-hairy-udder goat's milk (which, sorry mom, I did NOT ever get used to), even my own children accusingly call me "hippie" sometimes.

Ahhh, if they only knew....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

MID CENTURY WALL UNIT and shop updates

Or is it a bar, book shelf, credenza, desk, or room divider??
This thing really does it all, and looks gorgeous doing it. Me thinks it is mahogany.

And, though I'll shed a few tears over it, the Chinoise settee/sofa/daybed with original yellow Greek Key upholstery must go to a new loving home.


Tie One On

I've never met a Vera scarf I didn't like. Hands down I think they are the best graphic/textile designs ever made. And the color palettes were totally delicious, don't you think?

I've tried wearing one tied around my head with big sunglasses a la Jackie O, but I looked like a cancer patient (no offense to cancer patients who likely look MUCH better than me in scarves and big glasses). Maybe if I had the LV luggage....

Then I remembered this surprisingly hip Martha Stewart tutorial on turning scarves into bags. A $1 thrift store find turned into a cool summertime tote with a few knots? The perfect lazy girl's project--cheap, and immediate gratification.

Of course, there's the obvious (and much blogged about) option of making scarves into pillows, but why wouldn't you? Unique pillows are in the $100+ range! :

This Etsy seller takes it farther with a scarf quilt, which could also be adapted as a wall-hanging project or to stand in as a headboard I think:

If you can sew a straight line, either is super easy.

Of course, I recommend the thrift store for sourcing your raw materials but Ebay is great in a pinch. Try searching under "lots" and for around $5 you can buy a whole bag of beauties to craft away with!

Pillows and quilt by Ouno Design

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Splurge & Purge

Somehow justified purchasing this "covers my butt without being momsy" maillot from Anthropologie.
Started a Pilates class the day it arrived in the mail.
A coincidence? I think not.

Friday, July 2, 2010



Tired of going to yard sales *hoping* to score some vintage coolness?

Our collector friends are having an estate/yard sale and the majority of the goods are Mid Century/vintage (furniture, atomic era wallpaper, fabric, and curtains, dishes, lighting, sculpture, art, magazines and decorating books, etc.)

Saturday only


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