Friday, October 3, 2008

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas

We went to Vegas for Kistens Big "30" B-day!  Justin gave her a big surprise with a pent house room at Mandalay Bay-The Hotel.  It was pretty sweet.  It was bigger than my apartment in KY.  We had a great time going through the Body Exhibit and eating at the Rum Jungle, To bad we dont drink because that was quite the booz'n bar... anyways it was fun we had a blast thanx Justin...


Dickson Family said...

how fun!! I guess there is hope that one day MAYBE we might have money...who knows. looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel though...thanks for that hope :)

Davis said...

Looks like you are having a great time at home...though we miss you and personally I think ya might just have a bit more fun with us here in Louisville-I am predujice ya know. When are ya coming to visit:)? Miss ya bunches