25 November 2012



 Burgundy is smart (will probably skip Kindergarten), Burgundy is tough (throws as many punches as she takes with Finn), Burgundy is independent, wise, loving, confident, certain and beautiful.  Burgundy is 5.

each person made a mini-cake for Indi's birthday

mommy's cake

daddy's cake

Finn's cake

Indi's cake

02 November 2012


Cody went to Burgundy’s class party.20121031_113106
And I went to Finn’s and surprised him.  Also did the toilet paper mummy game which the 2nd graders loved.  So much fun.  I was the only mom who dressed up (see my costume, below).  I used to love it when my mom would show up to a class Halloween party in costume.
(Ps this picture is not of Finn, he didn’t hold still long enough to be wrapped up well by his partner)
So for Halloween, Finn was a knight…20121031_180726
Burgundy was a cheerleader…20121031_180609
And Cody and I were cowboys.  We went up to Jim & Paula’s for dinner and trick or treating.  I thought it was possible I might get a few spruce-ups to my costumes.  I was not disappointed!  (notice the sidearm & authentic Sheriff badge, yee haw)20121031_181312edit
This is my favorite picture from Halloween.20121031_181020edit



I had the stomach flu last weekend so Cody took Finn to the pumpkin patch to pick out some good jack-o-lanterns.  Burgundy decided she wanted to stay home and keep me company.



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11 02_2953

Above are the pumpkins we grew in our garden.  Of all the seeds that got planted last year, it’s funny that only white ones grew.  We’ll have to make sure to plant some orange seeds for next year, but we did enjoy our albino pumpkins!

Farm Life

10 18_25963 eggs hatched, only one little guy made it of those 3.  But boy is that little chick a spit-fire!
20121025_14060910 21_2613He or she (?) is super fast.  She has been peeping and popping around since birth, after a couple days, she hopped out of the nest box and mom followed.  They usually hang out in the coop during the day, but they have come out for the day while the weather was beautiful these last few days.  Lu is a super good chicken momma.  Taking good care of and protecting little Gwenni.  (Finn named her Gwenni, saying she looked like a miniature penguin, get it? Pen-Gwin) Ok.
Only issue I see with this little chick is she is shy of humans since she has a momma to take care of her.  So we can’t pick her up and handle her as much as if we had her in a brooder box.  Did I mention she is fast?  Nearly impossible to catch her.  We should have named her Flash.

The alpacas are all doing well, with moose moss to munch.
20121028_150409(and tomatoes…)

Happy Autumn!

Hay There!

(originally published 10/8/2012)

2012-10-08 10.23.01Here we are hauling it by hand…

2012-10-08 10.43.32until Farmer Dave drove up with this nifty machine

2012-10-08 10.43.47and made short work of it

2012-10-08 11.10.57Daisy is interested

20121008_111629so are the boys





20121008_114441Finn is rushing out to climb it as I type this


Finn's post

Finn really wants to start his own blog, so he thought it would be a good idea to put a post on my blog to refer my readers to his new blog.  Genius.
So here's his first blog post.  I will let you know when his blog is up and running :)

(PS so his spelling isn't the best, that's ok, Nana will be able to read it :)

I had a holween perdee at my school and my mom shode up and superisd me . love Finnleydeller
Go to finns blog 3days aferter holaween