Showing posts with label American Collectors Insurance. nonprofit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Collectors Insurance. nonprofit. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Road Home is in trouble.

Two years ago, I had the rare privilege of seeing a dream come to life, when The Road Home was launched. This 501(c)(3) nonprofit is dedicated to finding social, vocational and employment opportunities for post-9/11 veterans in automotive restoration shops through short-term internships. With the help of a generous sponsorship, we've been able to help veterans, as well as do our little bit to create a new generation of collector car enthusiasts.

But with the sale of American Collectors Insurance to NSM last month, The Road Home USA is losing its charter sponsor. This means huge challenges ahead if I want to keep the lights on--more than just paying the bills, American Collectors covered all the back end legal and accounting work.

While I am willing to take (back) on the overall outreach and management work, I do not have the time, money or expertise to handle everything on my own. The only way to keep this running is to find a new sponsor.

The good news is that TRH is no longer limited by existing commitments and requirements in sponsorship; and it won't take a huge dollar amount to keep the project alive. Probably only enough to pay for accounting; legal help in relocating the organization (we're incorporated in New Jersey; I'min Vermont and would probably want to operate as a Foreign Entity here); and expenses like the website ( and phone.

SO IF YOU KNOW any one or any company who would like to have their name associated with The Road Home, please send my contact information along--I can be emailed at; or call 786-273-7468 (786 APE RIOT). The need for The Road Home hasn't gone away--let's not let the program die.