Showing posts with label Him. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Him. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Double Rainbows and Purple Carrots

It's been a while since I've written and after glancing at the last few posts - I felt like writing something a bit deeper tonight.  The amount of variety in my life has tripled, similar to my discovery of the existance of purple, yellow and white-ish carrots.
If you are new to my blog, this is how I do it. 
Sometimes I have a lot to say, and other times I haiku.  
Either way, I only write when I am inspired,
so if you are looking for a daily read, I may not be able to deliver. 
However, if inspiration and stimulation is what you seek,
look no further and subscribe right now. ;)
Life is fantastic. 
I look back one year and smile thinking of how grateful I am for the place I am in right now - mentally, physically, spiritually.  Last year was bumpy.  Change was not easy.  Choices were tough and tests were being dealt out like pop quizzes daily.  But I survived.  I may not have aced it all, but I am happy to report that today was a good day.
In fact, the last three weeks have been nothing short of incredible. 
Since I found my home at the Rock Church six months ago, my life has taken a turn for the better and I can not be thankful enough.  I say it everyday in my mind and under my breath, while covering my heart with my hand and breathing in slow, deep breaths.  I thank Him for being with me. 
"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 

I've been reading the Bible, start to finish, and in the very first book - Genesis - I read about the meaning of a rainbow.

Seeing this picture, taken in downtown San Francisco today, I couldn't help but think of this: 
"When the (rain)bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”
Genesis 9:16
He's got our backs. Whether you believe in Him as a man in the clouds, the divine trinity, maybe a breeze blowing by, or a song that plays on repeat in your head, He is with us.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
I pray daily for my DJ ministry, and He continues to provide for me, kicking it off with a set of turntables, followed by a club quality mixer, a shnazzy program called Serato, which will surely work a little magic in my learning process BUT most of all - I have been blessed with a teacher who is His most faithful servant and continually leads me to be a better Christian by always accrediting everything to God's glory. 
I am so moved by the intensity of the progress happening in my life, that I can only offer myself to Him and give back everything equally to Him.  He is my rock.  Yet He is also my flower.  I must keep my flesh out of the way and let His spirit continue to lead me.  I am very passionate about what's happening in my life, but I am also keen on the pauses. 
He will lead me there - never early, never late - only right on time.
Just like the music of Miles Davis, pauses are just as important to the completeness of the song as are the individual notes.
Thank God for being within us, for always loving us by grace, and for giving us the language of music to communicate our gratefulness with Him.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Divine Intervention (In Haiku)

God's intervention,
A term for a miracle
In the human world.

I prayed for this day
And cried when it came to be -
It touched me deeply.

Or are they God incidents?
Let your heart decide.

When the preacher spoke
I knew it was God talking
He answered my prayers!

The message was strong!
It reached deep into my heart
Strengthening my faith.

I prayed after church
For an extra ten minutes
Asking for answers.

He responded fast.
That call was answered quickly.
I knew what to do.

I once trusted guys.
Now am committed to Him.
He answers my prayers.

I have seen glory
He has shown me He is Lord
I am second now.

Our relationship
Takes priority in life
And rewards me huge!

Nothing can fill voids
Like the love of Jesus Christ
You must first believe.

He can not be seen
If what you seek is a man
He is a presence.

Within my own heart
The Holy Spirit speaks up,
Leads me through this life.

Prayer - talking to God.
Meditation - listening.
Practice both often.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I am a Blessed and Charged Little Panda Bear

So I had this dream a couple of nights ago that I was in the shallow water of a lake, or maybe it was the bank side of a river...

But I had a fishing pole in my hand and remember specifically that I was not trying to catch anything, in fact, I was just reeling in the line to pack up and get ready to go.   However, my line had a tug on it and convinced it was just caught up on some moss or a stone, I walked toward it to help reel it in without breaking the line. It was then that I realized that I actually had something on the line, for it began to pull away.  So I walked to shore, dragging the pole and towing the line behind me.  When I got in shallow enough water, I freaked out for I had an extremely large fish on my line!!!  I mean, like HUGE!  My dad was on the bank, so I said, "Dad!  Help me!"

He ran out into the shallow waters and scooped the heavy fish up with both arms and carried it onto the shore.  We stared in amazement at the BIG FISH and he even said, "It must be at least a 50 pounder!" We unhooked it and stood in awe around the anomaly, trying to guess it's species, but couldn't nail it down to any category.  And as we discussed it, the big guy wiggled his way back into the water to swim away free. 

I remember in my dream feeling upset for letting him get away, but I have thought a LOT about the dream since then and have come to the conclusion that it was a necessary part of my dream.  You see, fish have many meanings according to my "Hidden Meaning of Dreams" book.

One of them is that "Fish are a product of the emotions and intuition, as opposed to the materialistic, earthbound approach to life."  This is very important to me as no matter how many material possessions we have, nor how big and status worthy they may be, nothing compares to the power of the spirit within us.  Our ability to let go of the things we are attached to is our ultimate freedom.  It is only then, I believe, that we may truly live.  To me, in this regard, the fish represents my understanding of this concept, and according to the book, I am experiencing a period of personal growth.  It's the truth. I am very much so...

On my birthday, March 18th, I re-devoted my heart to Christ.  Since then SO much has changed for the better in my life.  In fact, my dream book also considers the fish to be "A symbol of Christ," and even more, "a mystical insight into my divine potential."  

Since I've been back to church and seeking His knowledge and wisdom, I have felt called to do great things to not only deepen my relationship with Him, but also to set an example for others.  Similarly, as the fish in my dream came unexpectedly and got away just as easily, it is important to mirror that example in my faith.  I feel that the fish's freedom represents me sacrificing my selfish needs and surrendering it all back to Him.  By doing so, I will be much more greatly rewarded and so will those whose lives I brush along my path.  You see, I don't intend to be preachy, but I want my light to shine, my love to spill over, and my new found successes to speak for themselves!  I want others to see His work through me and become seekers themselves. In this way I am letting that BIG fish go - freely - and happily - and HOPEFULLY into the hearts of those seeking something better and greater who I am able to touch with my life example.

In my past, I have continuously struggled to publish my Children's literature, mainly because I am the only one holding myself accountable.  Until now.  Now I have a greater spirit inside me, encouraging me to do great things and share His spirit with others.  Now if I fail to do so, I will not only be failing myself, but Him also.  It sounds scary and heavy, but it is nothing even close to that.  As I grow and expand my relationship with Christ, I am only fueling the strength inside of me and I feel so much more alive and full of purpose than ever before.

So I felt it important to share here, with you all, whoever reads this message, to feel the love and watch my growth over the next few months, years, forever.  I know it won't be easy, for it hasn't been easy so far, but with Him - I am filled with love and strength - within.  I need not look anywhere else.  His spirit is in me - in my heart - and in my words.  Bless you all!

Here's some poetry that's been coming to me in the quietness of my prayers.  Hope you can truly HEAR it.



Panda's Powerful Prayer Poetry


A wellspring of love
     Inside of me
To conquer the pain
     That tries me.


The word is just the beginning
His love is the middle
True Christian work is a means to the end.


I am with you - 
In you and around you.
I am the light
That you ask for
Shine me bright
So darkness can see.


Clean the roadblocks from your life
Ask Jesus to shine His light
Wash the dirty doubt away
Let God's glory reign today!

Don't fear the unwilling ears
Go, seek the unclean and weak.
They need His love just as you
Go spread light, Get to it, too!!


The day you wake up and are ready to die
Is the day you will be the most alive.


He sacrificed His son for me
The battle's still not won, I see
My sacrifice for Him must come
I must lead the lost to the One.

No one said it would be that fun
And I'll be judged by everyone.
But if I let the love flow free
And surrender what he gave me

Then worry, fear, frustration and more
Will fade away - out the back door
And I will give my heart to Him
And be free from the world of sin.

Will you do it, too? Let Him in?
His word is power - read it then!
His word is power - read it then!
And sacrifice your life for Him!


Today I pray 
That He bless me
With all I need
To make my dreams
His reality --
It's ALL for Him
ALL ways - All days.





Today I pray for my calling
Today I pray He called me
For His purpose is great and good
And I have said all that I could

Now I just believe and sing
These verses that He gave to me
Out there, for the whole world to see
Yet only He may bless their reach.


Thanks for being here :)

Ms. Panda