Nothing to say because for this week i just concentrate on finishing packing the letters for the graduated students of KPTM KL. I really enjoyed doing that job because for the 1 week we didn't get any task at all. I also give a chances to visit the PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Centre) and on duty as 'urusetia' for graduation day. It was the best experience when i see all students graduated. So far i really enjoy doing that the first task given even it totally not related with our course.
Nothing to say because for this week i just concentrate on finishing packing the letters for the graduated students of KPTM KL. I really enjoyed doing that job because for the 1 week we didn't get any task at all. I also give a chances to visit the PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Centre) and on duty as 'urusetia' for graduation day. It was the best experience when i see all students graduated. So far i really enjoy doing that the first task given even it totally not related with our course.
wahhh. besnye dpt xperience mcm ni
hehehehe... ok gakla... warming up dulu kn...;p sblm wat keje yg lg thrill...=.="
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