Showing posts with label lights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lights. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2020


Certain lights catch my eye. Here are some seen out and about.
This dragon is my favorite located at the entrance of Mellow Mushroom in Ashland, NC.
Here is a gaslight in charming Old Point in Beaufort, SC.
The city of Columbia, SC has many beauties.

The neighborhood of Cottontown has some lovely ones. 
A neighborhood full of character!

The state house has these gorgeous ones that make me think of a gigantic, antique candelabra. 

I must have take this one in Florida considering the tropical foliage. This folder has been hanging out on my computer for many months so it is difficult to remember where they were all taken.

I hope you enjoyed this collection!

Thank you for stopping by! ~Val