Showing posts with label weddings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weddings. Show all posts

Monday, October 25, 2010

Please allow me to (re)introduce myself...

Let's get reacquainted, kay?
I like long walks in wheelchairs (I'm not a vegetarian, but I am a sedentarian) and telling you things.

Have you ever been seized by the desire to waltz around the room at the end of The Darjeeling Limited? It's because of this song. My friends just used it for their wedding dance. Primo choice, guys. Although you were a little hard to see from where you sat the table farthest away from you. I have a feeling that when planning the seating chart you referred to table 13 as "the loud table." Possibly, "the obnoxiously loud table." Whatevs bridezilla. I saw you laying face-down on the dancefloor. I am unfamiliar with that particular dance move. You'll have to teach me when you get back...

The color green was obviously invented for redheads. So, suck it blondie.

Mmmmm, tuna on toast. My secret weapon. If people stop by and you have sourdough bread, cans of tuna, cheese, and lemon, you can feed them. Assemble and broil. A whole tray. Hey, where are you going? I said when people stop by. Geez, fattie.

I'm a sucker for sick humor. Super-sick. Like, bubonic plague sick.

This "inspirational poster" is so much better than the puppy/kitten ones hanging in junior high counseling offices worldwide (how is a kitten telling me to "hang in there" going to help me grow boobs or pass algebra II ??!!)

Now you go. What's up my fine ladyfriends? Let me're thinking about trying to lose some weight, and...would really like to find a good book to read. Right? Am I right??

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A thing of beauty

This blog makes me want to re-watch this movie.

And this one.

Although we've not even had our summer yet, it's made me crave 40 degrees and cold stone and the less-stinky-than-American cloud of cigarette smoke that accompanies everything, from morning cafe americain to Scallops St Jacques. Waiters that advise you on fashion and suggest you'd look prettier without your hat. Surreal antique carousels spinning in the shadow of a hotel peticulier. Office workers carrying their glass of afternoon wine back through the streets. The bread the bread the bread. Babies in wool knickers and shoes more beautiful than yours. Le baiser, two cheeks. Paris.

And p.s., did you know that the price of baguette is fixed by the government?? Now that's some Socialism I can get behind!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Event Hair: Updo that doesn't look like doo-doo

For a wedding, funeral, really any event that requires you to wear grown-up clothes, give air-kisses, and make small talk.


Plus instructions. I'm so good to you, no?

via wrinkled old Real Simple with coffee stains

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wedding Do-Overs

I don't know about you, but I still love to look at wedding stuff. It's sort of a microcosm of the design scene; letterpress, flowers, photography, fashion, etc.

And let's face it...even us not-so-girlie girls like a little fantasy eye candy. We only get to have one wedding (well, fingers crossed), but it's so much fun to imagine what we would do if we could do it again.

I think I'm a "wedding in the woods with vintage dress" kinda girl. There would be a barn dance with raucous fiddling to follow. I'm a fool for the fiddle. (I would put on boots for that part!)

What about you? Would you want to try a different style or mood if you had do-overs, or would you not change a thing?

Meanwhile, here's an adorable wedding inspiration board from Dog n' Bird. It's very sweet and simple, with a kind of John Hughes/80s feel. And the swiss dot reminds me of my mom and aunt, who wore yards of it along with big, floppy hats at their weddings. It was the must-have look of the late 60s!


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