Monday, October 26, 2009


This morning at breakfast Fay prayed that we could "have more Family Home Evenings." As much as I hate to admit it, we haven't been that consistent with our FHE's. Mitch and I had just talked about how we needed to be better so thank you Fay for helping us!

Tonight at FHE we were talking about Jesus' baptism. We had a lesson about John the Baptist a couple months ago so we asked her tonight if she remembered who John the baptist was. Her response, "He lived in the jungle and ate worms."


Smart Helm said...

So cute! She definitly has her own spirit.

Where's the pictures we were promised?

Sarah Jarvis said...

Noah loves FHE as well. Every night after dinner when we are all home, he wants to have Family Night. We'd better take advantage of it while the enthusiasm lasts. :-)
Tell Fay Hi from us.

Montana at the Helm said...

Is she getting him mixed up with Tarzan??? She is so funny.

Gage loves FHE too! We have to play "What Am I?" after each lesson. Keeping with Helm tradition I guess.

txparkinsons said...

while interesting ... this is not the news i was hoping for ...

The Metge Family said...

That is hilarious!

JACK-A-JAME? said...

Well , well, well, I can finally get on your blog. Hallelujah. You can't imagine coc's excitement when she saw Fay on the computer. Please post regularly so she can get o and see her. And we need lots of pics of Julia. Im sure she has changed so much! The blog address is the username: password inshapenow

Erase this after you write it down. It is a private blog.
SO excited for you to join. WE have 6 or 7 members it will be fun to have another.

Bethanie said...

The fact that she remembered the other details of his locus eating life just goes to show her ability to remember, right;) Love that girl.