Friday, July 10, 2009

Family Picnic

Every year we take the Family to the Mountains for a Family Picnic. We always have a great time and this year was no different. It was so beautiful and green. I love being in the outdoors, enjoying nature, breathing fresh air, and being with my family.

We found a great spot for our picnic that had these huge boulders that the kids had fun climbing on.

We always have fun playing hide and go seek and for some reason the kids love to throw rocks in any body of water we find. The highlight of the trip this year was shooting the bow. The children are pretty good archers. Some of them did better than me.

We saw quite a bit of wildlife this year. We counted over 30 does and fawns. We saw a big bull elk that posed for us on top of a ridge for a few seconds before he dropped down the other side. The funniest thing we saw was a huge porcupine wobbling along the center line of the highway on our way home. This doe was quite close to the road, and stuck around long enough for us to snap this photo.


Michele and Wyatt said...

What a fun family tradition. And what cute kids you have.

Mike and Shelby said...

You have such wonderful family traditions! I love reading about them. (And such beautiful pictures!)