02 November 2012


Cody went to Burgundy’s class party.20121031_113106
And I went to Finn’s and surprised him.  Also did the toilet paper mummy game which the 2nd graders loved.  So much fun.  I was the only mom who dressed up (see my costume, below).  I used to love it when my mom would show up to a class Halloween party in costume.
(Ps this picture is not of Finn, he didn’t hold still long enough to be wrapped up well by his partner)
So for Halloween, Finn was a knight…20121031_180726
Burgundy was a cheerleader…20121031_180609
And Cody and I were cowboys.  We went up to Jim & Paula’s for dinner and trick or treating.  I thought it was possible I might get a few spruce-ups to my costumes.  I was not disappointed!  (notice the sidearm & authentic Sheriff badge, yee haw)20121031_181312edit
This is my favorite picture from Halloween.20121031_181020edit

1 comment:

Ed said...

Utah in the fall can not be beat. Miss you guys!