400 days of OEF

I start active duty today. 400 day orders. First, I will be doing some training here in the US. Then I will be off to help train the Iraqi Army.
I knew I had something coming up, some months ago - but I had expected to go back to Afghanistan. I shall now be a fully rounded out Soldier when I get home - I will have supported operations in Bosnia (1997), Afghanistan (2004-2005) and Iraq.
I hope to keep everyone updated, as I am able, on our progress and what I see and experience. I will also be sharing my story with some other blogs (this was how I handled my Afghan tour).
Oh, time for me to start a new "Miserable Donut"

Good Luck, stay safe, see you on the intarwebs when you get back.
The Iraqis are lucky to have you. Best of luck-- you know I think the world of you.
Have a safe deployment, friend. Hopefully they don't have any White Castles over there...
We hope you have some time to let us know what is going on over there, we always enjoyed your posts about Afghanistan. Good luck!
Man, the extent some people will go to get away from this miserable season of the Bears.
Seriously, Major John, good luck, kick ass, and git yer rear end home safe.
Major John,
Godspeed. Look forward to your reports. I think you'll be a terrific observer to let us know how the next chapters are written!
Geh gesundt. Be careful; we all want to see you back safe and sound.
All the best to you!
Will be looking forward to your reports and photos, Sir. God Speed.
Thank you for your service and sacrifice..We are a few blocks from the giant whole in the ground formerly known as the World Trade Center. May God keep you and your colleagues safe. We are not safe without men and women who are willing to do what you do.
Donald Beier
I sincerely thank you and your colleagues for your service to our country and the American people. Best wishes for a very successful tour and a safe return.
Bill G.
SGT, US Army (retired)
Perseverance; and remember, track-side down.
J.M. Heinrichs
God Speed Major John. Keep in touch! We are all so proud of you.
Best wishes, Major John.
You know we're with you and all the troops in spirit.
Former Marine
Into the belly of the beast, Major John! Stay safe, and we'll be expecting regular updates.
I know that is totally off your radar but around Mishraq, on the Tigris River, south of Mosul, they have some world class native Frasch sulfur deposits and are pretty well covered as far as phospahte mineral collecting.
Yeah, we have a mission over there and all but if your into mineral collecting you can do pretty well.
Other than that, keep safe sir and know that your on the prayer list till you get home.
Just saw a show last night on the History Channel called "Band of Bloggers."
I think you SHOULD be as effective and influential as those guys.
I spoke at my Propettes' school before seeing you on Thursday and told all the kids that they can learn all they want and be able to form a full and educated opinion of the war if they read, watch and listen to everything and make their own decisions.
I told them they have to work at it, but it is available.
I direct them to this blog whenever I can.
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