Showing posts with label Clay Art Projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clay Art Projects. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Clay Excitement

I can't wait to put these babies in the kiln!  These are 7th grade creations.  I ask that my 7th graders create hollow forms from pinch pots and transform them into their own works with a minimum of two attachments.  I remind them that I'm focused on them practicing their hand building skills, especially their score and slip techniques.  I want them to be creative in their art making while building on and practicing their clay skills.  I can't wait to get them glazed!  But for now, here is a sneak peak of a few greenware items:
Middle School Clay Art Lesson Hollow Forms from Pinch Pots

Middle School Clay Art Lesson Hollow Forms from Pinch Pots

Middle School Clay Art Lesson Hollow Forms from Pinch Pots

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Terra Cotta Warriors

Artwork inspired by the Chinese Terra Cotta Warriors:

The latest and greatest Terra Cotta Warriors!  For a detailed description of the lesson and process, check out previous posts here and here and here.  However, one thing I have changed about my teaching is due to some new technology I have at my disposal.  I have a SMART TV in my classroom--think giant television sized tablet.  The TV is amazing and I love that it has replaced my projector.  One of the main things I love about it is that I don't have to have the lights off to see what is on the screen.  This is my favorite feature because I can make demonstration videos and loop them so that they play non stop during work time.  This has been a tremendous help, because all teachers know that it is difficult being the one expert in a room of 25-30 curious, learning minds.  The looping videos allow me to work one on one with those struggling while a lot of those that simply forgot what step comes next or how to do something can glance up at the screen and watch to see what it was that they need to do.  I can't tell you how helpful this is!  Such a time saver and the kids love it so that they don't all have to wait for me to make it through the sea of raised hands to get to their "quick question."

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Post Smoke Firing:
Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson
Checkout that crossbow!

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson

Clay Terra Cotta Warriors 6th Grade Art Lesson
This student had no idea who Charlie Chaplin is/was but he totally created a Charlie Chaplin Warrior!  Love that he even gave it a bowler hat and cane!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Clay Extravaganza!

Clay Clay Clay!

I've posted about my various art lessons in more detail in the past, so I'll just repost the links to those and share the photos of the great things my kiddos made this year

4th Grade-Pinch Pot Monsters
Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson
I had to get a close up so you could see this guy's tail!  Love the details these kids come up with!

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson
Same group, just closer so you could see their details from a different angle

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson
The green guy reminds me of a modern Gizmo!

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson
The turquoise monster is holding fire in each hand...such a creative idea!

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

Fourth Grade Pinch Pot Clay Monsters Art Lesson

5th Grade- Clay Pinch Pot Characters
In 5th Grade, I allow for a lot more freedom with their clay creations, but I still want them working with pinch pots to get that basic clay technique down.  I love the range of ideas the kids have!

6th Grade- Clay Terra Cotta Warrior Sculptures I actually have multiple links to this lesson for various examples and years that have made these, but this is the link that shares the bulk of the lesson

7th Grade- Hollow Form from Pinch Pots
Similar to the 5th grade lesson, I let the kids decide what they are going to make almost entirely.  I just ask that it be made from two pinch pots that create a hollow form and that they add attachments so that they can practice the slip and score methods for strong attachments and an awesome chance to show off their creativity and interests

8th Grade- Clay Boxes (slabs and cylinders)
This year we still made slab boxes but they had to be cylindrical.  I originally said they had to use cylinders because it was a faster process than cutting a bunch of square/rectangular slabs, but I might stick with the cylinders in the future just because I really enjoyed seeing the kids work this way.