Showing posts with label LuckyNo.5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LuckyNo.5. Show all posts

Friday, April 20, 2012

Inspiration From Modern Fine Artists.

Ahhhhhh Inspiration, you can be an elusive bitch sometimes…

The thing with trying to capture inspiration for a new 40k project is that one tends to "stay in the box" when searching for inspiration being that there is a  MASSIVE amount of reference to 40k and other wargames online. Want to make a new chaos army? Just search Chaos armies and get the ball rolling. …But this gets stale so quickly…

GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE BOX. Here's 4 artists that might get the creative juices pumping.

This guy knows Pestilence, Armor and Aliens! Seriously, his site is AMAZING and the best part is, almost every one of his 100+ images on the site is available as a print!

You've seen John Jude Palencar's work if you've ever been in the sci-fi section of a bookstore. You might not know it, but you saw it. When I was younger I loved his style of stark monochromatic lighting and mind bendingly surreal landscapes and characters and he was a heavy inspiration for my Art School years.

This guys work is pretty damn impressive. He uses model kits from various companies mixed with found objects to make dark, 3-D Rococo styled art. However, my biggest grief with his work is… HE DOESN'T SAND THE DAMN SEAM LINES! Ugh, killed me when I saw it in person. 

Wayne Barlowe has been around forever, he's a very talented and well know concept artist. He's designed most of the Lovecraftian style demons for the Hellboy movies as well as some really freaking cool aliens and Hellish vistas so unique that I've yet to see anyone compare.

Well, that's it for now. GO CREATE SOMETHING NEW!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

[LuckyNo.5] Airbrushing Deux Razorwings - A Tutorial

My first article for MWC will be a step-by-step of how I painted my pair of Razorwings featured below. 

More final pics can be found HERE

Saturday, January 7, 2012

[LuckyNo.5] Joining The MWC Crew

Cheers Everyone! LuckyNo.5 here. MWC has graciously invited me to become a guest writer. I have to say I am humbled and honored at the opportunity. I plan to post about one to two articles a month that are informative and mostly tutorial based. A newly found airbrush fascination of mine will most likely be the focus of the first few articles.

About me Personally
I am currently located out of Philadelphia, USA where I live with my beautiful wife and 4 month old baby boy. A Graphic & Web Designer by trade, I've become a dabbler in many art forms including Photography & Illustration.

About me Hobby wise
I've been building models since I was a little kid. I started off with Star Trek and Star Wars Models. In fact I still have a very rarely updated Trek model blog over HERE

I like to think that I'm constantly improving as a painter, scratch builder/converter and have been getting more experimental with sculpting & casting. Eventually I plan to take this to the next level when I go back to Art School for my Masters in Industrial Design where I will learn more about 3-D rendering, prototype development and conceptual planning.

About 10 years ago my roommate at the time introduced me to 40k. It was an instant love for me, a sci-fi geek by nature. Now about $40k later I'm still very much in love with the game system and the models despite all the naysayers and new competition out there.

My 40k blog is over HERE. Some of you may know me for my Dark Eldar obsession. Armies I've started and some I’ve finished: Black Templars, Death Guard, Emperors Children, Dark Eldar and now Necrons.

Editors Note: Dont forget this bad mofo!  And what you are doing with it!

What it comes down to is I love building, painting and converting models and as I learn new tricks I will be sharing them on here. Hopefully my articles will help and/or inspire readers to create their own awesome minis and provide more fuel for this creative fire.