Showing posts with label vietnam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vietnam. Show all posts

Sunday, January 10, 2016

An urgent visit to Lexington's Yu Yu Asian Market:

My first trip inside a store since returning home — in a vain effort to hold onto Vietnam memories. Clockwise: green tea (looking for the right style, definitely not some epicurean variety, is my guess), instant weasel coffee (instant coffee -- who knew? The weasel part — you don't want to know), Dragonfruit. 

Monday, January 04, 2016

#Ukulele shopping on "guitar street," Saigon #vietnam #holyshit #santa #koa #vietkoa #soprano kinda tough to find but I'll persevere

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I am reinvented. #closeshave #burmashave

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@singerinsaigon classing the place up by magnitudes

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we had to. I'll take the blame. #kfc

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So — Does one say: "Welcome to Saigon," or "Welcome to HCMC?" #wemadeit #howdysaigon #Vietnam #motorbiking #hooray

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Pleeeeeease #mephisto boots: you've seen a lot of action with me. I need you to hang together just a little bit more .... #Vietnam

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My eyes well up with tears as we approach #hochiminhcity aka #saigon because while I do miss and love my home and family, I just cannot begin to describe how #Vietnam has enriched my soul. So, as a distraction while I pretend something's in my eye, here's some #geometry for @eamesdemetrios

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