Sunday, 13 February 2011

I Love Dessert

i have to admit that i love dessert
from the bottom of my heart
everytime i went to a hotel lunch buffet
i automatic will be directed to the dessert spread
i'm like a little kid seeing those colourful yet delicious food
too happy to explain the feeling inside me

if i'm upset or my mood just not right
i will think about chocolate
but i don't mind if it is just a cheap chocolate either
i will cool down when i indulge it
weird right but i don't know why i LOVE chocolate

i always wanting to bake something chocolaty but i'm to lazy
or maybe no one will be eating it up
here at home just me and my parents
my sisters and brothers will be during their school breaks only

each day i wanting to eat this sinful dessert
but it's only available in pavilion (kot)
i tried to buy at the bangsar outlet, but not available
this make me drooling all over my bed (now!)
serious i think it just monthly cycle

p/s: people who know me too well they know i seriously in love with dark chocolate


i'm craving of chocolate right now
why? i just don't know.
but right now i'm on a mission
i can not back off just yet
i must show that i'm able to do it

Duration: before struck midnight 13th May 2011