Showing posts with label nourish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nourish. Show all posts


Nourish is the way for 2015.

The word for my life in 2015

It's the thing to find direction as each new year begins, don't you think?

I've seen in New Year's past with a resolution list, a bettering-myself list, the what I hope to achieve list and just plain ignored the whole thing.

But this year, I've found direction in just one word.


We've had a big few months here, and I'm really embracing everyone's health with a renewed passion.

And by health- I mean happiness, emotional wellbeing, diet, environment and  everything in between.

I think as mother's we watch out for our families in every way possible.
We cover everything we can, whilst encouraging our children to learn, grow and then to make wise and wonderful decisions for themselves.

As partner's we do the same, but we do it on a more even playing field.
As we parent together, we grow as a family.
Nourishing all of this is my aim for 2015.

Nourishing our hearts, our souls, our beliefs and our bodies.

Nourishing a true sense of our individual selves and truly embracing that.

I know this word will guide me through 2015, and remind me of my true role in our family- to be present and to nourish us all.

Do you have a word for 2015?

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