July 28, 2010

It's not goodbye...

Wow, I just don't know what to do with myself. I have 100 things going on this summer and 100 more things starting up in the Fall. I have completely neglected my blogs (among other things like the dishes maybe). I don't think anyone checks over here anymore and why should they if there is nothing new going on. Hmmmm. I have to decide. So for now I will be taking a break (funny since I have already taken quite a break). This break however will involve less guilt since I said it out loud and put it in writing. I will continue to update my other blog occasionally (it is already pretty occasional as it is). It contains the more important part of my history, updates on my kids and our family. So I really should focus more on that. I don't think MissMac's will be gone forever, just for now. Maybe when we make a comeback I can convince the sisters to join in more thoroughly. That'd be great!

With love,

Miss MacSally

June 2, 2010

An Abstract Masterpiece

Hey you!
Do you love to create?
Do you have kids who love to create too? Kids who want to be involved in every little project they see you doing?

Or maybe you have one who just LOVES to cut things up, rip things apart, and make a mess in general!

This project is for you! I mean them!

I simply challenged the tikes to use little pieces of scrap paper to cover every little bit of brown on a big cardboard rectangle. It proudly hangs in the toy room!

May 27, 2010

"Sew" Grateful!

I have quite a "if only I had" list. If only I had learned to sew is on that list. I had access to some amazing seamstresses, my Aunt Kay & Grandma Shirley! Sigh, if I could turn back time I'd be one piano playing, guitar strumming, quilt tying, crocheting, little seamstress. Oh well, good thing I have access to some pretty talented friends in my old age.

So, in deciding what to do for my pillows I determined that I could probably pull it off on my own (sloppily no doubt) except I really wanted to add piping for a little extra detail. My friend Colleen (Martha Extraordinaire) let me invade her {adorable} sewing room for an afternoon to teach me and Mary (another super crafty friend) how to do it. By the time we were done Mary and Colleen had helped me finish 2 of my pillows! Check them out!
Overlapping in the back for easy cleaning! That is soooo key with little ones around. Plus it makes my decor very flexible! The picture shows a pin stuck through but I added some non-sew velcro to keep it "taut".

Now to finish the other 3! Hopefully they will be as beautiful. I will take pics of the process when I get around to getting them done.

I am so lucky to have so many friends and family who can help me fulfill my crafty cravings!

May 19, 2010

blurry pics, cute kids, fun project!

I recently helped my friend throw a baby shower for our other friend who is adopting a little one any day now!!!! So, for my gift I pulled out the usual from me...a diaper cake. I am kind of in love with diaper cakes!
Olivia LOVES any kind of project so I am trying to let her help more often. In spite of my hesitation to let them help (because I just really wanted to get it done quickly) this turned out to be a perfect project for the kids!

They were great at rolling the diapers and holding them for me while I stretched the little rubber-bands over them to hold them together. They rolled almost 50 diapers just between the 2 of them...I rolled about 40 without them and let me tell you it actually went a lot faster with their help! WHO KNEW!

We spent a lot of time talking about babies and what they were each like as babies. We had a great time together that afternoon.
It was such a great afternoon!

May 18, 2010

Balloon Animals

My parents gave my kids a balloon launcher. Mason played with it constantly for an entire month. Never has any other toy stayed the center of attention for such a long time! So when the balloons were all lost or popped I bought some more that I thought would work. Well, they were more of the balloon animal variety and extremely difficult for a little 3 year old to pump up. So, I decided to make use of them!

Behold my 1st ever attempt at balloon animals...well an animal (it's supposed to be a dog) and a sword! The sword started out as a giraffe but that was way beyond my beginner experience.
Getting a picture of these two crazies with the balloons was a challenge. They didn't want to take pictures, they wanted to play!

I just wanted to see their faces and see smiles! I don't think it was too much to ask!
Ok, almost...just a little...well...interesting!
Ok ok, good enough! Go play!

About 2 minutes later...


PS This would be a super fun idea for a birthday party! Just google balloon animals and you'll find all sorts of tutorials. I'm going to practice and give it a shot for our next birthday party. Good thing I have quite a few months to practice!

May 15, 2010

Trying something new!

A fishbowl! With a fish named Jasmine. Made from a decapitated head. I felt a little gruesome sawing it off!

Animals seem to be my new favorite things to paint. Check out the pug! This particular pug's name is Lulu! Isn't that the cutest pug name ever? They are a darn cute family.

May 14, 2010

Can't Quite Reach!

I am a stay at home mom. It is my JOB to be home, take care of the kids and the house and the laundry and the food and the errands and the husband...and on and on!

I have been trying really hard to stay on top of things better. It started with keeping the house clean. It worked!
Then I tried to focus on my morning scripture studies with the kids...ok was going strong.
THEN I tried to add in consistent exercise. I have been doing great at that for a few weeks now....but wait the house is now suffering! Oh and the scripture studying is getting shaky.

THEN about a week ago I was driving Miss Olivia home from Ballet when she says something that breaks my heart. "Mom, I can't wait to be a mommy like you" (my heart swells) she continues, "but when I'm a mom I'm going to play with my kids whenever they ask!" (enter the sound of a heart breaking!) I used to be the playful fun mom. But while I played the house suffered. Kids are #1 so I need to get BACK to that place. How is it possible to do all things and be all things. I see so many people (from the outside of their lives of course) and they appear to have it all together. The cleaning, the laundry, the happy playful kids, the service, the church responsibilities, the crafty projects, EVERYTHING! So if you happen to be reading this and feel that you are one of those "together" people then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me your secret! I NEED TO KNOW!

Because like this poor dude I just can't quite stretch myself enough to do my job!