Showing posts with label Heavy Gear Blitz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heavy Gear Blitz. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Heavy Gear, Blitz Terrain Setups

Here are some really nicely done terrain setups for Heavy Gear.  You can read and see more about them on TMP forums.  I really like the railroad yard setup.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dream Pod 9, Aller Heavy Tank

Here are some comparisons of Dream Pod 9's old Metal Vs Resin Northern Aller Heavy Tank. You can see the new Resin tank has much more crisp detail.

Dream Pod 9, Heavy Gear Tanks

Everyone knows Dream Pod 9 makes Heavy Gears, but you may not know they make some pretty cool tanks.  In Heavy Gear Blitz, tanks have lots of armor, lots of firepower and are tough to take out.

Earth/PAK HT-68 Hovertank Tank
North Aller Main Battle Tank
South Visigoth Tank

Friday, September 24, 2010

Dream Pod 9, Leagueless

Here are some boxset pictures of the new Dream Pod 9 Heavy Gear Blitz Leagueless Sandriders.

Heavy Gear Blitz, Barnaby and Sandriders

Dream Pod 9 has just released the Badlands Leagueless Faction for Heavy Gear Blitz.  The releases include the Barnaby and Sandrider Squad Pack and the Sandrider Infantry Platoon.

The Sandrider Infantry Platoon (DP9-9206, 40 Sandrider Infantry, 12 hex bases and platoon datacard, $24.95) and the Barnaby and Sandrider Squad Pack (DP9-9207, 3 Barnaby riding beasts & 3 mounted Sandrider Infantry in Resin, 3 hex bases, $24.95),

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dream Pod 9, CEF Interdiction Frame Squad

I received some Dream Pod 9 Earth Frame Heavy Gears yesterday and got busy putting a few together.  IMO these figures rock.  You could use them for anything from 6mm to 28mm Sci-Fi.  They have a very robotic feel to them and are a must have for 15mm Sci-Fi scenarios.  Of course you could also use them for Heavy Gear Blitz and that is what their primary purpose will be for me.  I will get some comparison pictures up probably tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dream Pod 9 - Heavy Gear Blitz

Here are the Dream Pod 9 Heavy Gear Blitz figures I am going to use for Demos.  The paint jobs will not win any contests, but they are perfect for doing demos and will be able to stand up to use and abuse.   Actually I quite like the paint jobs for what it is worth.  I used a base color and then did a wash with Future Floor Polish (1/2 water, 1/2 future + black for the Southern troopers and brown for Peace River)

Southern Cadre

Peace River Cadre

Friday, September 3, 2010

Dream Pod 9, Gear Up, Magazine Issue 1

Dream Pod 9 has a free fan magazine called Gear Up.  I have previously posted about Gear Up Issue 2, but haven't posted about the initial release of Gear Up Issue 1

This issue focuses on
  • The new Utopia faction from our latest book entitled Terra Nova Gambit
  • The New Heavy Gear 2nd Edition RPG material for Lance Commander Morgan Wilden and Captain Vassilly Gregov that were introduced in Terra Nova Gambit. Terra Nova Odyssey Comic Part 1
  • Some Prime Knight equipment artwork
  • A Field Test section to try out new official optional rules for Heavy Gear Blitz

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Dream Pod 9, The Interpolar War Begins

If you have been wanting to try out Heavy Gear Blitz with a friend, September might be the month for you.  Dream Pod 9 is releasing the The Interpolar War Begins box set (DP9-9200, $100.00).  The box set will be available September 10th.

The set includes
  • Locked & Loaded Rulebook (DP9-9996s, B&W Version)
  • 10 minis (North and South G.P. Squads)
  • Datacards
  • Measuring Tape
It is the perfect set to give new players a chance to check out the rules and play the main factions of Terra Nova.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Dream Pod 9, Heavy Gear Blitz, September Releases

In September, Dream Pod 9 will be releasing the really cool Badlands Leagueless faction.  In the vast Badlands of Terra Nova, people are caught between two superpowers (North and South) bent on dominating the planet.

Barnaby and Sandrider Squad Pack (DP9-9207)
3 Barnaby riding beasts & Sandrider Infantry in Resin, 3 hex bases, $TBA

Sandrider Infantry Platoon (DP9-9206)
40 Infantry, 12 hex bases and datacard, $TBA

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dream Pod 9, Flails

Dream Pod 9 Flails are the perfect figures for 15mm robots or small 28mm bots.  Of course they are also a great unit in Heavy Gear Blitz.  The Flail box set retails for $24.95.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dream Pod 9, Heavy Gear Blitz, Badger

Here is what you get in the Dream Pod 9 Heavy Gear Blitz Badger set.  I saw the Badger at Gen Con and really liked the look of the model. The Badger APC comes with customization parts to upgrade it to either a Cavalry Badger, Rabid Badger or Medevac Badger plus datacard.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dream Pod 9, Gear Up Magazine, Issue 2

If you haven't had a chance to read Gear Up "The Official Dream Pod 9 Magazine" it is well worth a read. As an added bonus it is free from Drive Thru RPG.  Inside you will find some great articles on Heavy Gears RPG, Blitz Drop Bear Dive, plus new and upcoming releases.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dream Pod 9 - Klemm & Hun light tanks

This past May Dream Pod 9 released two new light tanks to the Heavy Gear Blitz lineup called the Klemm Light Tank (Northern) & Hun Light Tank (Southern).  Both tanks are resin and come in a two tank box set for ($41.95). 

The Klemm Light tank kit will allow you to customization parts to make several common variants (Bandit Hunter Klemm, Tyburr, Jaxon or Stormhammer).

 The Hun Light tank kit will allow you to customization parts to make (Hittite, Ballista or Recon Hun).

Dream Pod 9 - Heavy Gear Blitz - Quickstart Rules

We ran a game of Dream Pod 9's Heavy Gear Blitz last night and a few people wanted to know where to find the Heavy Gear Blitz Quickstart Rules.  DP9 also has produced a nice Quick Reference Sheet for easy reference.  They also have a Quick Reference for Army Building.  We didn't exactly do everything correctly during our game, but found the mechanics really fun and quite interesting.

There are a lot of modifiers that effect your chances to hit including unit rating, weapon modifiers, range modifiers, speed modifiers, defending unit rating and defending player speed modifiers.  It sounds like a lot, but once you get the hang of it, the game flows nicely.  If you do score a hit then you apply your weapon damage times the amount you beat your opponent by.  If the damage amount is over your targets armor rating, you start applying hits.  Depending on how much the damage is, more hits can be applied.  Most vehicles and Gears can withstand 3-4 hits before being destroyed.  The more hits a vehicle or gear has on it, the less effective it is in battle and the easier it is to take out.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dream Pod 9 - Heavy Gear Arena

Here a are new Duelist gladiator miniatures coming out for Dream Pod 9's Heavy Gear Arena.  These should be available in a few months.

Heavy Gear Duelist