Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

My Girls are nice and patient when I want to play with my camera...

My son...not so much...

For Memorial Day we got dressed up in our RW&B and went to the park for a picnic.  It was HOT!!!!  The kids were not loving it so much.  So we bailed a bit early and went swimming in our neighbors pool.  Thanks Diane and Dan!

We BBQ'd ribs.  Cora loved sucking on the bones.  Unfortunately, so did Stella, the neighbor's dog!  I thought this was a pretty funny sequence of photos:
1) Yummy
2) I like this
3) Stella try this, it's good
4) I didn't say take it!
5) Where did it go?
6) STELLA!!!
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Cora's Trick

Grandpa Gates,
This one is for you! Thanks for all the hours you spent working with her to learn this trick. She finally did it 2 weeks ago. Now she is all over the place.

Granny McBride,

Messer's New Trick

I am not sure why, but I find this hilarious!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Belated Easter!

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Silly Stairs

Cora has been trying so hard to figure out the stairs.  She was really doing well so I was starting to let her go up and down alone.  As you can see from the photo on the left of her right eye, that wasn't such a great idea. Poor girl had a black eye for 2 weeks.

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The Produce Box

We started the produce box 2 weeks ago.  It has been fun to see the local produce.  Here is Connor with our first head of Romane Lettuce.  Last week our green onions were a good foot and a half long!

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Prom Hair

The past two weekends I have been doing prom hair for the young women in our ward.  It is a little scary to be honest.  So much pressure.  But they ended up looking pretty good if I do say so myself.

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1st Time Voter!

Last week we had elections here in NC.  It was Mike's 1st time voting as a US citizen!

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Happy Cinco de Mayo

We decided to come to the Yucatan Cantina for Cinco de Mayo. Monica and Joe joined us at the last minute. So festive!