Wednesday, January 18, 2012

MangoMinster 2012 !!!!

Lucy Donkey here......pleased to submit MY entry to Mango Minster 2012 - Working Stiffs category
 (what else?)

Of course, my entrepreneurial spirit is known far and wide.  
I am sure many of you might have caught my recent cover in Forbes Magazine
(if you didn't see it at your local news-stand, I'm sure that is only because the issue was an instant bestseller)

One of the first business ventures I started was Lucy's Pet Sitting and Horse Walking Service.....this division has  expanded now to include 
Lucy's Personal Training and Fitness 

Your Experienced Personal Trainer, Lucy Donkey.  
Convenient Pricing Available - Call or Email for Details

Here, you can see Lucy with one of her customers, Justice the Horse, taking him around for an afternoon stroll around the pasture.....Boot Camp Class

Even the most hesitant client, can be gently (?) persuaded when walked and supervised by the experienced Lucy......... our motto is "We make Exercise FUN"

Come along, Big Guy.  Get the Lead out


"If it were easy, then everyone would look as good as me. "

"To feel fit as a fiddle, you must tone done your middle"

"That's enough for today.....take a few laps around the pasture and hit the showers"

I have several other Business DIvisions in my Entrepreneurial Empire:
During Tax Season, I have been known to pitch in and help prepare a few returns........

My motto is "GOT DEDUCTIONS???"

My Kissing Booth was all the rage!!!!
Stay in line, folks.........No pushing.  Everyone will get a turn

Let's not forget, my most successful and profitable business division to date.......
As your Blogville Avon Representative!!!!
Lucy Donkey, Avon Representative, at your service

In home consultations available (at a nominal additional charge)
From my world famous wrinkle cream to an unlimited variety of polish, lipsticks and perfumes......if it is beauty you need  want.....Lucy Donkey is your source for all things Avon!

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to ANNOUNCE my latest undertaking, which I'm sure will be another wildly popular and profitable Division...

Donkey D.J. and Karaoke!!

From Golden Oldies to Rock n Roll, Jazz or Country
Sing and Tap your Hoofs, Paws or Feet to Lucy's Magical Music
We specialize in.....
Bar Mitzvahs
Obediance Class Graduations
etc., etc.
Catch our Debut at the Blogville Valentine's Pawty!!!!!

Thank you for your time.   


Lucy Donkey
Your Avon Representative
Your Personal Trainer
Your Source for Music and Karaoke
Competitor - MangoMinster 2012
etc, etc, etc


The Daily Pip said...

Bawhahahahaha! Oh my goodness, I had no idea you had so much going on! I kind of feel like a slacker - all I do is watch TV and sleep on the couch that wrong?

But seriously, do you think you could train my yorkie butt? You know, maybe give me some exercises I could do from the couch?

Oh, and send my mom a case of that super wrinkle cream!

Your pal, Pip

GOOSE said...

When do you sleep with all you do??!!!
I'm going to have to take a nap now after reading all that.

rottrover said...

Lucy Donkey: one of the hardest workers in Blogville!! You go, girl!!

-Bart and Ruby

3 doxies said...

Lucy, did you knows there only be 24 hrs. in a day? How does you balance all your ventures?

I should has known you would enter da workin' stiffs...there goes my chance. Not dat I actually had a chance but whatevers.


3 doxies said...

Oh here is my coupon code furs da mani-pedi products dat everybuddy thinks I needs.


Can you has it heres befores da dance?


3 doxies said...

Puddles heres...I be hopin' furs my mum's sake dat my entry won't effect da sales eithers cuz god knows her needs all da Avon hers can get. You wouldn't over price your products would you Lucy?


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said... makes me feels like such a slacker.....Got any odd jobs dat I can do's from my bed? I can help...BOL

Helen P. said...

You must really love the work you do to keep taking it on!

Millie and Walter said...

Lucy you really one hard working girl. My Nina has some stiff competition in this category. May the best working stiff win!


mayziegal said...

Ohmidogness, Lucy! How do you have enough hours in the day to do all your entrepreneurialness? (That was really hard to spell.) Your personal training client kinda looked like my mom when she thinks about working out. But you did an awful good job of motivating him!

Good luck in Mango Minster!

Wiggles & Wags,

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I suppose NEXT you will be offering a line of Clothing that will OUTSHINE the famous Wally Marte.
Girrrrl you will SO take the Workin Stiffs category!!! I mean REALLY who in Blogville could compete against all that YOU do.. SO (sew) WELL??
How do you Pack it all in??? Don't you EVER Nap???
Have you thought about sellin Longabarger Baskets??? They are made right near my hill... and you could come fur the big basket pawty that they have each year. Just sayin...

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

WOW Lucy yoo sure nuff do works hard, mee finks yoo should win dis catagory easily ! Can mee makes a request fur yor debut can wee havs a few slow one fur mee n Pip cos wee is nots as young as wee wos butt wee still wants to havs a dance or three
Fank Yoo


Anonymous said...

Good luck Lucy. You're the Donald Trump of donkeys (with better hair!)

Sherry said...

Lucy, you are the busiest donkey I've ever seen! I hopped over here via another blog and hope to see you again.

Anonymous said...

OMD Lucy I don't know how you keep goin! I mean when do you sleep?????

woos, Tessa

Backcountry Brodie said...

Lucy, did you tell that horse "No pain, no grain?" I betcha that would get him movin'. I think you is a shoe-IN fur the Mango Minster. You sell shoes, too? Horseshoes?

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Lucy, you are the most entrpree....entrapreen....bestest business starter upper that we know. You are always workin', girl. We know you are a worthy candidate for Mango's Minster.

XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

All4UrPet said...


It just sounds like you have all kinds of good things going on right now! Forbes, Mango Minster 2012, Lucy's Personal Training and Fitness... honestly, what can't you do! Good luck with all of your endeavors!


All4UrPet Representative

Check out the App store for Android and iPhone to download our mobile application! Simply search All4UrPet.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, Lucy, with a resume like that, you are surely going to outshine all the other working stiffs!!! Lots of luck to you in MM '12.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

3 doxies said...

I was just wondering if you would likes me to sing you a lullaby?


Duke said...

Wow - you are just amazing, Lucy! You are sure one of the hardest working gals we know!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

Work it Lucy work it
Benny & Lily

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Lucy, Lucy, Lucy!! You are my idol. How do you find time to do all you do? We just know ypjur gonna win MM12.


Lorenza said...

I... am.... speechless....
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs

Jed and Abby in MerryLand said...

Goodness, Lucy, at this rate we'll all be working for you soon. You are one hard working donkey! Best of luck in the competition.

Jed & Abby

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh My Gosh Lucy, good to meet you and wowzer what a worker. You are one busy girl. Good luck with the competition. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

My Mind's Eye said...

You forgot one of your best are a very funny girl! Your post had mom rolling on the floor. You know I'm partial to your Avon Rep job!
Hugs from your BFFF,

3 doxies said...

And guess what I was doin' while my butt was squeekin'.
Yep, I was singin' a lullaby!!!!!
Bwhahahaha...I kills myself.

Road Dog Tales said...

What's next, Lucy? Intergalactic domination?! bwahahahaha You go, girl! Good luck in MM!

The Road Dogs

Remington said...

WOWZERS! Are you ever busy!

Wyatt said...

We don't recall ever seeing a donkey that works as hard as you do, Lucy!
Sign my mom up for one of those boot camp classes...she needs to get the lead out!


Smile With Your Tail said...

Oh dear this got us laughing so much, we have just calmed down.
Good luck!

Doxie Rod said...

what a great trainer you are! i really got a kick out of seeing you lead that reluctant horse around. and i am not surprised to see that your kissing booth was such a great success!!

3 doxies said...

Why of course, I had you down to inherit all my blankies and clothes.


Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

MOL & BOL we thinks we need to hire you to be our Mom's personal trainer and she'll probably want some of the Avon stuff, boy are you busy.

houndstooth said...

Oh my! Lucy, I knew you were an entrepreneur, but I had no idea how many things you have your hooves into! I'm afraid to ask what you might have in shades of pink.

Perhaps you should run for President! I think you'd do a lot better than those other rich guys who think they know everything!


2browndawgs said...

LOL you are certainly a busy donkey. Best of luck to you.

Achieve1dream said...

Wow Lucy! You're a hard worker. After much stubborn braying my donkey brother Led Zeppelin has convinced me to vote for you (was going to anyway because you're so awesome), so I'll be watching for your group to air on the blog and I'll get my vote in asap. We're following now too.


lew & friends said...

Well well well, Lucy you do take the cake. What a instep gal and trainer, no matter what , you make everything fit in. I vote for you, just , well cause of all that you do and more, for one you are soooooo bootiful. AHHHHHHHHHHHH

SissySees said...

Gretchen here. I had to click over and admire your pluck! Can you send me - not Mama, let's bypass her - an Avon catalog? I am all about good grooming and looking my best...