Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ice cream lover

Fay has been having a hard time staying in her chair at the dinner table. She finally finished her dinner tonight after several reminders to stay in her chair. I set her dessert down on the table and said "Now, Fay, if you get down from the table, that means your done, and I'll clear your bowl." To which she replied, "Mom, why would I get down from ice cream>"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Fay's rendition of "Popular"

Oh Boy!

Potty Talk

Fay emerging from the bathroom with her guilty conscience on her sleeve:

Dad: Fay, did you wash your hands?
Fay: Yes
Dad: Why are you hiding your hands?
Fay: averting of the eyes
Dad: Let me smell your hands.
Fay: Holds up one thumb
Dad: Why did you lie to me?
Fay: I didn't lie!
Dad: Why won't you let me smell your hands
Fay: You can smell my thumb
Dad: Why can't I smell your hands?
Fay: Just a taste Dad, not the whole cake!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Thank you Carrie!

A tremendous THANK YOU!!! goes to Carrie - Mitch's sister - for taking time to do our family pictures this past weekend. As you can see, she is extremely talented.

I didn't really know what we were going to wear and had picked out a few things that matched. She came in the room, and I put all the clothing possibilities on the bed and she rifled through a few things and came up with this amazing combination of colors textures, etc that I never would have known could work so well.

We went outside and just played with the kids and had a great time. Amazing! Thank you Carrie!

Check out her website:

Monday, June 21, 2010

When We're helping we're happy (right?)

I always debate whether or not to let the kids "help" with the things I need to do - like making dinner.

Sometimes I really can't because of time but most often I have the choice.

The results vary:

1. disastrous
2. a little messier
3. takes more time
4. happy kids
5. frustrated mom (and then kids)
6. overcooked veggies (eww)
7. a few more germs to share

Or some combination of the above. This happened to be a time when we all had a good time together and I was glad I made the choice to let the kids be my helpers.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

A park outing

Kimball's prayer:

Dad prompt: Dear
Kimball: Dear
Dad: Heavenly Father
Kimball: Father
Dad: Thank Thee
Kimball: Park
Dad: and thank Thee
Kimball: Park
Dad: Please Bless
Kimball: Park
Dad: Help us
Kimball: Go Park...

When Fay prays he leans his head over to give her "park prompts." She can rarely make it through her prayer without breaking out in laughter.

It is uncommon for us not to have some park time each day. It is the highlight of the kids' - especially Kimball's day.

We usually go to the park after Kimball's nap so the moment I walk into his room to rescue him from his crib, he says, "I'n (I'n = I want to) go to park"

This is Fay's BGFF: Best Girl Friend Forever, Isabel. Fay adores her and she is the sweetest thing! We have missed her this week since we have been sick!

Time for a change!

What can I say?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

post gymnastic basket ball

Kimball has has much fun playing basketball afterwards as he does in gymnastics - maybe even more.


Fay has been doing gymnastics now for about 3 months. Kimball is supposed to watch, but lets give him a break he's only 2! He usually passes the time by:

1. Kicking/throwing one of his many balls from the collection. He doesn't really care where it goes as long as it is retrievable.

2. He drives his truck or bus on the "wedge" when (ideally) not in use.

3. Rolls hoops that (instructor) Ashley lends him.

4. Ensures the spring boards are springy and the matts soft.

Until recently, we have been meeting at a local elementary school in a large room.

The beautiful new YMCA opened a few weeks ago and we are now enjoying added equipment, more space, etc. The downside is that there are also larger classes.

We are no longer able to be in the same room as Fay, but have to watch her through the windows in the hallway. So now Kimball's primary activity is terrorizing the other 2 yr. sibling of one of Fay's class mates. His love for her is manifest in somewhat aggressive behavior.

But, this post was supposed to be about Kimball's very own gymnastics class that he began a few weeks ago. Of course he loves it.

We realized that with all his references to "Nastics," he was refering to Ashley, the instructor, not the class. We think he finally has it straight now.


Kimball, the gymnast

Kimball and Fay have the same instructor, whom they adore. So when Fay came to Kimball's class, Ashley, the instructor felt bad for Fay, having to sit and watch (we thought it would be good for her) and encouraged her to participate. Fay loved it and she was quite the little coach for Kimball.

As you can see, Kimball probably wouldn't have made it into the ball pit without her ;-)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sea world I

Fresh Kids

Sea world II

We play, snack and push kids...
past nap time...Never-the-less, still one of our favorite outings

Kimball's birthday - in January

It's only fair that I post pictures of Kimball's second birthday, although late. Fay's birthday is right around the corner and now that the computer - well Mitch's work computer - is up and running, we can post pictures again. Yipee! We still need to get our computer worked on so my computer time is not limited to the evenings when Mitch is home from work.

Fay and kimball decorated and made birthday hats.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Julia - a very late blog debut

As you can see - Julia is a very happy baby. She is quick to smile and laugh. She is snuggly and sweet - everything I could hope for in a healthy, content baby. She is already 6 months old!