Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Fay has been doing gymnastics now for about 3 months. Kimball is supposed to watch, but lets give him a break he's only 2! He usually passes the time by:

1. Kicking/throwing one of his many balls from the collection. He doesn't really care where it goes as long as it is retrievable.

2. He drives his truck or bus on the "wedge" when (ideally) not in use.

3. Rolls hoops that (instructor) Ashley lends him.

4. Ensures the spring boards are springy and the matts soft.

Until recently, we have been meeting at a local elementary school in a large room.

The beautiful new YMCA opened a few weeks ago and we are now enjoying added equipment, more space, etc. The downside is that there are also larger classes.

We are no longer able to be in the same room as Fay, but have to watch her through the windows in the hallway. So now Kimball's primary activity is terrorizing the other 2 yr. sibling of one of Fay's class mates. His love for her is manifest in somewhat aggressive behavior.

But, this post was supposed to be about Kimball's very own gymnastics class that he began a few weeks ago. Of course he loves it.

We realized that with all his references to "Nastics," he was refering to Ashley, the instructor, not the class. We think he finally has it straight now.


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