Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

datestampMonday, September 6, 2010

11 Months

Eleven snapshots of our eleven month old for your viewing pleasure. A few new things this month are: Max is favoring his LEFT hand thus far (yay!) - he's a baby mountain goat, climbing up on the couch, the coffee table, anyone that will stand still...only problem is, he hasn't got his landings down yet - he's starting to talk (well, he has been talking, but we are just figuring out what words he's saying in, mum, stop, kiki (kitty) and he points at the dog and says NO!, wonder where he got that from.) We're working on some ASL signs to help us simple parents understand his needs. He's still nursing like a champ, tasting more and more foods and I can't believe he's this close to his first birthday.....

datestampWednesday, August 11, 2010

Spanky's Summer & The First of Second

This summer, Spanky was able to take a couple of classes, spend a lot of time with friends, attend his first Cub Scout Day Camp and visit with family.
Feeling brave:
Swim class:
Making faces....
...for this reaction:
Loves his Gramma:
Day camp awards:
Drama Class:

And now my big boy is at school, workin' the second grade:
Maybe they'll teach him how to smile. And don't feel too bad for him...he was up at 5:15am and in the shower, dressed, made his lunch, ate breakfast and was ready to go by 6:30am. School starts at 8:30am. These pictures certainly don't show it, but he was so excited.
*And for the record, I held it together today. I got a little misty-eyed, but talked myself out of it! Still 2:45pm can't come fast enough....

datestampMonday, August 9, 2010

10 Months

10 pictures of the 10 month old...

It's hot, it's sooo hot.

Two top teeth to match to two bottom teeth.

How mom is able to accomplish some housework. Thank you ErgoBaby.

Still loving our cloth diapers.

Sometimes it's rough being 10 months old.

Other times it's so awesome, you sing.

Learning new things like standing up is great, it helps you get into more stuff.

I didn't freak out as much over the oreo as I did the glass of milk, but Spanky assured me he didn't share that. I have the corner on that market.

datestampThursday, July 22, 2010

A Grand Visit

"It's Hot. It's soo Hot." --Jim Strunk, my father-in-law visiting from Oregon. This was his mantra for the week. I'm sure no one will let him forget it, least of all his grandson.

We had a good visit, eventhough it really was so hot. Grampa and Spanky were twins:
Max and Gramma snuggled:
We played Skip-Bo, Yatzee, and Monopoly (my least favorite game of all time.) Spanky cleaned house!
Me thinks someone looks like his Grampa and his Daddy:

We love you Gramma and Grampa!

datestampMonday, July 5, 2010

9 months

This is such a fun time in Max's babyhood. The two top teeth have just broken through, he's a pro at the army crawl and he's trying to pull himself up. He 'talks' and laughs and is such a happy boy.
He loves his big brother.
Daddy got him a sheepskin to snuggle at Ikea today (so what's a mom to do...I HAD to get a bare bottom shot!)
Max loves Gunther and says "key-key." But his first word, like his brother, was "da-da." Spanky likes to decode what Max is thinking and saying, so needless to say, we get some seriously funny dialouge around here.

See you next month!
(Spanky update coming soon...)

datestampSaturday, June 5, 2010

8 months

This month we had a special visitor: Tee! Fresh off her mission to London, we so enjoied her bit o' accent! We went to the Mesa Temple to snap a few pictures with her.  Little Max and Tee, well this was their first meeting...I do believe it was love at first sight.

Daddy is teaching Max to be reverent.

Not a picky eater, he wants to do it spoon feeding going on here.